
What began as an arcology-sized shopping complex has swollen to become a whole area of Rutherford devoted to entertainment and leisure activities, encompassing streets of gaming parlors and sensie booths, hologolf ranges, and specialist markets. Harmonia, which now covers several square blocks, is a beautiful riot of color and noise. Most of the subdistrict is walkable, as a spiderweb of elevated slidewalks link the dozen or so buildings at multiple levels. From above, the buildings appear enmeshed in gossamer thread.

Even the undercity beneath Harmonia has become an extension of the complex, albeit home to less wholesome diversions. Still, compared to Mercado Baja and similar locations, Harmonia’s undercity is fairly tame. To avoid being hassled by the NAPD (or the private security teams maintained by some of the larger entertainment conglomerates), most of the criminal organizations keep things under control. Even the pickpockets and chip-rippers have strict instructions as to how many tourists they can rob and what areas they’re barred from visiting.

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