The Republic of Whitecliffe

The Atlassian Republic



Long ago, before the Great War Started, Mantle's Kingdom banished Mantle's dissidents to an isolated coastline. The Frozen waste was inhospitable, and Grimm From the sea could invade easily. There were giant caverns that stretched for miles upon miles, making it easy for subterranean Grimm to attack, the air currents were favourable for Air Grimm and it was warmer meaning far less protection against the Grimm from the temperatures.   Geography was a death sentence, yet Whitecliffe did not perish. Rather than giving up the Fledgling city built a vast futuristic city. With grand ambitions of the world's mightiest Democracy. Inspired by the Ancient Kingdom of Long lost Astora, the people of Whitecliffe forged their own fate. After the War Whitecliffe joined sides with Atlas and created the world's 2nd Democracy in Atlas.   However while Atlas became an Imperial Power, Whitecliffe struggled for its whole history to develop itself, overcoming many great challenges and making great strides against Corporate Corruption, Systemic Racism and Class Warfare as well as a myriad of other problems. Making them one of the most developed nations in Remnant and a few steps ahead of Remnant though still struggling with Militarism and aggression against the Sister City. It is destined to fight Atlas because it envisions a world of Democracy, Freedom, Equality and Multi-polarity, A Vision that stands in contrast with Atlas.   Taking up old designs from Atlas and remaking them anew, forming the world's most effective military and modern and new War doctrines and strategies. It puts its vast tech to work to build the world's newest CCTS Tower to reconnect it, in hopes of spreading a message of Peace and Freedom to all. They've introduced new constitutional reforms in preparation for creating the world's first Anti Empire, an International Union of mutual interest and peace.   Knowing full well that in order to bring peace and Unity to the world, it will need force and strength, both of which Whitecliffe has ample amounts of. Atlas wholly aware of Whitecliffe's ideological plans for expansion has militarized its borders and prepared for a great war against its own city. The main problem with Whitecliffe is that they're alone, most Kingdoms do not agree with their perspective and for much of History. Whitecliffe is the Atlassian Blacksheep but as the Grimm rise, their warnings of a Grimm Apocalypse.  


The Republic is a Representative Democracy that has spent many Decades maturing and advancing itself into many institutions and organizations. It is vast and it is often a Joke that if something exists, there is a Government department about it. Still despite the over-bloated nature of the Government--it has the sophistication to run a highly complex system that interacts with the world's Nations and exerts its incredible soft power, to forward the causes of Freedom, Equality and Justice.   Its budget is quite large but also within it is a labyrinth of systems and Institutions designed to keep Whitecliffe as Democratic and physically possible. In its own constitution is an entire vast section about Countermeasures against Oppression. All of this is done through intentional strife and debacle as this Democracy did everything it could to mature and develop as fast as it could within the century.   Now fully developed, the Government is a well-oiled machine that very rarely needs maintenance and is currently working on a long list of plans for when the expansion of the state occurs and various provisions and plans to rapidly develop and integrate new territory in the envisioned Grand Republic. Transparency is also a massive thing as almost nothing happens in the dark, outside of wartime conditions.   Even in wartime conditions, most government processes are in the open, which makes them weak in spying. It is also the world's most efficient government thanks to the incredible amount of scrutiny and the vast wealth of tools and systems available to punish wrongdoers. Accountability is everything even when it is inconvenient to do so.   The only problem is that sometimes the Government is tied down to solve so many problems, it can take time for any solutions to manifest. Many foreign critics have said that the Whitecliffe Government lacks consistent response times and consistency in various issues. Always being a hodgepodge of different interests and trying to balance them all.  


