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175th Kandahan




The regiment’s commander is decisive and unyielding, and once set on a course of action he seldom changes his mind. While this is invaluable during many actions his regiment undertakes, it leaves his forces inflexible in the face of changing battlefields.

Cost: 1 points

Starting Skills: Command


Armoured Regiment

Alongside the serried ranks of infantry and the humble lasgun, little is as emblematic of the wars of the Imperial Guard as the armoured might of its tanks. Rugged, resilient, and capable of unleashing staggering amounts of firepower, there is little that can stand before the fury of companies of Leman Russ battle tanks, let alone the terrible and wondrous power of the Baneblade. The crews of these mighty behemoths are justifiably proud of their status, and the accomplishments of their steel charges.

Cost: 4 points

Characteristics: –3 Weapon Skill, +3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)

Starting Talents: Technical Knock

Standard Kit: One Leman Russ battle tank (or variant, at GM’s discretion) per Squad, and one anointed maintenance toolkit per Player Character.



This regiment specialises in disabling and destroying enemy armoured vehicles. Typically composed of light or line infantry, they are instilled with an encyclopaedic knowledge of enemy armour and equipped with rocket and missile launchers, anti-tank mines, melta guns, and other destructive devices. These Guardsmen are frequently deployed on foot or mounted in a Chimera and can cripple an enemy’s armoured advance or mechanised units with nothing but a few well placed missiles.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Skill: Common Lore (Tech)

Starting Talent: Tank Hunter

Special: Due to their special training and their encyclopaedic knowledge of enemy armoured vehicles and their strengths and weaknesses, Anti-Armour regiments are unparalleled tankkillers. Members of Anti-Armour regiments add an additional amount to the Penetration of their weapons equal to their Degrees of Success on the attack roll when attacking vehicles.


Logistical Support


The regiment has been marked as a supply priority by the Munitorum, keeping them well-supplied with ammunition, food, medical equipment, and other consumables. Wellprovisioned regiments tend to be those expected to face the worst of the fighting, with regular resupply to allow them to remain at fighting strength for far longer.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment increases the number of clips for their main ranged weapon and the number of weeks’ rations they carry as standard by +2, and gain an additional grenade of each type in their standard kit (if applicable). If the regiment contains vehicles, this also grants a +10 bonus on all Logistics tests to obtain fuel and parts for repairing and maintaining those vehicles.


Fortress World

“Fortress worlds are a fine source of soldiers, owing to necessarily large defence forces, which are typically trained and equipped to the high standards of the Imperial Guard. Fortress Worlds are a valuable asset not only because of their significance as strategic bastions, but also because they can serve as a readily available source of skilled, disciplined fighting men, and it is a rare fortress world that does not raise its armies with the expectation that they may be called upon to serve the Imperial Guard.”
– Extract from the Tactica Imperialis
Characters from fortress worlds have been raised to serve in war, and by the time they reach maturity, they are wellversed in the arts of war and the doctrines of the Tactica Imperialis. Each has been long trained to destroy the enemies of the Imperium, particularly those whose threat forced their world to be fortified in the first place. Fortress worlders are disciplined, honourable, loyal, and with the highest regard for integrity, and each is already a proficient combatant long before they are taken to serve in the Imperial Guard.
Cost: 3 points.
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Ballistic Skill, Willpower, Toughness.Skills: All fortress world characters start with Common Lore (War), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Imperial Guard), and Linguistics (Low Gothic).
Hated Enemy: A fortress world often stands opposed to a single threat, and they are taught to hate that particular foe and eliminate it on sight. All fortress world characters gain a single Hatred Talent, where the group chosen is the enemy the fortress world has been established to defend against. However, this hatred is often so strong as to overwhelm reason and sound judgement, and all fortress world characters may be required, at the GM’s discretion, to attempt an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to restrain themselves from attacking without mercy when that enemy is sighted.
Combat Doctrine: Because of the intensive training that each fortress worlder goes through from childhood, including extensive live-fire drills and gruelling mock battles, all fortress worlders start with one of the following Talents: Nerves of Steel or Sprint.
Bred for War: Fortress worlders possess an entirely justified siege mentality, a natural result of daily lives shaped by the need for perpetual vigilance against an enemy that could strike at any time, and the discipline required to respond to that threat swiftly and effectively. Fortress worlders are loyal almost to a fault, and reluctant to disobey orders even with good reason, lacking personal initiative, and becoming inflexible as a result. A fortress worlder must attempt a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to go against the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard.
Starting Wounds: Fortress world characters generate starting Wounds normally.

Cloud of Suspicion

Whether justified or not, this regiment as come under close scrutiny. The members of this regiment know that their movements are being watched by someone, and that the someone does not like them. A siege mentality has spread throughout the regiment, along with paranoia and anxiety. Officers see spies and informants everywhere and newly conscripted guardsmen are viewed with deep suspicion and hostility as their new squad mates assume they are undercover agents with sinister purposes.
Regiment Points: 3
Talents: Enemy (Adeptus Arbites) or Enemy (Inquisition) or Enemy (Other), Paranoia.
Untimely Inquiries: Whenever this regiment fails in an operation or the Squad fails to complete a mission or achieve a critical objective, the power with a worrisome interest in the regiment rears its ugly head, at the Game Master’s discretion. When such an investigation takes place, even on a regimental level, every member of the regiment suffers a –5 penalty to Willpower Tests until the interference concludes due to the stress that it causes.
Commanding Officer
Col. Gaad
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Used by
Holy Fury (TTRPG) by Cooledcross

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