Klambek in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Klambek (Clam-beck)

Klambek is one of the two planets in the The Comodria System  to be known to inhabit life in it despite being a gas planet. It is also one of the only planets that inhabit such life to have never developed plant life to sustain its organisms, meaning the inhabitants of Klambek are all carnivorous. These Kamblekian Lifeforms are often treated with hesitance and are often a huge downside to living on Klambek.   Klambek itself is a gas planet that is mainly composed of water vapor, oxygen, and helium, which is what gives the lifeforms there their high-pitched voices. There are also traces of carbon dioxide on the planet, likely due to the oxygen exchange of life there. Some visitors also speculate that the planet's distinct Tan coloration is caused by some sort of chemical reaction involving carbon dioxide.   The entire planet barely has any light, and is almost entirely dark thanks to both its insanely dense clouds and the fact that red dwarves aren't exactly the brightest of stars. To counteract this, settlements on Klambek have light and sensor systems to help direct citizens to where they need to go. Native lifeforms themselves are highly sensitive in every other sense they have to help them "see" where they're going and locate their prey.   As for its moons, there is not much to note about them as all four are typically rocky and relatively small. There is some debate if moons of their size could even be classified as such. While they are typically moon-shaped, they are all roughly the size of large asteroids.

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