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Fūten Cadre

Komugi 2nd Cadre

Garden World

A Gue'vesa character from a garden world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Fellowship, + Agility, – Toughness

Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 4+)

Serenity of the Green. A garden world character halves the duration (rounded up) of any result from Table 8–11: Shock or Table 8–13: Mental Traumas (see pages 287 and 288 of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook), and can remove Insanity points for 50xp per point rather than the normal 100xp.

Home World Aptitude: Social

Wounds: A garden world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.


Cost: 1 points
Starting Skills: Command

Close Assault Regiment

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +3 Weapon Skill, –3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Dodge or Parry

Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes

Standard Regimental Kit: One pulse blaster with four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of combat armour per Player Character, two photon grenades grenades per Player Character.

Special: For the cost of 2 additional regiment creation points, the cadre can add a TX7 Devilfish troop carrier per squad to the Standard Regimental Kit.

Close-Quarters Battle

Cost: 5 points

Starting Talent: Double Team or Combat Master

Standard Regimental Kit: One pulse blaster and four charge packs per Player Character, one mono knife per Player Character.

Special: Members of regiments that specialise in Close Quarters Battle gain an additional +10 bonus to all Ballistic Skill Tests made at Point-Blank Range.


The men and women of the Imperial Guard must all too often face incomprehensible horrors from beyond the veil of reality. After facing the denizens of the Warp or their mortal followers, regiments are often subject to extreme measures to ensure they are free of corruption, which may mean every soldier receiving the Emperor’s Mercy. Whether due to seeming purity, ignorance of just what they actually faced, or an oversight by the Departmento Munitorum, some regiments are reassigned despite bearing spiritual scars from their brush with the ruinous powers. In other cases, a regiment might begin to manifest signs of taint with no apparent explanation, while still others enlist bringing with them some taint from their home world, unknown to the Departmento Munitorum. Regardless of the nature and origin of its corruption, such a regiment must hide its dark secret lest it be purged by other Imperial forces.

Regiment Points: 3 points

The Touch of the Warp: For whatever reason, the soldiers of this regiment carry a spiritual and physical corruption, which manifests in horrific ways. Characters from this regiment begin play with 1d10 Corruption Points. In addition, characters from this regiment suffer an additional –10 penalty to Malignancy Tests and Tests to avoid gaining Mutations (see page 309 of the Only War Core Rulebook).

Military, Army Regiment
Head of State
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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