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Kabal of the Children of Thorns

Led by an unknown archon, this Kabal is comprised of the dregs of Dark Eldar society -- escaped slaves, disgraced nobles, and defeated champions -- the members of the Kabal of the Children of Thorns are ever watchful for opportunities to gain weapons and slaves they can use to fuel their bid for power in Commorragh. Instead of surrendering to the inevitable doom that Commorragh normally visits upon such dregs, the Children of Thorns have determined to reclaim their fate and strike back against their oppressors. In the early 800s.M41, they were discovered by the insurrectionist forces of the Severan Dominate within the darkest spinward reaches of the Periphery Sub-sector in the Calixis Sector. Vile pacts were made in exchange for the aliens' lethal services. Severus XIII, ruler of the Severan Dominate, consigned entire frontier worlds to the Drukhari's cruel mercies, ensuring that when realspace raids occurred, the sub-sector's Imperial reserves were always too distant to intervene. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were dragged back to the dark sub-reality sinks of the Dark City, doomed to an agonising death within the pits of Commorragh. While the Kabal of the Crimson Woe desires the overthrow of Vect so that they themselves may replace him, the Children of Thorns seek to raze the entire edifice to the ground, tearing down the old order and replacing it with their own. It is not known if Vect is yet aware of their activities, though it can scarce be imagined that one who rose to power in such a manner would not take every precaution to ensure that others did not attempt to imitate him.
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