Despite the extremely sophisticated and developed system, there is in fact an order to the madness. The government is split up into 4 branches of government that all split the power up and reduce the likelihood of corruption and wrongdoing severely reduced. These Four government Branches are...   Executive Branch
The Head of State runs this branch and is fairly involved with the military. The Prime Minister has a lot of soft power and pressure they can apply to see their preferred legislation put through. They also have the option for executive orders however these are not gospel and there are various ways to deify them or challenge them in court.   Judicial Branch
The Legal Branch of the Government can handle a wide array of laws and has many legal institutions and courts that handle a wide array of legal affairs. The Supreme Court is also responsible for deciding constitutional matters but is also accountable to the people's court. The Judicial branch is just as capable of judging itself as it is the other branches of government but it is not the be-all-end-all.   Legislative Branch
This branch handles a wide array of international and Domestic affairs, including Diplomacy, Taxes, Budgets, management, Borders and much much more. They are the ones who write up and put forwards policy. They are extremely accountable and have the power to impeach the Prime Minister. They are accountable to the courts and the people. Often pressured to keep doing their job and are rarely ineffectual these days after hundreds of revisions and fine-tuning.   People's Branch
The evolved role of the Common citizen, citizens if they want to can affect legislative and Judicial affairs as well as mount their own impeachments against the Prime Minister. While entirely optional, it turns every citizen of the Republic into a potential political asset and gives the people the ultimate say about what their government does for them as their representatives.  


Parties have been banned for 30 years, rather than joining a party. Every candidate for any position all have the exact same amount of campaign money and essentially runs their own campaigns. Meaning every candidate who wins has to be competent at inspiring the people to vote for them and must run on their own merits rather than being able to depend on Party assistance.   This also means Party line politics is impossible and it is much harder for media corporations to be influenced by external forces. The closest thing to a party is the Associations which are in-government minor factions all working together to get an agenda. However, money transfers are impossible and these associations carry with them little obligations.   Meaning a Politician don't have to obey them to keep their position, meaning that politicians advocate for things more organic and natural for their constituents. Advocacy groups can obviously put forth their favoured candidates but it's nowhere near the capabilities of a political party.  


Whitecliffe's ideologies in the universe are identified as Democratic-Humanism which is a form of Super evolved Liberal Democracy, with various traits of democratic socialism. Using capitalism as a Tool to drive growth rather than acquire wealth which is an afterthought. They are obsessed with the Common Good, insisting that their answer to Evil and lesser evil is an all-around No. Though they are far from perfect and have many of their own failings, they believe the attempt to be better is much more favourable than the acceptance of what's wrong. They have a very big red scare mentality about Companies and Atlas' mega company system, seeing corporatism as a literal actual poison that must be wiped off the face of the planet.   They are super aware of Power Dynamics and believe that only a Globalist Democratic world order is capable of uniting the world and making any sort of difference for everyday people. It has a lot of references to Ideal American ideas and some Marxist ones with some flaws such as hyper-militarism and refusal to compromise with Atlas.   Their biggest issue comes in intolerance towards other forms of Government, with Vale, Mistral and even Vacuo figureheads making various declarations about the 'cultish' dedication to a single idea threatening to censor and erase all divergent forms of government, while this is largely fear-mongering, Whitecliffe does have a history of banning ideologies the Government doesn't like. It also has a history of Assassinations of Foreign leaders in Foreign Groups the Government has decided as dangerous leaving many wondering who gave them the authority to do that.  


The Whitecliffe Military has many allegories to a future version of the US military, they have an extreme emphasis on flexible command Structures, extreme mobility and hyper-focus on Strategic warfare. They are designed so that a small detachment can keep a large number of Grimm at bay and if really fortunate, destroy them entirely.   Generally speaking, a Republic soldier can kill up to 20 Low-tier grim, 5 Mid-tier and if really fortunate 1 high-tier Grimm before perishing, meaning that their military has a really great K:D Ratio with Grimm. Their primary problem is their ability to handle sudden backstabs, Whitecliffe a lot of the time has to place trust in their allies as they can't always solidly hold all of their borders as they move around a lot according to the needs of a battle.   Even if their Command Structure is taken out or the Command is lost, the officers in charge of the troops and assets are trained to be extremely capable of independent command. While this can create conflict and Difficulty, it proved exceptionally handy after the fall of the Beacon CCTS tower which crippled global communication for months.   In that time Whitecliffe was able to expand outwards and secure various neighbouring cities against the Grimm while Atlas mostly stayed stagnated without orders. These cities were Frostport, Eagle bay, Hillstead and Frostpoint. Despite only just taking these cities they were able to establish functional supply routes and entrench deeply enough to rebuke major Grimm Counter attacks despite far fewer numbers.   They are also one of the few militaries other than hunters Academies to openly employ and train Faunus in an official manner with totally racially integrated battalions. Making excellent use of Faunus capabilities and making them even deadlier. They also employ the Hawk Strider MBT tank made out of Satellite, this large but lightweight tank is now the primary Main battle Tank of Whitecliffe after Atlas abandoned treads for Walkers.   Updating the designs, Whitecliffe uses a lot of post-war Atlas technology but re-designed it in their own way to help kill Grimm and challenge the might of the Atlas Military. They also make use of massive Helicarriers that let them carry multiple craft at a time and work as mobile artillery platforms. Also having their own CCTS capabilities, lets them maintain communication in the event of another CCTS Tower falling.  


