3. Spars, Scars, and Other Engravings

General Summary

Sparring in the Ruins

As per instructions, the group arrives at the ruins behind the Backside Camp. There standing in wait are 5 figures, four transformed Werewolves and one imposing man in front of them.
The rules are simple: anything goes. Try not to kill my men. However...fight as if your life depends on it.

The group fights vigorously despite the pack's rushdown. The battle shifted when the commander embraced his lycan form, instantly taking down Zeal's partner. But with proper teamwork between all around, Commander Veltin was brought to a yield along with the rest of the Werewolves.
Remember what you learned here today: the battlefield can change rapidly. You are only as strong as your weakest link. Fight together and you can surmount even the seemingly impossible.

Leaving the Nightmare in Kayna and Vorland's hands, the group continues down their list of individuals to meet.

Finishing Up Pleasantries

The group ascends to the 5th floor to find rooms more publically named, as if one would come here to acquire specific individual's services. Among these rooms, they find one labeled Vivian's Rune Shop, closed by a heavy metal door. Venturing inside, they are met with Vivian, a Devil who introduces herself as an expert in runes. Those who wish to purchase "preparation magic" or work with magical items, she offered such services at her workshop. When pressed, she admits to assisting in the creation of a certain crooked spear.

Moving on to the 2nd floor, the group finds what would most often be referred to as a common area. Tables and chairs set up on one side, lounging couches near a fireplace, and a library down the hall, the group finds this area of the Spire much busier than most. There they find a young halfling boy by the name of Arkotin. This skittish lad mentions he is one of the rotating members on watch over the Teleportation Circle. Despite his protests of confusion on how and why he was sought out, he informs the group the circle is on the basement floor across from the cafeteria. Everyone has public access to use it for Boonfall, though those with more permissions can access its other destinations.

What's Next

After finishing up with all the introductions, the group reconvenes back in their room to report to Ezra and Ximena. With all of that out of the way, Ezra informs them of three potential early jobs they could take:
  • A request from a Vampire family for outside assistance
  • Venturing to the Crypt of Archinaal to provide backup
  • A job with no description for the Devils
None of these jobs are required to be taken, but doing so can help grant early favor with some of the factions.
  The details on the Vampire family assisting one were vague, seemingly keeping important info on a need-to-know basis.
The Crypt of Archinaal is an ancient magical resevoir of knowledge and beasts. Its nature is constantly in flux and thusly, extra hands are always needed. It was worth noticing that a journey would be required to reach it, taking a few days south of travel.
The job for the Devils was barely described. Simply a way to "grow accustomed to working with Infernals."

Given the fact that Zeal put in a request for new parts for his Nightmare, it would take time and resources to do so. Thusly, the group would need to take the job offer from the Devils at some point, but the parts could requested in advance. The group mentioned interest in all three, but proposed to tackle the Vampire's first given that it did not require travel and Zeal's parts could be readied around the time they are finished. The Raven Squad prepares for its first job as mercenaries of the Spire.
Report Date
01 Apr 2022


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