Zefaris the Glory Seeker of Undeath - Headmistress Phone

Headmistress of Thorn'Adan Phone

Real Name is Zefaris the Glory Seeker of Undeath The fall of Ryo Nexus and the rise of Kardun. The tales of the Arcanium war that forcfully removed Ryo Nexus from the academy of thorn'adan and the sealing of his tower.   Zefaris was a interesting tiefling she was born in Thorn'Adan she has very little experience of the outside world. She made it her goal to learn as much about magic as she could. However she never could grasp the arcane formulations. That didn't stop her tanasity and charm to learn more from those traveling to Academy of Thorn'Adan. One day she saw a strange event going on in one of the caves on the Isle of Thorn'Adan. Here she saw various necromatic rituals occuring and these where led by Ryo "Kardun" Nexus. She approached him and ask if she could learn about this style of magic. With him being from the fey knows the concept of a pact. He was already entering his lich persona of Kardun so he made a pact with her and he became her patron. This allowed him to keep an eye on the inner workings of the Academy of Thorn'Adan while he was at his wizard tower. Zefaris learned some aspects at the Academy of Thorn'Adan could be considered imoral and unethical when reading some books in the library. It was here where she met some other students she became quick friends with Grandmistress Allie Fizzpebble and Ascelin Veabrid. She confided into these two as they where studing under their respective Grandmasters and she knew if it was sever enough she they would inform their mentors. They did. However Night Slinger Namue Isardum the Eldritch found out and tried to warn Ryo "Kardun" Nexus and Kardun didn't head his warning as he thought it was a ploy for Namue to distract him from becoming an archlich. Well what happened was a full on Academy battle. This became known as the Arcanium War/Battle. Here a few wizards lost their life at the hands of Kardun and some other Night Slingers. In a bit of revenge of the betrayal Ryo "Kardun" Nexus severed his ties to Zefaris and Night Slinger Namue Isardum the Eldritch came in and cause a perminate form of amensia causing her to forget her name. She adopted the name Phone(Burmese "glory"), this similar to her virtue name she used when under Kardun's influence.   In the years since the Arcanium War/Battle. Phone became the headmistress and came highly recomended by Grandmistress Allie Fizzpebble and Ascelin Veabrid because of how well she took loosing her eldritch powers. Even though she was tempted numberous times by ploys to leave the Isle of Thorn'Adan to reconnect with Ryo "Kardun" Nexus. She never left the isle. She became a great focus for those that suddenly loose their Arcane/Divine/Eldrich powers. Becoming a social counciler as well as Headmistress for the Academy of Thorn'Adan. This was going great while the Academy of Thorn'Adan was open. Once the Academy of Thorn'Adan started closing after the destruction of Kardun's phlactery and what was his perminate death. It also lead to the fall of the Silver Shadow Clan an evil organization started by him. The way he was trying to control magic was to dismantle all the work the Cobalt Master did with the Wells of Eternity. Now the only visiters to the Academy of Thorn'Adan are lost adventurers or grung from the Knowing Moon. She still doesn't feel safe leaving the isle as who know what is out their. Her confidence with herself has come to a point of desperation. When some adventures came threw the academy with a nice lady named Londa The Eldritch Whisperer she started to feel the conections to that missing eldritch powers she once had. She never got rid of any of her old gear she always used it for demonstrations. She also loved to use them for props for haunts call events whenever some exchange students from Malgos University. Because has been studying and teaching students of how to deal with the loss of eldritch magic she remembers what she used to be able to do as well. Since feeling a bit of the resurgence come back to her she has signed up with the enchantorium with londa and learned the plan to make a new phylactery for Ryo "Kardun" Nexus well at least thats the plan.
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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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