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Kabal of the Broken Sigil

the Shattering of Harmony

The Kabal of the Broken Sigil takes its icon from the ancient Aeldari glyph Drethuchii, loosely translated as "the Shattering of Harmony."

Like its namesake, the Kabal is synonymous with acts of discord. Wherever order and prosperity abound, the Broken Sigil will strike with overwhelming force, bringing confusion and despair to the most idyllic planets in the galaxy.

Terror tactics are much beloved by the Kabalites of this sect, so much so that the Broken Sigil's archon, Lord Xerathis, is looked down upon by his rivals for the predictability of his strategies.

True enough, his Kabalites are not above sky-writing, blanket-bombing with hallucinogenic gas or hijacking communications channels to ensure their victims are frightened half to death before the invasion starts in earnest.

Yet the Kabalites of the Broken Sigil maintain that the price they pay in forewarning the enemy is far outweighed by the rich feast of fear that awaits them when the onslaught begins.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Broken Sigil are amongst the most feared and infamous of the Dark Eldar Kabals, especially amongst the worlds of the Imperium. Entire conclaves of Ordo Xenos Inquisitors seek their demise, and on multiple occasions Lord Xerathis has found himself the personal quarry of Deathwatch Kill Teams.

If this concerns the toweringly arrogant fearmonger, he conceals it well. Instead, Xerathis boasts of the fine slaves such post-human warriors make, and insinuates knowingly that, with the correct persuasion, even Space Marines can be made to cower in fear.
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