Ruby Rose

Warning! Spoilers Contained within! Read with Discretion!

Vale Huntress, Atlas Huntress, Red Hood, Chain Breaker, Bane of the SDC (a.k.a. Rube, Rubster, Little Red, Red Bud, Lil Sis, Commander Ruby)


Ruby grew up in Patch where her Two Mothers and one Father settled towards the end of their respective careers in Team STRQ but she grew up without her mothers. Raven disappeared and Summer went M.I.A during an Ill-advised and dangerous Operation. Growing up with her father, she was the favoured child but loved her Sister yang unconditionally anyway and showed an early aversion to conflict with her.   When Yang went searching for Raven as a 10-year-old and took Ruby with her, Qrow was forced to step in and save them from Grimm. From that day forwards Ruby gained a deep connection with Qrow whom she called Uncle and Yang followed soon after. Despite difficulties with Yang and Taiyang, Ruby adored them both and their dog. When she reached the age of 10 herself, she entered the signal academy and had a terrible performance.   From Low grades to constant bullying by other girls, she finally got a helping hand at the age of 12 when Qrow taught her how to fight and kept doing so until she reached 15 and began growing an independence streak and steadily less shy and less meek. Replacing it with stubbornness in certain areas, assertiveness, confidence and becoming confrontational. Starting with Roman Torchwick she directly intervenes with a robbery and confronts the Hunter-level combatant and then also attacked at the time obscured Cinder and manages to get an early enrollment into the school.   The changes only continued as Ruby quickly asserted herself as a leader even if by accident and became the leader of the Faunus Equality and Rights Club, becoming directly involved in many events during her first year of schooling. During Volumes 2 and 3 she becomes even more confident and takes up instruments such as the Guitar and performs on Saturday nights, all changes that shocked and scared Yang who became unable to recognize this increasingly confident and expressive Ruby.   Even after setbacks, getting captured and the loss of Pyrrha Nikos seemed unable to stop the now 16-year-old Ruby from becoming the Hero she swore to become after Volume 3 she sets out with the remainders of Team JNPR and thus forming Team RNJR, embarking on a quest to Mistral to save it from a similar fate and hopefully save the world. At some point, she managed to leave Vale with the rest of RNJR and got stuck in the Mistal Valley named Sayuna valley for two years in the lead-up to Volume 4.  


Ruby at the start is shy and meek but steadily changes as a person, this is because she swore to be like her mom, Summer and become a Great Huntress. This ambition leads her to leave her shell steadily and become the confident Young Woman eventually seen in Volume 4. Ruby also steadily becomes less lawful with time, becoming comfortable with breaking any and all rules to do the right thing.   Speaking up when she's not permitted and deifying unfair instructions or orders. Believing that with the help of her friends she can make the right choices without shackling herself to a rule system she increasingly sees as unjust and illegal. Even going so far as to question Ozpin and his worldview early, her own naïve perception of the world is lost and replaced with a brutally realistic view of one.   Growing up quickly with the dream of making the harsh world a gentler and kinder place, showcasing her strong sense of Moral righteousness and natural leadership instincts. Ruby shows the ability to think outside of the box and frame, making things normally impossible, possible through her unconventional solutions.   Despite being a Human girl, Ruby shows an open mind to those less privileged than her and quickly empathizes with them, even people who don't realize they're shackled. When meeting with Penny, she quickly caught on that something was not right, refusing to hide when asked she demanded that the Atlas Soldiers let Penny walk free and as she wished, even though Penny tries to insist it was okay.   Even though she came to understand there is no malice behind Penny's treatment, she still insists that penny is a person and is old enough to make her own decision and shows awareness and accepts it when that exact same point is used against her. During the events of Volume 3, she demands that Hunters deploy to defend Vale explaining that Beacon is secondary because everyone there can fight whereas people in Vale cannot.   Focusing on the common good rather than the Greater Good, Opting to be a part of the small set of teams sent to back up Beacon, and single handily deploys onto an Atlas airship to confront Roman and Neo, When he dies she expresses outrage killing the Grimm that killed him. This is because Ruby develops the mindset that anyone can change after witnessing that change in Cardin Winchester and wanted Roman and Neo to switch sides and help her stop the Grimm.   The Sparks of a more revolutionary mindset are revealed during Cinder's speech rather than getting scared she agrees with quite a few points but disagrees that you can't trust anyone, instead believing that the trust has been violated and it's up to people like her to restore it by not just mending relations but making real change.  

