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Komugi Fire Warriors




The regiment has been marked as a supply priority by the Munitorum, keeping them well-supplied with ammunition, food, medical equipment, and other consumables. Well-provisioned regiments tend to be those expected to face the worst of the fighting, with regular resupply to allow them to remain at fighting strength for far longer.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment increases the number of clips for their main ranged weapon and the number of weeks’ rations they carry as standard by +2, and gain an additional grenade of each type in their standard kit (if applicable). If the regiment contains vehicles, this also grants a +10 bonus on all Logistics tests to obtain fuel and parts for repairing and maintaining those vehicles.

  • One uniform
  • One set of poor weather gear
  • One pulse pistol (Main Weapon), and two charge packs
  • One knife
  • One set of recon armour
  • One rucksack or sling bag
  • One set of basic tools
  • One mess kit and one water canteen
  • One blanket and one sleep bag
  • One rechargeable lamp pack
  • One grooming kit
  • Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply




Line Infantry

The backbone of the Imperial Guard, line infantry form the bulk of every battle line, the core of every assault, and the heart of every defence. The humble, doughty, and loyal infantryman is the subject of countless propaganda picts and inspirational murals across the Imperium. They form the iconic image of the Imperial Guard for most Imperial citizens, and for good reason. It is a rare battlefield that is not graced by the presence of line infantry.

Cost: 2 point

Characteristics: +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Athletics

Starting Talents: Rapid Reload

Standard Kit: One pulse rifle and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of combat armour per Player Character, two photon grenades and two EMP grenades per Player Character.


Favoured Foe

The regiment’s home world has long been assailed by one of the myriad enemies of Mankind, and its troops have learned the hard way the most effective ways to slay that enemy. Without mercy and without fear, they relish opportunities to bring death to their traditional foe.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Skills: Forbidden Lore (choose one†)

Starting Talents: Hatred (choose one†)

When selecting this doctrine, a single enemy of the Imperium must be selected. The choice of Forbidden Lore speciality and Hatred must both reflect this choice of enemy.

Fire Caste Weapon Training

Prerequisites: None
This Explorer is proficient in the use of all Tau weaponry, and can wield these weapons without suffering the penalty for untrained weapon use.



Traits: Xenos Contact (Tau for this Sept have had the most contact with other races, and therefore get a +10 to their fellowship when dealing with anyone who is not Tau)
Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Barter or Charm

Tau Empire

Traits: Serve with Pride (The Tau are born into their castes, and naturally fit for their purpose. This, however often makes them neglect the other aspects of life. Depending on their caste, the Tau PC can add up to 3 points to a specified characteristic, while subtracting the same amount from another.
Fire: BS - Fel/Int ; Earth: Int - Ag ; Air: Ag - T ; Water: Fel - WS/Str)

Strength In Unity (A perfect machine can be built of imperfect parts, and the Tau caste system is a proof of that. Once per session, a Tau player may use a Skill of a Tau teammate as a basic Skill, or as though they were trained in it if it's already considered basic)

Dark Millennium Naïveté (The Tau are a people who are constantly deceived, as much by the Ethereals for their sanity's sake, as by their common optimism and inability to see the galaxy in its true colors. They take a -5 to all test regarding the less pleasant aspects of the universe. The Jaded Talent can be purchased only at GM's discretion)
Leader Bād Mun'Tau
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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