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Ophelia Fireforge

Ophelia Fireforge

Ophelia is a smith first, a cleric second, and an adventurer third. She wades into battle clad completely in steel, wearing her weight in metal. She lays a soothing warmth on her allies, and unleashes the fire of the forge on her enemies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ophelia is average height, for a gnome, with an athletic build.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ophelia Fireforge is a young-ish gnome from the most working class part of Vurdenheim. Raised around dwarves, she tends to value strong character and good ethics. She rooms with Russel, her partner at the smithy, in an average house. She tries to keep up with her parents and siblings, but her brothers are quickly moving on with their lives and leaving to find better lives elsewhere. Duncan, the oldest sibling, has moved off to find a "Suitably large city, with more to it's library than the city records". Her younger brother Malcolm, on the other hand, plans to move out to the country when he is of age, where he can hopefully find his life running a tavern where he makes his own food and drink from scratch. Ophelia always tried to do good. She follows most of the teachings of Moradin, and occasionally volunteers at the homeless shelter run by the church. Her true passion, however, is the forge. Everything about the process speaks to her on a spiritual level. Forging purposeless lumps of mineral into strong and purposeful steel, in the same way that acts of kindness and compassion help forge average or downtrodden people into good ones. Just like every scrap of iron can be turned into steel, there are no truly unsalvageable people, just some that need reforging. Russell thinks it's all just a bit of hogwash, but he respects her passion, and more importantly, her skill. While Ophelia is perfectly fine staying in Vurdenheim for the rest of her life, Russell knows that her talent would be wasted here, and suggests that she follow her passion and become a sort of traveling apprentice, learning a little from all of the most famous smiths in the land.


Received a standard education from a small school in Vurdenheim, and apprenticed underneath a prolific smith for a few years. She also learned further from a famous Inkarian smith.


Runs a smithy in Vurdenheim with her partner, Russel.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed Daron Lion. Killed the King of Inkaria. Killed the Megamind Flayer. Opened a smithy.

Failures & Embarrassments

That one time we all died. That other time the spooky man made the scary mask.


Contacts & Relations

Russel, partner, 49 years old. Falche Panbog, previous boss

Family Ties

Bilwin, father, 116 years old. Niniana, mother, 113 years old. Duncan, older brother, 50 years old. Malcolm, younger brother, 44 years old.

Religious Views

Follows the teachings of Moradin.


Russel Ironfist

Lover (Vital)

Towards Ophelia Fireforge



Ophelia Fireforge

Lover (Important)

Towards Russel Ironfist




Ophelia and Russel met when they both rented their future home together so they can work on smithing. From there their relationship slowly grew as they created many small things together. Eventually their craft started to improve just as their relationship improves. It was when Ophelia left to help the community for days Russel started to notice how he became lost without her. During his time alone he understood what Ophelia meant to him and how powerful hope is. One day when Ophelia came back from a unique community service, she informed Russel that she is going to compete in a tourney and go out to explore undiscovered treasures. Russel waited for months with Ophelia's family, tourmented by the thoughts of tragic events that could've happened. Yet when Ophelia returned a new person all despair that Russel had vanished and both their lives started to mellow out in a good direction.

Relationship Reasoning

The relationship started to connect as their passion for smithing grew. Even though Ophelia's optimism with all types of material didn't align with Russels', it charmed him to see somebody carry that much hope.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

To be the best smiths the world has ever seen!

Shared Secrets

They have a task to create a legendary sword

Shared Acquaintances

Althought Russel hasn't met most of the party, he grew fond of them through Ophelias stories. The only party member Russel does know in person is Nikita Vassiliev.

Ophelia Fireforge

Sister (Important)

Towards Malcolm Fireforge



Malcolm Fireforge

Younger Brother (Important)

Towards Ophelia Fireforge




Malcolm respected Ophelia as a younger brother, if anything he wanted to be like her and their older brother, Duncan. He wants to explore the world with a passion to change it, and what better way then provide the best tavern the world's seen? While Ophelia and Malcolm had arguments from time to time, both knew that they would do anything for each other. Yet Malcolm's life changed in an instant, forever.

Nicknames & Petnames

Fucker, Shit head, Ass whipe

Relationship Reasoning

Thanks to the expanded lifespan of a gnome and higher bar of what is considered adulthood, Ophelia and Malcolm had more time to spend together which allowed them to grow a greater bond than other shorter lifespans.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of them have their own dreams, yet they both know that they want each other's dream to come true just as much as their own.

Shared Secrets

Ophelia knows Malcolm envys the benefits their older brother has when it comes to being older. Malcolm just wants to go out already and explore the world!