Sexuality and Love Interests

Being 15 at the time of Volume 1-3 and 16 at the end of it, Ruby doesn't possess a large number of Interests in that sort of way. However, she displays a Greater closeness to Jaune but is not limited to him, expressing much higher levels of admiration and adoration of Pyrrha. When Weiss explains her refusal of Jaune Ruby gets confused and asks why she and Pyrrha can't just both Date Jaune, causing Weiss to laugh a little but Ruby wasn't kidding.   Ruby also empathizes with Blake a lot, taking large portions out of her day just to listen to her and loves reading books with her any chance she gets.   Despite being exposed to more mature themes, Ruby seems to be of the mind that personality should be the big draw for attraction and absent mindedly brings up how cool she thinks Weiss is, not quite clueing into the implications of that. Ruby expresses almost instant acceptance when exposed to LGBTQ+ relationships and gets confused when others don't call them boring and squares.   it's likely in the future when she's grown up more, Ruby might develop to be more polymerous and possibly Demisexual.  

Personal Politics

While pretty naïve and childlike at first, Ruby develops a community-first belief system and comes to disapprove of Authority that doesn't value the common good. Whether that authority is a Headmaster or a General, doesn't matter to her. Actions speak louder than what you are, you could be a soldier and if you protect people, she'll see you as a good person if not flawed. Soon coming to believe everyone including herself is flawed only adds to her sympathy for Villains.   She acknowledges the inevitability of killing someone in her line of work but wishes to exhaust every possible route before it gets to that and thus far has managed to only wound armed combatants. Even after losing Pyrrha she displays consistency in her rage and stays her further, only wounding Cinder.   Thanks to the SDC and her continued negative interactions with them, she develops a potent Anti Corporate edge much stronger than her sister's and comes to view class separation as a bad thing, displaying early proto-socialist beliefs instead of the Centrist ones in the Main Timeline version of her possesses.   She obviously becomes a huge egalitarian, wishing to even the playing field for Androids and Faunus alike.  

Fighting Style & Equipment

  As shown here, Ruby prefers fast high impact attacks followed by measured and effective withdraws, this is because she does best with precision damage unless using explosive attacks. You can't sword fight with a scythe for example. Ruby early on is a bit reckless with where she is shooting and what calibre she's shooting but eventually learns how to respect her gun and use it safely since she was 15 after all.   Unlike the main timeline, Ruby spent time working out, so she could better balance her weapon, allowing her to do powerful kicks, punches and whatnot. Ruby also learns how to integrate her team's styles into her own even with people she doesn't normally fight alongside. Learning the ins and outs of Velvet's style for instance allowing her to cover Velvet when she needed to so Velvet could use her own attacks.   By Volume 3 she begins customizing Crescent Rose to include Thorn, a sword stored inside for when the enemy closes in to close allowing her to fight still, burrowing techniques from Pyrrha and Weiss respectively to build her own style making Thorn and Crescent Rose the perfect combination.