The Republic military has the 2nd highest Military budget in the world, it pays for the development of its forces and for its Growth which has turned it into the 2nd largest military in the world. After defending Frostport and the other settlements, the Republic grew giving the military a huge bonus in budget. As a result, they are able to pay for some of the most sophisticated Logistics systems in the world.   Including having a sizable surplus they can use for whatever special situation pops up and can be used to support civilian populations without the Risk of cutting into military operations.  


Whitecliffe is very focused on fast-moving strategic warfare, only using entrenchments and mass deployment in defence situations. Offensively Whitecliffe likes to move around their enemy and not keep any assets in one place for too long. Because of this, they are much harder to pinpoint and build a defence against, a huge issue for static militaries like Atlas.   They also like to use Aircraft a lot and call them in for frequent airstrikes. They are unable to secure a lot of the Artificial Intelligence technologies of the Atlas Military so these craft are almost always manned. There is a heavy emphasis on War crimes as the military will try to limit the number of accidents, mistakes and outright killings as much as possible.   However sometimes a risky bombing strike is required, in these cases, Whitecliffe has spent decades developing the finest precision weaponry in the world. Able to fire from extraordinary distances, a Missile can direct itself very much on target and is capable of dampening its own explosive effect just it be very tight quarters. They also have some of the best Special forces, namely the Shadow Ops.   An elite organization that has various companies meant for different tasks, this allows the Republic to engage in counter operations against more subversive foes and tip the balance in their favour before a battle ever even begins. They also keep up a fairly large seaborne navy whose primary purpose is to take out Sea Grimm but also act as a force equalizer to Atlas's seaborne Navy.  


Basic training can take up anywhere from 7-18 weeks and soldiers will be trained to perform tasks, how eat properly, and how to survive. How to fight and operate in unfavourable conditions. How to para drops, what to d in gas or chemical attacks. How to basically fulfil vital roles during emergencies such as the artillery crew. What to do when there is a lack of supplies. heavy disciplining and lots of drilling for all forms of combat.   Upon leaving basic training a soldier can Elevate to two different levels of training, Advanced or Elite Training.   Advanced Training
This takes the form of Drilling and on-field training courses while on Field, there is a financial incentive to train in these as earning high grades can give a payment bonus to encourage higher than usual performance. In essence, Whitecliffe Soldier never stops trying to improve themselves, always fine-tuning their performance for optimal combat performance.   This is extremely vital for a military operating under this doctrine as every single soldier is an important cog in the machine that guarantees mission success.   Elite Training
Should a soldier prove highly capable in the field, they can be put on the candidate list for joining the Shadow Ops, this can last anywhere from 5 months to a Year of continuous and arduous training with good breaks in between to keep recruits from collapsing in the middle of the course. In this form of training, they learn far more and learn how to operate more sophisticated equipment.   Over the course of the entire training regimen, they enhance the physical capabilities of their soldiers which can include cybernetic enhancements and body modifications to optimize the soldier for their designated company. In the last few weeks of training, they ready the recruits for their harshest test yet. They'll be dumped into the frozen waste with few supplies.   They are then told to navigate their way to safety and survive the harsh winters of the continent, after a really long preparation phase, most recruits by this time are highly capable and end up passing the tests. Even after graduating, most special forces continue drilling, practising and further enhancing themselves to keep up their edge.  


