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February 3229

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Preceptor Institute

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions

This article is focused on Mithorous, the planet with the oldest and largest library.
Preceptor Institute Crest by Rin Garnett
Preceptor Institute

Training the future guardians of history.

Active (2286-present)
Lead by
Alexandra Bonwar
Total Students

The Preceptor Institute is the only school that trains people to manage the Archive - the largest repository of historical information in the sector. It's meant to be a prestigious position worth the years of schooling, but the application pool has dwindled amid growing technophobia.
  With Preceptors already overworked, it may be up to the students to bring new life to the Institute.

Past, Present, and Future

Created during the first wave of human expansion, the Preceptor Institute is a wing of the Preceptor Archive, the largest known repository of history dating back to ancient Earth. Though many such Archives existed before The Scream, the Talos Sector only has the one on Mithorous, founded in 2286. Collection, preservation, and maintenance falls to the specially-trained Preceptors, whose unique skillset is taught only at the Institute.   However, the number of applicants to the Institute has been on a gradual decline for the last few decades. At current rates, there aren't enough new graduates to replace retiring Preceptors. Entire wings of the Archive have been closed to prevent overworking the reduced staff. Either the Institute finds ways to renew interest, or the Archive's days are numbered.   Institute students who still enroll do so because they're passionate about the Archive's mission. With few exceptions, they understand the value of history to the future progress of humanity. Their enthusiasm might be the key to saving the Archive in years to come.  



Maintaining the amount of data the Archive does, both physical and digital, required heavy investment in advanced technology.   The Institute teaches aspiring Preceptors how to operate this tech and work with specialized virtual intelligences as part of day-to-day operations. Many opt for cybernetics that let them interface with Archive systems without the need of a compad.   Historically, this has been part of the appeal and prestige of becoming a Preceptor, but that has changed.


Recent events have increased fear of VIs and other advanced technology. We've seen it used for mind control and mass destruction, and now know that a spy program is embedded within the VIs that help run society.   That the Archive was a target in the 3208 Legion Incursion adds to worries that the Archive's technology isn't as benign as it seems.   The more advanced the technology, the more people fear it's tied to something terrible.

Institute Academics

Attention Aspirants:   Due to staff constraints, several courses have been removed from the roster. Your schedules should already reflect these changes. Please contact the registrar's office for any issues or questions.   Thank you,
Dolores Weekes
Senior Manager,
Preceptor Institute Registrar
— Institute-wide notice

Becoming an Aspirant

The Institute application process selects for those who have both the aptitude and passion to become a student, and later, a Preceptor. Only about 10% of the couple thousand annual applications are accepted. Of those, nearly all choose to enroll, getting the title of Aspirant. They start in February, the beginning of the spring semester.  


Developing Aspirations

By their second year, Aspirants are expected to select a specialty. Most study for several years before they submit their final thesis. They're assessed by a panel of five Preceptors, and if approved, they graduate at the end of the fall semester, usually in November.
Electronic Resources
  • Manage databases and data security
  • Work with VIs to automate collection intake and archival
  • Develop electronic systems and processes
  • Develop organization for physical and electronic data
  • Acquire data and materials to further develop collections
  • Travel for further research, study, and acquisition
Research & Education
  • Teach Aspirants within the Preceptor Institute
  • Aid patrons and other Preceptors in research
  • Develop curriculum for use across the sector
  • Study laws about data storage, use, and dissemination
  • Develop policies for the Archive to function ethically and legally
  • Ensure compliance with galactic and planetary laws
  • Develop community programs for locals and visitors
  • Coordinate knowledge sharing with other libraries and archives
  • Improve Archive accessibility to all patrons and Preceptors

