Sienna Khan

High Leader (a.k.a. Queen of Broken Chains)

Sienna is a well-meaning woman, she was the Daughter of Raenera Khan who fought in the Faunus Liberation War and then later died due to suspicious circumstances which Sienna blames the SDC For. Sienna grew up in Vacuo for much of her life until she found the White Fang and befriended Ilia, Blake and Adam who were all like-minded in that something had to be done. Sienna partook in many raids against the SDC in her early career, becoming known as the Queen of Broken Chains.   Many Moderate members formed under her as a Left Wing Coalition within the White Fang and she was picked as Leader when Ghira left the Leadership role. Sienna was a loving and kind person who wanted Human Supremacists to fear her. That said she wasn't cruel to humans on the basis of their race, she was kind and implored them to open their eyes. It was she who coined the phrase "Not Animal, Just Faunus" that is wildly used by practically every Faunus rights advocate outside of the White Fang since.   Along with being an Equal Rights Advocate and Freedom Fighter, she was deeply Anti Colonialist and led the White Fang to fight against Warlords and the SDC in Vacuo. For a time this was a benevolent mission. However, towards 79 AGW, The Left Wing Coalition was bleeding a lot of numbers because many believed that the White Fang was losing sight of its end goals due to an increased potency of Far Right Race politics suffocating the Faction.   Despite the Wise council by practically everyone, Sienna believed she could still save the White Fang, and kept her Left Wing Centrist Government in control for a few years but after the Fall of Beacon. The White Fang completely departed from Sienna with her own advisors lying to her about the truth about the White Fang. Every major faction within the Rebellion eventually turned to Adam.   Sadly, by 81 AGW, as the Battle for haven Academy was drawing close, her entire cabinet betrayed her and even her Royal Guards let Adam kill her in the Ruby Palace Throne Room.  


Sienna's presence in the Books is small to say the least, however before all the Volumes. Sienna led a full life of adventure, drama, Battle and heroism. She saved countless people in her life and always worked to forward the lot of her people. Many of the Successor groups were started by people she helped, saved or simply knew. A lot of her quotes and speeches are still used by advocacy groups to this day and when she died.   She became a martyr for Humans and Faunus alike, her face was the face of the Black Fang. Ghira Belladonna credits her a lot and holds many speeches often on the anniversary of her death for all that she did for Faunus and Humans. Many Countries and systems trying out Democracy is because of her, every elected Leader is a legacy of her more than the White Fang itself. This is because of her mother, Raenera who advocated for similar things.   She taught the Faunus how to stand up for themselves, and even though the White Fang decided that standing up for themselves is inferior to standing above everyone else. Every militia and Activist group learned a lot from her. Whitecliffe went on to write down her history, and begin teaching lessons about her life to young minds in schools. Universities built statues of her and her writings became reading material in their Libraries.   Vacuo Communities grieved the Death of Sienna and cursed Adam for taking the one good thing Vacuo still had left, the one last person who cared about them. Inspiring a mass revolution where thousands of people took up arms against the White Fang and eventually joined the Black Fang.   In regards to her enemies, She left the Schnee Dust Company a Million times more vulnerable, paranoid and hated than when she first struck it earlier in her life. Much of the SDC's decline worldwide is attributed to her. Much Domestic Unrest in Atlas is attributed to her words. She was not only an Equal Rights Advocate but an Advocate for Trans Rights, Free Education, De-colonisation, Democratization and much more.   Her Early Advocacy is part of what made the medical procedures a reality that would go on to transition May Marrigold in the Happy Huntresses. In a lot of ways, Sienna was an unseen influence in the entire cast's lives. The Railroad that snuck Cinder Fall out of Atlas? That was Sienna's influence. Blake's eventual disillusion with the White Fang was due to Sienna's ideology conflicting with Adam's. Yang's knowledge of most social topics was caused by Sienna's protests, the modern form of protesting was even invented by her.   Signal Academy, the new where Ruby learned before Beacon, was only so good because if Sienna's indirect influence boosted the School's funding and popularity due to her Education Advocacy. Sienna never knew it, but she was one of the greatest Thorns in Salem's Side and her mission to divide Humanity.
Left-Leaning Centrist
Lawful Good
Current Status
Deceased (Post Vol 4)
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Place of Death
Ruby Palace
Black Flowing hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
76 KG
Aligned Organization
Sienna was one of Adam's closest Friends from the early days, she was one of the big reasons that Blake and Him even got together. She fought alongside his side many times and saved his life many times. Part of the reason she never killed him or demoted him or anything was that she definitely cared deeply for him. In years prior she called him Little brother, even though they had no family in common.   Adam also called her little sister and depended greatly upon each other. He knew all of her secrets and knew how she felt about a lot of things. Sienna was stubborn, her insistence she could save the White Fang is directly linked to her insistence that she can save Adam. In the end, Adam grew to love power more then he loved Sienna and she died by his blade, betrayed by everyone.   A Great Hero died that day.


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