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Crimson Guard: Trairii Maniple X - 'Cobra-Detachment'



- 2 Cybernetics become good quality or 1 good quality Cybernetic becomes best quality (10)
  • 2 Powerfield (vehicle)/squad (20)

  • Melee Attachment bayonette (3)

  • One uniform
    One set of poor weather gear
    One laspistol (Main Weapon), and two charge packs
    One knife
    One flak vest
    One rucksack or sling bag
    One set of basic tools
    One mess kit and one water canteen
    One blanket and one sleep bag
    One rechargeable lamp pack
    One grooming kit
    One set of cognomen tags or equivalent identification
    One Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook (Replaced Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer in 2020)
    Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply



    The regiment’s commander is confident and optimistic, though sometimes too caught up in dreams of glory and triumph. While inspirational to his men with grandiose speeches and heroism, his ambition has often seen them faced with impossible odds, caught up in their commander’s quest for glory, and they must battle hard to survive.

    Cost: 2 points

    Starting Talents: Die Hard



    Being used as the linchpin units in many grand strategies, hunter-killer units use light vehicles with deceptively heavy firepower to linger behind the front lines until called upon, then pushing forward quickly to strike down priority targets in support of the rank-and-file. Many hunter-killer units develop a hero mentality from their exploits, dealing the killing blow to enemy after enemy, and so outsiders tend to regard them as glory-seeking mavericks.
    Cost: 3 points
    Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Strength
    Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
    Starting Talents: Resistance (Fear)
    Standard Kit: One Sentinel Scout Walker or one Hellhound Support Tank (or variant) per Squad.



    This regiment has very close ties with the Adeptus Mechanicus, or perhaps is even of the Lathe Worlds. In either case, the regiment believes in the superiority of the machine over flesh, and its members gladly accept the blessings of the Omnissiah to replace their biological parts. From bionic limbs to enhanced senses, these cybernetic enhancements serve to increase the regiment’s abilities in battle.
    Cost: 3 points
    Standard Regimental Kit: All characters in this regiment begin with two Common-Craftsmanship cybernetics or one Good-Craftsmanship cybernetic (the specific cybernetics are subject to the GM’s approval).

    Electro-Vox Warfare

    Requiring an in-depth knowledge of the ins and outs of battlefield communication such as broadcast frequencies, electronic attack, cryptography, power generation, maintenance, and the dizzying array of communications gear fielded across the galaxy, electronic warfare is typically the purview of Operators, Tech-Priest Enginseers, and the occasional astute and tech-savvy Guardsman. No matter where they fight, these Guardsmen are equipped with some of the most sophisticated listening and broadcasting equipment issued by the Departmento Munitorum.
    Cost: 4
    Standard Regimental Kit: 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 micro-bead per Player Character, 1 anointed electronics toolkit per Player Character, 2 auspex/scanners per Squad, 2 static generators per Squad, 1 vox-caster per Squad, 1 signal jammer per Squad.


    The Lathe Worlds

    The Adeptus Mechanicus enjoys unparalleled independence within the Imperium, an empire within an empire. The primary forge worlds of the Calixis Sector, the so-called Lathe Worlds, do not tithe manpower or raise regiments for the Imperial Guard. Instead, the Lathe Worlds select their citizens suited for military service for use in their own armed forces, including the Skitarii and the elite Crimson Guard of the Venatorii. While these forces are often tasked with defending the Lathe Worlds from attack or insurrection, they also accompany the Emperor’s armies to battle, alongside the Titan Legions, Tech-Priest Enginseers, and other militant forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus. While such units are not truly Imperial Guard, they often work alongside Imperial Guard forces. In most cases, the masters of the Adeptus Mechanicus see fit to coordinate their own efforts with the Departmento Munitorum, and such Lathe Worlds Regiments can be found fighting alongside Imperial Guard forces on the battlefields of the Spinward Front. Such forces might even accept orders and missions directly from the General Staff, so long as they do not interfere with the wishes of their Tech-Priest overlords. What truly sets the elite Lathe Worlds Regiments apart from their counterparts in the Imperial Guard is not only their training and culture, but the unique cybernetic enhancements that they bear. These implants are fundamentally similar to those of Tech-Priests, but with special modifications toward military applications.
    Cost: 4 points
    Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to Intelligence and +3 to either Perception or Ballistic Skill
    Starting Skills: All Lathe Worlds characters start with Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Linguistics (Techna-Lingua), and Logic, and are Trained in Tech-Use.
    The True Flesh: Lathe Worlds characters possess the Mechanicus Implants Trait. In addition, their potentia coil is specifically enhanced to meet the high energy needs of integrated weapons.
    Isolated by Machines: Lathe Worlds characters are selected for a life of war at a young age, dedicating their lives to the defence of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ interests in the Calixis Sector. The warriors of the Crimson Guard and other Lathe Worlds forces are unforgiving, blunt, and seem harsh to those unfamiliar with the cold, logical way the Adeptus Mechanicus operates. Lathe Worlds characters often relate to machines and servitors more readily than their flesh and blood counterparts, and have a tendency toward jargon and filling their conversations with long strings of Techna-Lingua that are nearly unintelligible to the average trooper. Lathe Worlds characters suffer a –10 penalty to any Interaction Tests made to interact with characters who are not also from a Lathe World, forge world, or are initiates of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
    Soldiers of the Omnissiah: The Lathe Worlds Home World represents a uniquely specific origin for a regiment. Such forces are not truly Imperial Guard regiments at all, and so do not include the Support Specialists associated with Imperial Guard regiments. Lathe Worlds characters cannot select the Commissar, Ministorum Priest, Ogryn, Ratling, Sanctioned Psyker, or Storm Trooper Specialities (they can select the Tech-Priest Enginseer Speciality). A Character from this regiment always count as both a Tech-Priest Enginseer and a Guardsman for the purposes of prerequisites, regardless of his current Speciality or Advanced Speciality. If a group wishes to include Support Specialists other than Tech-Priest Enginseers in a Lathe Worlds Squad, players should use the rules for Mixed Regiments presented in the Only War supplement, Hammer of the Emperor.
    Wounds: Lathe Worlds characters generate their starting Wounds normally.
    Parent Formation

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