People of the Institute


Head of the School

Head Preceptor Shea Bonwar by Rin Garnett (via The Sims 4)
Prior to her unexpected promotion to Head Preceptor of Education, Alexandra "Shea" Bonwar wasn't considered particularly remarkable. Some believe she was chosen because she's half the age of her predecessors, the last three of which died unexpectedly only a few years after accepting the position. Should she also meet an imminent end, it will be clear something more sinister is afoot than simply old age.   Due to her lack of reputation, many aren't yet certain of her ability to run the school through this time of difficulty. Shea, however, has only shown courage and determination.  
The reasons for promoting me stopped mattering once I accepted the role. Stars willing, I'll have this position for many years to come, and I'll to fulfill it to the best of my ability.
— Shea's response to the rumors


Most courses are taught by Preceptors of Education, though others across the Archive will teach a course, hold a lecture, or take an apprentice every so often. At the end of the school year, those who taught classes get together to read recent anonymous reviews on popular professor rating sites. They keep their favorites in a private scrapbook.  
Preceptor Jora Eberrence

Sweet and kind lady who loves her work, but her classes are soooooo outdated they should be reclassified as history lessons.
Preceptor Cam Tegia

I've never seen anyone get so excited about classification systems.
Preceptor Naji El-Amin

Fight him. No, really. If you debate him, and do well, he'll go easier on grading you. If you don't do well though? RIP.
Preceptor Yijun Cai

She'll pull all-nighters to answer last-minute questions during exams. It's appreciated, but the woman needs to assert some boundaries.
Preceptor Vieno Takala

Do NOT text while in their class. Turn your compad OFF. Better yet, DON'T even bring it. They will THROW it into the OCEAN.
Preceptor Roland Bickers

Watch for his wedding ring. If he's not wearing it, it's going to be a bad day for everyone.

Human Staff

Most support staff is shared with the Archive, but admissions, advisors, medical staff, and the registrar are unique to the Institute. Dedicated IT staff is also needed to tend to classroom equipment, student accounts, and academic software.  

Virtual Staff

Precella by Rin Garnett (via The Sims 4)
With news of the spy program embedded in Integrell-made VIs, the Institute has begun the process of retiring, reformatting, or replacing the ones that help run the school. The full process will take several years, and human staff has to pick up extra work in the meantime.   Precella will be the most difficult to replace. The holographic VI is available from nodes across campus and has in-depth knowledge of everything Institute. She can provide directions, answer questions, even make appointments or check schedules. Though she doesn't have feelings, and is more of an "it" than a "she", many have become attached to her.  
Good afternoon, Jules!   You mentioned you like playing board games. There's a group meeting at the community center tomorrow night to play such games. Would you like me to add it to your calendar?   You've been studying very hard lately, a break would be good for both your health and productivity.
— Precella checks in
People are planning to get cybernetics together when they graduate. Like getting a group tattoo, they say, but it helps them do their jobs better. Which... yeah I guess? But as much as I love the Archive, I don't want it connected to my brain.   What if something goes wrong? Or something is already wrong? If the Archive infects my compad, I can get a new one. We only get the one brain.
— Aspirant's letter home

Mischief Makers

Aspirants range from nearly 30 to over 60 years of age, but despite their relative maturity, they're not above the occasional prank. Sometimes it's laser tag in the stacks or exam-time flash mobs, other times it's something simpler like hidden noisemakers or confetti-filled bookmarks. Most Preceptors encourage harmless acts of stress relief, but they try to direct that energy away from anything that might affect Archive patrons.  

True Aspirations

From the over-achievers to the class clowns, and the introverts to the people-people, every class is an eclectic mix of interstellar cultures, all with the same goal: to become Preceptors of the Archive. At least, that's what the admissions process aims for.   There are exceptions to this, whether they fool admissions or have a change of heart. Some fall victim to conspiracy theories, or think they're going to uncover some wrongdoing. Only rarely does the Institute resort to expelling someone. Most either leave on their own, or in the best cases, come around to value the Archive for what it is.   Some may even realize that they and their fellow Aspirants may be what decides if the Archive survives the next decade.
Without the Institute,
there are no Preceptors.
Without Preceptors,
there is no Archive.
Without the Archive,
there is no history.
Without history,
there is no future.
— Plaque in the Institute Atrium


