Stormsreach sits on the western most point of the island of Clachthiene.
A small outpost type town initially, it has become somewhat of a destination for arcane study and adventure tourism with it's unique location in relation to the world storm
The population of Stormsreach is varied and reflective of its parent state of Oiche Bha.
Humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings are all common place, whilst races such as half-elves, half-orcs, orc, firbolg and gobliniods are less common and generally fill in the more working class groups of society.
Stormsreach falls under the goverment of the Principality of Oiche Bha, a constitutional Magocracy where the king is a figure head to a Council of Mages.
This being the case the Island of Clachthiene has limited representation within the council.
As for the town of Stormsreach itself there is a town council as within all settlements within the principality which is put in place by the Council of Night within Oiche Bha on a ten year rotation to ensure the smooth running of the settlement. This depending on size, value of the settlement can vary drastically. In the case of Stormsreach the town council is; Major, Treasurer, Sergeant.
Founding Date
378 PWS
Location under
Owning Organization