Ophelia Fireforge

Sister (Important)

Towards Duncan Fireforge



Duncan Fireforge

Older Brother (Important)

Towards Ophelia Fireforge




Duncan and Ophelia grew up together with little to no quarrel, sometimes there would be arguments about Ophelia causing too much noise when Duncan's trying to read, but overall they've managed to survive together. Even though they live apart, Duncan still misses his sister and family and the moments they all had together.

Nicknames & Petnames

Whore, Man-Whore, Penis Licker, Fart Face

Relationship Reasoning

Duncan held his responsibilities of being the oldest sibling. Having to teach her things that the parents taught him, having to check up on her from time to time. For that main reason Ophelia and Duncan's relationship bonded well.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of them want to make their parents proud through their own way.

A tough, caring gnome that just wants to make the world a little better.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
13th of Hammer, 2607 UE
Russel Ironfist (Lover)
Malcolm Fireforge (Younger Brother)
Duncan Fireforge (Older Brother)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
35 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish

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For Hearth and Home

I miss my eye :( In our time away from Crover, matters have only grown more grave. An entire war with the Hells has broken out. A siege on Verdenheim was repelled, but the Devils are regrouping and reforming in Iron, which would be almost impregnable in our current state. Galahad has been a thorn in the side of Crover since the beginning, but could potentially be uncorrupted. The people of Crover are ready to give up, but Devils as rulers sounds worse than death to me. We gathered the important people we've met in Crover, and had a conference on what all needs to be done. Afterwards, we succeeded in a ritual to bind Chris's soul to a magic item, hopefully bringing him back to life. Well, "life".   Luther and Bac talked about boys for a while, in the meantime Sarah and I set out to investigate the disappearance of the Silent Speakers. The Silent Speakers evacuated to the Citadel after learning of a piece of a powerful artifact. Could it be the same one Luther is after? Something related to it is on the island between Uvi and Inkaria. Could it be the item itself, or just another clue? A piece?   A wizard man with white hair stopped by Yalken around when the Devils started showing up. I know a lot of people with white hair, and white seems to be the color of choice for wizards... But I can't help but think...   We were able to convince the various nobles that they should help people. Some were harder than others, and I particularly feel for Mrs. Hamdur, who just wants to help her son. Hopefully there'll be no revolt now.   SO APPARENTLY THE MAGE IN THE TOWER IS TASHA. Yeah, okay, why not at this point.

The Arch Tournament (Part 1)

After hours of travel, we finally arrived in the flying city where the so called "Arch Tournament" is being held. It's a massive city on a floating island, and as if it couldn't get any more ostentatious, it's even inside it's own plane! (Well, demiplane, but still!) We got checked in and met a couple of other teams, including the Relic Organization, though Falche is sponsoring instead of competing. Nikita and I split up for a bit to accomplish some tasks around town, and I purchase a shield from a One-Eyed dwarf. Though I forget his name, he was certainly in a rivalry with two adjacent craftsmen. I'm fairly sure he was the middle stall. But I digress. With my new shield in tow, I returned to my room, changed into the formal clothes they had offered me, and attended the dinner they had planned.   While eating I caught up with Harold Witchson, the third member of our team and a repeat contestant in the tournament. Near the end of the feast, the 10 archmages arrived and began explaining parts of the tournament. The first trial was in only 4 hours, and everyone's magical equipment would be checked to keep everyone on level footing. My gear was apparently extremely outclassing everyone else's. Oxior and Power, two of the 10 archmages, pulled me aside to discuss what we should do. After some deliberation, we decided it would be best to distribute very powerful magic items to the other contestants, making this, in Oxior's words, "The best Arch Tournament ever." Nikita, along with a human woman named Natasha Liadnis, pull me aside to ask about why I was pulled aside by the mages. We discuss what's going on for a short time, before separating to prepare for the first event.   We all take our time over those 4 hours to get ready, and then participate in a relay race with only one real rule: you must hand your baton to the next person, and they must be at the start line when you do so. Natasha takes advantage of this by shooting some projectiles from an arcane staff of some sort at anyone in range. I thought that was quite unsportsmanlike, though I didn't attempt to fight her before our leg of the race starts. That would just be sinking to her level, surely. When it's finally my turn, I give Natasha a taste of her own medicine, and with a successful holding, Nikita catches her and beats her with a maul until she passes out. I manage to barely pull second place, after Luther's team teleports to the finish line. Luther shakes Nikita's hand, and we all head off to recover after an incredibly intense event.


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