Preceptor Archive & Institute founded on Mithorous
The Scream causes significant damage to Archive and kills many Preceptors
Recreation of the Spike Drive causes surge in Institute applicants
Archive taken over by and reclaimed from the Emerald Legion
Applicants dwindle amid growing fears of technological abuse


Uniforms vary per the weather, the work, and individual preference, but always include:
  • A purple collared undershirt.
  • A red vest with silver buttons.
  • A silver tie.
  • Red slacks or skirt, with two options each on length.
  • A silver pin for Aspirants,
  • Or a gold pin and cloak for Preceptors.
Preceptor Institute - Student Badge by Rin Garnett
Preceptor Institute - Preceptor Badge by Rin Garnett


Aspirants are encouraged to join at least one club to learn new skills, relax, and socialize. The most popular groups are book clubs, but some others include:  
Sparkle Studio
A programming group that creates a new playable game every year, named after its founder's pet dog.
A knitting group that "knit-bombs" portions of the campus for various holidays.
The Any Sport League
A recreational small-team sporting group. They play what weather and space allows.
Inner Peace
A non-denominational group for finding peace through meditation, prayer, or movement.

Did you know?

Aspirants make and run their own clubs. They need signatures of at least ten others who are interested in joining and a faculty sponsor. Every semester thereafter, they only need to confirm the group is still active to keep it on rosters.

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor
Character flag image: Preceptor Institute Crest by Rin Garnett


Author's Notes

There's a tiny bit of secret content here for those who completed my WorldEmber '23 scavenger hunt.

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Sep 26, 2024 22:18 by Owen Davies

Love the way that the article is laid out. Love that you have an outline at the top and then the section of people is well divided.

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Nonvyrox A fantasy setting scarred by a divine war.   Checkout what I've written for Summer Camp 2024
Sep 27, 2024 00:28 by Rin Garnett

Thank you! Glad you like the formatting :)

Sep 27, 2024 13:29 by Michael Chandra

Look, at some point students need to learn not to use their compads. Throwing them in the ocean is a fair way to teach them that lesson.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Do you live in or near the United Netherlands? Are you a Shadowrunner, or other kind of criminal? Do you have teenage offspring that needs the ability to turn to crime themself? Say no more, our School of Hard Knocks is ready for you. From crafting molotov cocktails to learning how to pick a lock, we have all the classes your child needs to become a criminal in their own right. Corpslaves not to apply.
Sep 27, 2024 13:55 by Rin Garnett

Preceptor Takala agrees! Now if you're caught texting by way of cybernetic implant........... hope you can swim ;)

Sep 28, 2024 15:48 by Annie Stein

i knew i was in for an article that would haunt me as soon as i read the plaque. this is amazing, like, both on its own and in the ways it builds on what we already know about VIs. of course it would have consequences for an organization this reliant on them.   know that i cannot wait for whatever you have in store for us next, i am hooked

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Sep 28, 2024 23:07 by Rin Garnett

I'm so excited to continue writing about VIs. So much juicy drama...

Sep 28, 2024 16:00 by Alan Byers

As usual the formatting is divine and the content itself is full of rich worldbuilding. One thing I especially like is the RateYourProf section, very flavourful and got a chuckle out of me!

Sep 28, 2024 23:08 by Rin Garnett

That was my favorite part to write! Glad you enjoyed reading :D

Oct 2, 2024 21:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The professor reviews are my favourite. Into the OCEAN.   It's a shame they seem to be so selective on applicants when they are so understaffed. Maybe they need to relax their requirements a little.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Oct 4, 2024 13:51 by Rin Garnett

Relaxing requirements often leads to more work down the line. Larger classes, higher dropout rates, and students without requisite prior knowledge all add work to limited Preceptors. They could relax graduation requirements, but that could lead to more mistakes and more people needing on-the-job training.   Past Head Preceptors decided an empty position is better than a poorly-filled one, but perhaps Shea will be more willing to take risks and fast-track promising individuals.