
Eldland, or the Elderland for which it gets its name was a land blessed and chosen by the Old Gods to be a seat of power in the elder ages. A prime and beautiful land of singing hills, green plains, and carniferous forests, Eldland is a wonderful place to visit or live. Other key features include the giant mushroom forest of Pazon, and the massive lake Thornborough.  

Government in Eldland

  Eldland is a traditional monarchy. Her majesty Katherine of the House of Swan, the Lady of Glass, the Lady Foretold is the current queen of Eldland as of campaign year 4495-3A. She is as kind as her mother and grandmother were before her, but a woman unexcited by the prospects of ruling from a chair. She dreams of adventure and for this reason has ruffled many of the feathers of the nobility.   The queen sits as the absolute judge, though she invests power in Lords and Ladies who own land throughout the country to handle matters of their territories under the Queen's law.  

Economics in Eldland

  Eldland has the world's strongest economy. Much of this has to do with Eldland controlling the territory of Mt. Surzell for as long as they did and netting much gold before the mt was lost to Ravenhiem. Additionally the royals of Eldland have always had a policy of investing back into their people and the towns and territories have flourished for it. There are programs run by the crown to help folks who are down on their luck and there is a royal job placement program in place for those who are unable to find meaningful work but are looking to earn coin.   Eldland also has the fourth lowest tax rate for its citizens.  

Religion in Eldland

  Eldland previously was a haven for those who worshipped the old gods but changes in culture and in mortal observation of the divine lead to a spiritual revolution toward the end of the 1st age of mortality and the religious practices began to lean more toward the new gods, whom the crown exclusively worships. However, as of late, Eldland has begun to lean toward the freedom of religeon revolution that came out of Gyledaria in the aftermath of the Last Great Darkness.  

Life of the Nobility

Life for nobility is posh, lavish and luxurious often spent in grand manors or the palace in Swanmeadow. The palace itself features marble floors, and gemstone encrusted filigree across most of its achitectual base. In a traditional sense, nobles live a rich life far away from the ears of the peasantry.  

Life of the Peasantry

Life for the peasants is toil and work. While it is good that programs are available to aid in finding work, and keeping the economy thriving, the lines of socioeconomics are profound and quite distant.  

Facts & Lore

  Abderron, the villainous wizard, was born to a Queen of Eldland named Verity in an elder age. He is therefore technically a citizen of Eldland above any other nation.   Pazon, the giant mushroom forest, is a growth that stems from the Feywild. Some say a gateway to the Feywild exists within the forest's bounds.   While they do not own it anymore, Eldland used to own Mt Surzell and harvested nearly 80% of the gold from it before its ownership shifted to Ravenhiem. Mt. Surzell was a volcano that spewed molten gold.  

Major Towns and Cities:

  • Port Stormgrave
  • Everton
  • Roseglen
  • Port Pazonview
  • Moss Point
  • Arrowcrest
  • Port Shimmerguard
  • Dewgate Port
  • Riverguard
  • Oakenmore
  • Rapidale
  • Timberwatch
  • Maple Hallow
  • Eastlight
  • Madwater
  • Riverwick
  • Port Lastrock
  • Highmount
  • Port Thornborough
  • Port Crabsquire
  • Port Basinbell


The Queen rules over all. This is an absolute monarchy. The nobles are expected, within their territories, to carry out the Queen's lawas and the Quen's justice to the letter of the law.

Demography and Population

  • 75% Human
  • 25% Other
  Humans are the majority who live in Eldland though many other folks have moved to Eldland and live fruitful lives here, over the ages.

With Grace in All Things

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The God's Meadow
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The following are how coins are referred to in Eldland:  
  • Platinum - Swans
  • Gold - Suns
  • Silver - Stones
  • Copper - Honks
Major Exports
Eldland exports most manufactured goods included beer & wine, clothes, armor, and weapons.
Major Imports
Eldland's Chief Import is opal. The royals are obsessed with opal. Otherwise not much is imported from other countries. The size of Eldland and its industry have served it to be much of an export power.
Official State Religion


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