
The pirate nation of Nolvala is an infamously lawless place, where all manner of criminal is welcomed in port. No names are taken when you dock your ship. There is no census. It is a place where one could go to vanish. There is only two creeds the pirates of Nolvala follow. If you fly the colors of the nation, you pay a portion of your earnings back to the Pirate King. The ships at sea act as the navy for the pirate nation.   The second is similar but oppositional on its face value: physical things (property) aren't spiritually tied to anyone and ownership is an ethereal concept. Therefore the pirates life style is more of a harvesting one. Money will come and go, coin will come and go. Don't get attached, there will always be more!  

Government in Nolvala

  Nolvala is at best an anarchy. While there is a pirate queen, she comes in to play more when the pirates go to war or are invaded as a figure head who can coordinate attacks and responses. She also makes sure that the ship yards and ports remain funded and open to all of the pirates who sail under the Nolvallan flag.   There are no formal laws. Not one. As such there is no judiciary system.  

Economics in Nolvala

  The economics in Nolvala are chaos. With all of the piracy, stealing, lying, cheating, lack of taxation, etc, no one knows how much or how little gold the country has. Further they export nothing, unless it is stolen from them and they take in just as much as they can, but with it being undocumented there is no formal understanding of the health of the Nolvalan economy.  

Religion in Nolvala

  Individuals may be religious but there is no state religion in Nolvala. There are shrines to the Old Gods available but that reflects when they were errected in elder days.  

Life in Nolvala

  Life in Nolvala is a lesson in taking care of ones self. No one is going to take care of you, or do it for you, but no one is going to stop you from living the life you want to live. Even if they do, you are free within the bounds of the law, or lack of the law to deal with that person how you'd like.   For that reason many grow up to be tough, and the country galvinizes you that you may survive.  

Facts and Lore

  Dartanian Black, a half giant pirate king years back, is the longest lived pirate king at 570 years.   Queen Calderra is the grandchild of Ignite, a beloved Pirate King. Calderra reveresed many of the rulings Ignite put into place, undoing the first of the pirate laws the country had ever seen. She currently bears the Terrari Clavem (World Key) to the Plane of Water allowing her ship, Miasma's Grasp, to move the fastest at sea and be unstoppable. She rules through fear more than she does through love in contrast to her father.   The treasury is said to hold more money than the Black Dragon King Klykiarzix vaults below Rainiavar does. In actuallity the vaults are empty. Queen Calderra doesn't trust to leave her wealth to be stolen and uses magic to keep it on her person at all times.  

Major Towns and Cities

  • Port Adrogo
  • Casilen
  • Tormas
  • Cabotes
  • Pendor
  • Salledo
  • Port Bluerock
  • Port Dumon
  • Port Serato
  • Delsupa
  • Tigua
  Port Emria


There isn't much by way of organization in Nolvala. It is largely unregulated. There is a pirate Queen, and her duty isn't to law and order but to ensure that ships can sail. To this end she makes sure the ship yards of the great ports such as Port De'Talian, the capital, are maintained and that pirates have a place to come and make call.

Demography and Population

It is impossible to know the demography of the population as there has never been a trustworthy sucessful census performed in Nolvala.


Nolvala adheres to little religion if any but there are still old shrines to the old gods throughout the country. It is a loose connection to the religion at best.

Foreign Relations

Nolvala is almost universally despised for its role in piracy in international waters. Most view Nolvala as a nuissance.

By De'Tallian's Call we Sail Free and Plunder All!

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Pirate Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
In Nolvala coin is taken from other places as such there is no Nolvalan standard of currency. Well read pirates may use titles of coins from the appropriate country but more often it is referred to as Platinum, Gold, Silver and Copper as the standard.
Major Exports
Nolvala doesn't willingly export a thing.
Major Imports
Nolvala imports everything through piracy.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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