
The Continent of Korzan is dominated by five domains.

In the South West are the Human Lands with a large gulf.

In the South East are the Elven Lands, Also with a large gulf.

In the North Central there are the Dwarven Lands mostly in the mountains.

In the North East there are the plains, The Gnoll Lands.  


The Jungle
To the North West there are the lands simply known as The Jungle. There are no known civilizations here but there are large and powerful beasts that are dangerous enough to keep any with the wisdom to desire staying alive from daring to explore it.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Jet Stream that directs most major weather systems over Korzan enters the space above the continent in the northwest, then curves back up to exit the northeast.


The majority of the weather for Korzan moves across the continent from west to east, the majority of it's moisture shedding on the west side of the dwarven lands turning those lands into a combination of a rainforest and jungle.


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May 8, 2024 04:50

Who's at war with whom? (if at all)

Jun 4, 2024 21:09

There are no wars, there are however border skirmishes between gnolls and dwarves as well as the gnolls and elves. No military strategic efforts, but rather groups of gnolls that seem to not respect the borders when it's convenient for them.

Jun 4, 2024 19:48

ooooo! if there is a war, who are the allies of both sides of the war/conflict?

Jun 4, 2024 21:10

There are no wars, there are however border skirmishes between gnolls and dwarves as well as the gnolls and elves. No military strategic efforts, but rather groups of gnolls that seem to not respect the borders when it's convenient for them.   Given the lack of strategic objectives, there are no allies in the conflict.