The Military doesn't just liberally recruit Faunus but actually makes a good effort to recruit from all walks of life and works to boost the positive attributes that stem from those lifestyles and reduce the negative. They do not care if you have a tail and set of ears, they don't care if you were once a man and now is a woman. They don't care who you bed with or how frequently you do it.   They don't judge by those distinctions because in the Republic, they are all Family and you don't abandon family. That's not to say there aren't problems. Racism, sexism, and general prejudice can still exist within this institution but it most of the time carries very little institutional power, as these things have been on the decline for decades.  

Combat Ready

Unlike the other Kingdoms, Whitecliffe has never known peace, being under siege from Domestic and external forces its entire history. Undergoing multiple Coup d'états, civil wars, and endless and devastating Grimm attacks. Crippling disasters, crippling civil strife Corporate wars and endless aggression and provocation by atlas.   Its military is the single most experienced fighting force in history.  

Snowfall Academy

Unlike the other Hunters academies, Snowfall was set up independently of the Vale Model and has been something of a black sheep amongst Hunters for a while as Snowfall doesn't just train small squads of hunters but also creates entire companies of them with their own command structures, logistics systems, vehicles and otherwise.   Snowfall Hunters are well-trained and extremely combat-ready with a very clean and efficient system. Despite its closeness with Atlas, the military actually doesn't have a role in it at all. Instead, Snowfall is its own Military with its own budget and its own supply lines. They have been extremely effective and helping the military defend Whitecliffe and adjacent cities from the Grimm.   After the fall of Beacon, Snowfall sent a sizable portion of its own forces to Vale for free without being asked to help defend Vale and has been working with Vale to steadily reclaim Beacon bit by bit. This has made them immensely popular but they have their problems, for instance at times a small minority of Hunters go rogue and unlike the other academies this can lead to the creation of very powerful criminal and Mercenary groups.   While attempts to minimalize this exist, it still happens time from to time and it can be really damaging for everyday people.  


  Whitecliffe ordinarily would have basically no resources, if it wasn't for the fact that the massive dangerous cave system they're built over didn't have the world's richest Ore veins. Though extremely dangerous, Whitecliffe mining corporations dig deep and collect some of the best ores that enable the world to produce goods. They also have a vast Media empire that uses its sophisticated tech in combination with Mistral's vast and deep artistic culture to create some of the world's best entertainment goods.   They also get tons of tourism for being the world's safest city and an emergent global power with an interesting and exotic culture with features that simply don't exist. Even generating insane amounts of money from its 'Little Mistrals' and 'Little Vacuos'. Allow people to enjoy the cultures without the great risk that comes from those countries, though instead of entirely profiting from it, Whitecliffe gives 25-30% of the earnings to host countries though recently Vacuo's collapse made donations to it impossible.   Another unique feature is the highly developed Welfare and universal healthcare systems that have taken a century to build and fine-tune. Getting a lot of medical tourism, even going so far as to open its own hospitals entirely designed specifically for that demographic of tourists.  

Wealth Gap

One key issue is that the wealth gap is still a problem, it's not as bad as it was just a few decades ago but there can still be a few problems when it comes to income. Faunus still have payment issue but it is severely muted compared to the other nations. For every Lien a human earns, a Faunus gets 89 Lien Minor. While certainly a problem, the effects of the wealth gap are more of a background problem thanks to another feature of Whitecliffe's Economy.  

Shared Wealth

Everyone pays their share in taxes, including the rich who all help pay for Welfare, Healthcare, infrastructure and public services. What this means is that the average citizen has far more recreational money which enables them to spend more on recreation and luxury goods. In fact, companies are aware of this and attempt to increase shared wealth so that way they gain more profits in sales as the average citizen has more to spend.  

