
Mantites are a mix of Mistal, Vacite and Valite's with common features such Pale or at least paler skin, Tend to have blue eyes and Darker sets of hair with some exceptions like the Schnee's who have distinctive white hair with traces of lilac in their hair or the Marigold's with Tan Vacite skin and yellow eyes. Mantites tend to be more cold resistant too. Mantite Faunus also tend ot be more arctic themed in what sort of animals they have the features of.   Mantites are one of the most diverse Ethnicities due to the mixed nature of their heritage, thus making Mantle's turn to tyranny before the Great War that much more tragic but Make Whitecliffe's ideology of diversity make sense after the Great War.
Some of the most Common Traits of a Mantite is Pale skin, Black hair and Blue eyes. Ironwood is the perfect example of this and why so many Mantites regardless of their genetic ancestry have icy blue eyes.


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