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'One man's detritus is Stryxis gold'
The Stryxis are a sparse, nomadic xenos species with a reputation as untrustworthy traders, wanderers, and sometimes slavers and pirates. Encountered infrequently in the Koronus Expanse on the border of the Calixis Sector in the Segmentum Obscurus, their reputation is a dark one.

The Stryxis are a truly hideous xenoform to look upon beneath swathes of ragged, bone-coloured cloth and trinkets, described variously by Human onlookers as a gangling and multi-eyed creature that resembles a Human-sized, skinned, dog embryo. Yet they communicate easily with willing Humans through a common language of greed, curiosity, and self-interest.

Scavengers and obsessive hoarders, they possess a wealth of technology stolen and bartered from countless intelligent races. They delight in trade, attaching worth only by perceived value and rarity of things they can grasp in their bony talons. They seem to care nothing for conquest or territory, abstract wealth, nor even their own species, but are driven instead by individual avarice and viperous petty intrigues.

The Stryxis will trade with almost anyone, Human or xenos, even the worshipers of the Ruinous Powers, but they despise the Aeldari. They will kill them if they can, and avoid them otherwise.

The Stryxis are a xenos race of wanderers, traders, merchants, and keepers of secrets. Scattered throughout the region of the Koronus Expanse in bands of nomadic tribes, the Stryxis make their way across the stars trading with those they encounter. They have a reputation for being untrustworthy scoundrels, yet there are many who would deal with them, if they could only stand their hideous appearance.

The Stryxis are a truly bizarre race of xenos. No one knows where they originated, and the only home they seem to have are caravans of ramshackle and barely-operational voidships. In fact, the Stryxis are widely known for taking anything that even remotely appears to be space-worthy and converting it into a viable vessel.

They are a hierarchical species, and their government and system of laws, if they have such a social organisation, is either so complex as to be incomprehensible to Humanity, or is simply completely nonexistent.

In either case, they are a starfaring species for whom betrayal and double-dealing is the norm, especially amongst their own kind. Aside from buying and selling whatever strikes their fancy across the Koronus Expanse, the Stryxis also deal in slaves, soldiers, and vat-grown clone labour -- which they simply refer to as "meat."

One of the oddest facets of Stryxis culture is their nearly irrational hatred for the Aeldari. Stryxis will often go far out of their way to attack the aloof humanoid xenos. Failing that, they will simply avoid them at all costs.

None but the Stryxis and the Aeldari themselves know the reason for this loathing, and neither side has provided an answer to the mystery.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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