Post-Scarcity Capitalism

Economists in Whitecliffe have long adopted the idea of Evolving Capital. The idea is to continually generate increasing amounts of Capital until it becomes abundant enough that new forms of Capital is made. The idea was to de-commoditize basic needs and then hyper-commoditize luxury goods. As a citizen who can live a minimalist life and never be in threat of bankruptcy but also you could pay for a long list of luxury goods and live more like a king.   To control pricing, the majority of production means has been utterly nationalized meaning the Government makes fat stacks of money by selling goods to Companies so they can produce goods. Republic laws also curb labour exploitation by making every company selling goods in the Republic accountable for their means of production.   This can totally either trust bust the company into non-existence, rob them of all their assets or completely nationalize them. This means companies have greater incentivization to optimize budgets within the system instead of outside of it. This system is not maintained by trusting in companies however because if they were allowed, they would probably utterly destroy this system in the pursuit of absolute profits.   Instead, it is maintained by an impossibly long list of institutions, Special Interests, People and organizations that force the system away from its worst excesses, muting its negative effects as much as they can.  

Independent Dust Production

Something extremely unique to Whitecliffe's economy is its own Dust extraction and production. Able to supply its own military and economy with its own dust without the Influence of the SDC, which is something no other economy has been able to do. The main Dust company is the Whitebloom Dust & Energy Company or WDEC, which is a nationalized Dust company that sells its goods at a decent price and has a good record of business practices thanks to rigorous regulation.   In the wake of Atlas' dust Embargo, Whitecliffe has undermined Atlas and the SDC, steadily growing the list of companies and factions they sell Dust to, resulting in the SDC losing some of its strangleholds. However, many countries like Mistral or Vale, use the states to limit the amount of WDEC dust reaching consumers to protect their own capital.   So Non profits within the Republic smuggles surplus dust into other countries, and supply certain movements to benefit Whitecliffe and draw foreign nations closer to the Republic.  

Robust Investment Institutions

Another part of Whitecliffe's economy that grows its power and influence against Atlas is its mutual benefit investments in other nations, whereas Atlas fails to manage kingdom expansions such as Mt. Glenn. Whitecliffe successfully protected and invested in Crescent city in the same Kingdom even with questionable geography.   While these investments do hugely benefit the Republic but they often benefit the people in the nations they invest in. Since the Fall on Beacon, these investments have become more potent and growing Whitecliffe's prevalence over Atlas who often tires to undercut them instead of working with fellow countrymen in the interests of protecting its imperial power.  

Sophisticated News Networks

Over the years Whitecliffe has been steadily snatching influence away from Atlas Media corps and modernizing new Networks. Increasing the flow of information and advancing opportunities for combatting disinformation. There has been severe resistance against this but it's not always been successful. Such as the Vale News Network and the Mistral News Network, both state news corporations.   Despite their work, misinformation and propaganda are still everywhere and many still listen to them. Still, the Whitecliffe media empire is still growing.  

Worlds most Efficient Producers

Whitecliffe very much plans its economy, building assets based on needs rather than some 5-year plan. If Whitecliffe expects slumps in its rubber production, it'll take very swift steps to fix that problem. having access to some of the world's best 3D printing, it is able to make vast amounts of complicated parts in a very short time. The National Industry Union is behind it all, working a nationalized production company, they make everyone's parts and tech so they can buy it and sell it on the market for an affordable price.   State Protected Worker Unions keep businesses accountable and give the people actually working the job the power to make decisions. This means that Corporate Politics rarely get in the way of production, work is always being done on supply chains and Whitecliffe is always prepared and stocked up in the event of a siege, a war or major shortages.   Sometimes work hours can be trash and Unions need to always fight for their rights as any slack could lead to problems and exploitation in the name of keeping up demand. What makes this so impressive is that the Republic has barely a third of the factories that Atlas does yet they have far fewer logistical issues and need far fewer factories to more, only building more to diversify the supply chain and fortify against disaster, also to protect assets and investments.  


