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Rugiv (Roo-give)

CW: The following content contains an implication or mention of Self Harm. Reader discretion is advised if you as a reader wish to proceed despite feeling uncomfortable with the topic. Stay Safe!   Rugiv is the name of one of the Celestial Beings that have made its presence known to some of the mortals of the universe. Rugiv is considered the "good god" by those that believe it is real.   Rugiv, according to its worshipers, is the "good" half of mortal morality. It is a righteous being with at most very few flaws. Rugiv embodies all that is (or should be) good in the universe and heavily encourages free thought, kindness, peace, and pacifism. Worshippers of Rugiv listen to its encouragements by living nomadic lives and carry very "live-and-let-be" attitudes. They accept other people and treat them well regardless of who they are. (For this reason, a lot of Rugiv's worshippers are Artificial Anomanites, usually for their own safety and the appeal of not being treated differently for your origins.)   Rugiv and its followers, however, have one exception to their vows of peace and acceptance. Rugiv also encourages the spread of justice to help bring peace. Because of this, Rugiv's followers have created set criteria for "evil deeds". If any of these criteria are met, the person can no longer be allowed to exist if Rugiv cannot forgive them.   The criteria are as follows:
  • The Slaughtering of Multiple People
  • Corruption in Places of High Power
  • Discriminatory Behaviors, Thoughts, and Words
  • Abusive Interactions
  • Any Form of Manipulation
  • Being in Any Kind of Political Party
  • Having Nationalist Beliefs
While those who fit these criteria are not doomed to be killed at the hands of Rugiv's worshippers, there is a high risk. Whether or not Rugiv forgives a person of an Evil Deed is based on whether or not a senior worshipper can go through with harming the person and feel guilt. If the senior worshipper does not feel guilty for harming the person, that person is killed and cremated. The ashes are then dissolved into water which is then used to make fuel for space-traveling vehicles. If the senior worshipper does feel guilty, the other worshippers induce amnesia in the person and leave the senior worshipper alone to enact justice upon themself (doing the same damage to themself that they did to the forgiven person) and isolate themself until the guilt wears off.   While Rugiv seemingly has no physical form, many of its worshippers believe that Rugiv can use inanimate matter to speak to mortals and helps guide them through indirect means and tampering with their instincts.   Rugiv is also credited for being the "parent" of a type of cosmic deity known as Starborne, however, a lot of worshippers of other celestial beings often question their existence, given there has been little to no clear evidence they exist. Rugiv's worshippers believe Rugiv created Starborne because of how rare they are. This not only rejects the idea Mhiri would make Starborne (Because of it did, Starborne would be everywhere and mortality would lose its meaning), but means that Starborne are "Chosen Ones" of Rugiv to help combat the evil and madness Mhiri's worshippers bring.

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