Ruby travels light, using mostly ballistic and Dust weave clothes with little armour outside of pads. Her Primary weapon is Crescent Rose which is an EM (electromagnetic, aka Rail Gun) assisted 10 Gauge Shotgun Sniper Rifle. The Shells are 10 Gauge Thumpers with Dust Customizations, normally fire or ice. The Weapon is made out of Titanium Alloys and Polymer, main parts of the weapon that is flat-out metal are the blade with the rest just appearing as metal to ensure that the weapon isn't needlessly heavy.   Crescent Rose is a Speciality Weapon meaning it transforms into and from a gun. It's Scythe Mode has two modes, Swiper and Needle, Swiper is the default Scythe blade whereas Needle is where the Scythe Blade points its blade forwards like a traditional War scythe and is used for Stabbing attacks. Finally, there is Thorn, which is a short Needle Blade that Ruby can use at short range and defend herself from enemies who get too close.
By Volume 4, Ruby gained a Red and black Schemed Cobalt 19 Handgun, it serves as her main sidearm which she uses when 10 gauge Rail Shells just aren't justified or if she's run out of buckshot shells. The Cobalt 19 is chambered in 9mm Thumpers, possessing 30 Rounds. She normally uses Arc Rounds to stun targets she shoots, preferring to avoid murdering people if she can help it but it is hard when you're such a lethal fighter.

Semblance: Rose Scatter (Petal Burst)

She possesses Scatter which is a speed-type semblance and allows her to not only speed her travel up but multiply the force of her strikes, using variants such as Scatter Strike, Scatter Spin, and Scatter Blink. It has some effects such as Rose petals that fall and her Cape extending out which can be used to obscure her movement and slap people's faces and disorientate them.  
She can also carry people with it, creating a unique effect where the person's Aura flows along with hers. Even more uniquely when doing this move with Weiss, Weiss' aura produces White Petals.
Appearance in Volumes 1-3, Sticking mainly to a Black and Red Theme. It was quite the distinct look and helped her stand out in a crowd of colourful designs but also stay hidden in the shadows.
Left-Leaning Centrist (Vol 1)
Left Wing Revolutionary (Vol 2 and Onwards)
Team RWBY - Reinstated Post Vol 5
Team RNJR - Dual Membership
Licence Status
Vale Licence - Received on 79 AGW, Reducted 81 AGW
Atlas Licence - Received 81 AGW
Confirmed Kills
7889 - Grimm
Chaotic Good
15 (V1) 18 (V4 - V7)
She / Her
Black with Red Highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
78 KG
Aligned Organization
Appearance from V4 - V6, Outfit Includes colours from her old team, Black, Blue and Gold to represent Blake, Weiss and Yang who she is now separated. White makes an appearance which symbolizes her Mother Summer  
Appearance in V7 and Onwards, the Colour scheme persists but now has white lights in her equipment that she can switch off. Including a stealth unit on the belt, she can activate to grey herself out and fade into the shadows using Stealth dust.  
Ruby got along with everybody, most pretty much nearly adopted her because to them she was the most precious thing since sliced bread. However when combat started, Ruby switched into serious mode and when she was, no one would like to question her because she had a way of proving them wrong. Ruby was fiercely protective but also highly affectionate. She was especially protective of Blake, immediately getting upset and aggressive when someone derides Blake for being a Faunus.  
Ruby grew an instant liking to Pyrrha, she could see that Pyrrha was lonely and to Ruby, this was just completely unjustifiable. Though she never truly dated Pyrrha, her like of her was barely disguised and only unknown to her. Pyrrha understood of course, and likely would have confronted it once Ruby grew up some more and reached the age of 18. Ruby, later on, would recognise this but at the time saw it as Pyrrha needing love outside of her team.   Ruby pretty much easily slid into a leadership role of people outside of her team and would work to help people outside of her teams. Pyrrha also just made her feel insanely comfortable in a situation that was deeply uncomfortable. Ruby never quite adjusted to the whole school situation but people like Pyrrha helped her a lot.
After an unfair arrest in Argus, Ruby lost her licence which damaged her credibility as a Huntress, Yet despite the SDC's Best Efforts. Ironwood forcefully removed Ruby and her friends from the court system and reinstated all of them as Atlas Specialist personnel. Ruby was named as 3rd Lieutenant, a Rank below Winter Schnee in order to command the Red Rangers Task force in their mission against Salem.


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