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Rough Rider Regiment

While they might seem a strange anachronism in a military force that fields enough firepower both on the ground and in space to annihilate an entire planet, the Imperial Guard’s Rough Riders are as dangerous as any armoured or mechanised regiment. Possessed of a flexibility and speed nearly unrivalled among the numerous regiments of the Guard, different groups of Rough Riders ride a myriad of different beasts, from hardy, war-hardened common horses to lumbering grox to creatures even more exotic like small carnosaurs or winged felines. Rough Riders are typically raised from low technology level feral and feudal worlds where nomadic or cavalry centric societies are the norm, though some, like the Death Riders of Krieg hail from more developed worlds.

Rough Riders are lightly armed and armoured, drilled in close-range combat and anti-armour tactics. They wear light flak armour and carry their unique, multi-purpose hunting lances, laspistols, a handful of grenades, and precious little else. While their mounts grant the troopers great speed and manoeuvrability, they also limit the type and amount of equipment that can be carried in the field.

Due to this, most Rough Riders are accomplished at fieldcraft and survival, able to live, if not comfortably, then at least reasonably off the land in nearly any environment. In theatre, they are deployed as scouts, skirmishers, and guerrilla fighters, in squads of four to nine troopers led by a sergeant. Their mounts allow them to move quickly and stealthily far from Imperial supply lines and through terrain difficult or impossible to cross for heavy mechanised and armoured units. This makes them hard for enemies to counter, and Rough Riders use this to their advantage in their unique hit-and-run style of combat.

Cost: 5 points

Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Ballistic Skill

Starting Skills: Survival

Starting Talents: Catfall

Standard Kit: 1 hunting lance (Main Weapon) per Player Character, 1 laspistol and four charge packs per Player Character, 1 flak jacket and flak helmet per Player Character, 1 riding beast per Player Character (see Mount Profiles on page 138 for some examples), 1 saddle per Player Character, 2 saddlebags per Player Character, 1 set of riding tack (reins, harness, etc) per Player Character.
Parent Formation
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Regiment Type
Generic article | Feb 2, 2024

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