2. Proper Introductions Are In Order

General Summary

The Council Will Decide Your Fate

The group is led into the council room for the first time: a circular room where four groups of individuals sit. Each section with its own throne where an individual sits on each, except for one current empty one.

Council Appearance:
On the immediate right, Severance, representative of the Devils. Donned in a moderately decorative half-plate with finer silk-like clothes beneath, he sits on his throne in a relaxed state. An imp can be seen sitting on the top corner of his throne watching from higher up.
Following the circle counterclockwise sits Kheal'zog, the Lich who oversees the Undead. He sits alone in his section, dressed in dark black robes. His head and arms skeletal in nature, but he exudes an aura much darker than any regular undead. A large staff rests in his hand, a large crystal wrapped by the wood of the staff sits at the top, glowing faintly.
Continuing around, the family of Drarcoons with Olivia, Queen of Vampires on the throne. She is dressed in regal wear of Victorian style with a sharp, pointed headdress, sitting with an aura of authority. At her side stand three individuals: one large muscular man dressed in loose fitting robes, a scholarly looking man dressed formally and with an air of nobility, and an alluring woman whose outfit is that of a long vest hanging open, and her body covered in intermittent black wraps.
Lastly, the empty throne. However, beside it you can see a Werewolf standing at attention. Smaller in stature than most of his kin, he has tufts of white fur atop his head and lines of white fur up and down his forearms.

Each one of the leaders starts taking their turn to speak on the importance of the group being there, the newness of the type of group they represent, and goals moving forward. Mid-way through the explanation, one of the side doors bursts open: a towering Werewolf stands in the doorway and tosses a warped, wooden spear with engravings on it onto the ground. Raghnall, True Alpha of Werewolves has returned.
It works...A Seraph lies dead on the earth today!

The attention of the Council quickly shifts to the return Raghnall and his report on what transpired. In his company, a young woman trots on ahead straight for the Vampires giving her joyous report on the matter. Raghnall continues on his report when he halts in his tracks and slowly turns to the group, sniffing the air and scanning the group with a growing tension of combat readiness. Some of the group speak up to try to talk him down, even Ximena stands between the group and towering Lycan. Eventually the voices of the Council speak up, telling him to stand down as well as he grumpily retreats to his throne. Everyone in the group has their moment to say their first thoughts to the appropriate members of the Council before Ezra and Ximena lead them out.
The next order of business is your room assignment. The two of them lead you to it on the 6th floor and show you to your room. (More on the details of that to come)
Ximena inscribes a mark on them allowing them to freely access the Spire as they ask what their first assignment is. Ezra states they have a few tasks to accomplish to start and they may tackle them in any order.
  • Introduce themselves to a few suggested individuals
    1. Vivian - 5th floor
    2. Arkotin - 2nd floor
    3. Kayna - Backside Camp
    4. Vorland - Backside Camp
  • Participate in a sparring match to test their group combat
  • Bit more optional, but encouraged to take a walk around the town Boonfall

You Make for Camp

The group decides to visit the Backside Camp for the sparring match and meet the two individuals located there. Walking out of a door to the outside, they're met with greenery and a somewhat forested area. Shortly out of the door, a few tents are set up and the sounds of metalwork can be heard.
Approaching camp, the party meets two Lycans working out here: Vorland and Kayna. They introduce themselves and what their job is around here, offering their services if the need ever arises. Kayna is a blacksmith who seems to enjoy making all manner of weapons or armor. Vorland describes himself as an architect for building and making integral adjustments, but has recently developed a hobby in tailoring.
During a point the conversation, a pack of Werewolves can be seen walking past the camp and make way for a trail behind it. Kayna mentions that the sparring arena they're looking for is back there. The group prepares themselves for combat and heads towards the forested trail.

Missions/Quests Completed

Met with Vorland & Kayna

Music of the Council meeting
Report Date
21 Mar 2022
Primary Location


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