Kaiu in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Kaiu (Kai-yoo)

Being the terrestrial older "relative" of Klambek, Kaiu is home to the race of The Kaians, a Half-Humanoid species with a salamander-like lower half.   Kaiu's size, gravity, and ability to harbor life are the only things it shares with Klambek. Kaiu's terrain in general is rocky with some spots of hill-like and mountainous terrain speckled around the planet.   Being slightly more water than land, life on Kaiu is split semi-evenly between land-specific and aquatic, save for Kaians, which are classified as amphibians. Land-based plant life stays relatively close to bodies of water to sustain itself since water cannot travel far with chilly temperatures and only moderate winds. This leaves blotches of land without vegetation and hence leads to Kaiu having small patches of desert in the larger land areas.   Kaiu's four moons, while causing intense waves, serve as no issue to the life there. The Kaians have even named their moons. The largest and closest to the planet was named Xisa, the moon behind Xisa (known for causing a monthly lunar eclipse) was named Selta, the third moon with an orbit incredibly slow compared to other moons was named Iso, and the furthest away and by far the fastest was named Ikobu.   Planet Kaiu's distinctive colors are red, tan, and purple. Each color corresponds with an aspect of the planet. Red deserts, tan plan life, and surreal purple water.

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