A century of rapid and effective development has transitioned Whitecliffe from a tiny settlement into a massive megapolis, one of the largest cities in the world. Their Robust infrastructure and well-developed systems not only accommodate a favourable birthrate but also stabilize that birthrate at a manageable net positive. However because of the sheer size of this comparatively young nation.   Crime is a major problem that requires a lot of police and economic forces to try to reduce it. Most of this impoverishment comes from past failures of the system that is still systematically crippling large segments of the population even though those practices have all but stopped. Another issue can be the supply of certain goods, mostly due to the position of the city and the Grimm occasionally cutting into supply chains.   All and all, Citizens of the Republic live Freer, happier and more fulfilling lives on average compared to the rest of the world, given Whitecliffe's size it's frankly an economic and institutional miracle and a great feat that so many still live so well. Something surely impossible with a less advanced and democratic system.   Faunus also have a sizable minority here but not as many as one would expect. This is mostly due to conditions around the world that complicate travel to this Utopian State. Faunus still face difficulties here but many admit they are far better than outside of the Republic and a good portion of it stems from the social aspect and declining systematic inequalities that are relics of a bygone era in Whitecliffe.   The population of the entire Republic is 445.80 Million which is several million larger than the US which is at 329.5 Million (2020). This vast population is also very employed with an unemployment rate of about 2.8% which rose to 3.5% due to increased immigration after the Fall of Beacon. The majority of these refugees have trouble finding work mostly because they're refugees and most companies want established workers.   To fix this non-profits are opening more employment opportunities to get people working again before the problem gets too out of hand.  


The Republic is situated on the other half of Solitas which is famous for its vast snow-swept Plainlands and vast Taiga forests further towards the coasts with lost of large mountains and ancient and forgotten castles, and ruins. When Whitecliffe was first made they were put on a singular barren cliffe with only the icy waters below but it was thanks to previously unknown underground groves of edible fungus and forests that enabled the first settlers to actually build something. Another feature of the Republic's geography is the high Grimm infestation. Large reserves of Crimson ichor run throughout the underground and occasionally Grimm pop up through these ways, meaning the Republic has to build most of their stuff on sloped terrain and in areas where they could wall off easily.    Farming was hard and was reserved mostly for the warmer Hillstead and Noric Areas where Grimm used to more heavily inhabit. The Exact reason for the warming of this area confounds most scientists but legend has it that the Ancient Shrine in Noric is responsible, with old legend speaking of a Spring Maiden blessing the shrine to save starving villagers from annihilation. Whatever the reason, the Republic gets most of its food from there because Winter time lasts nearly all year in other areas of Solitas.  
As you can see here, the vast majority of Settlements are located along the coasts which are often rocky and icy cliffs.

By the people, For the People!

Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Republic, Whitecliffe, The Nation of Dreams, Ambitious Dreamers
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
GDP: 98.3 Billion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Despite the attempts to distinguish themselves, most people outside the Republic really do think that Whitecliffe is Atlassian. This is because of the similar dialect, Technology and aesthetics between the Two Factions. The only difference is that Whitecliffe Politics is radicalising in the other direction from Atlas.
The Leading government contractor for Whitecliffe is Lynx-Builds Industries which makes and purchases all the parts to make the High-speed rails that Whitecliffe likes to build. These High-speed trains are in relative advancement to Atlassian Models.
Whitecliffe is one of the most urbanised nations in the world, much like with Atlas and it's cities, a lot of Whitecliffe Cities are very well developed. Millions of people live within this republic doing normal every day things, contributing to a greater whole. However some more country minded people say that Whitecliffe is too loud and smelly for their tastes.

Investment & Tension

Whitecliffe pours lots of Lien into development and aid into Vacuo even if it has a muted effect due to circumstances in Vacuo. Vacuo however doesn't trust Whitecliffe due to their Counter Terrorist interventions and ideological approach to Geopolitics.   Many slavers in Vacuo are also infuriated over Whitecliffe's hard line stance against Slavery.

Distant Allies

Vale has been friendly to Whitecliffe but has kept them at an Arm's length, despite billions of Lien in investment and the creation of new Vale Port. Vale continues to view Whitecliffe with deep suspicion and distrust thanks to the Faunus Liberation War.

Allies of Desperation

Mistral has few friends, even though Whitecliffe isn't happy with Mistrals' segregation policies and open embracing of the SDC. Whitecliffe continues to offer aid and support to the struggling Kingdom, providing humanitarian support to the impoverished and helping with security.   Their Counter Terrorist Operations is met with mixed reactions however.

Cold Civil War

These two are preparing to duel each other across the Globe, both with contradicting ideals in their minds about what the world should be.


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