

This being the homeland of the humans, they make up the vast majority of the population. To a significantly lesser degree there are half elves. Smaller portions still of elves and dwarves exist. Recently there has been a arrival of tieflings from lands unknown. Their numbers are as of yet not known.


Nepotistic Democracy   Each settlement is ruled by a Council of Houses. The Council of Houses is made up of of a handful of the most wealthy property owners within the settlement, with a single representative from each of the top organizations. In larger more wealthy settlements this will likely be from noble families while in smaller settlements it is more likely to be prominent local businesses.   President of the Council is the ruling face of the city, with the other Council members being more advisors than any actual co-rulers with any official independant authority. Though it is typical that a President of Coucil will deligate some responsibilities or duties, there is no obligation to do so. As such any authority or duties given are very much temporary and may be taken at any time for any reason, or no reason at all. A president of Council may serve for no greater than five terms in total. Each term is two years.   In a Nepotistic Democracy, any that own property within the domain of interest has a vote, with the greater value of their property carrying greater voting power.


The majority of Quandra is forests with patches of grasslands and meadows. THe East, west, and southern edges are coastlines with the nothernborders touching the unclaimed jungles and the dwarven foothills.


Heavier rains to the north coming out of the jungles, with warmer weather consistent to the south as a result of the oceans.
Founding Date
National Territory
Location under
Included Locations


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May 8, 2024 04:51

Are there any centers of commerce of note? (Merchant cities, important waystations, etc)

Jun 4, 2024 23:41

A new city is being visited by the Traveling Troublesolvers, a city by the name of Emberfield. While it is small on the scale of what makes a city, it's wealth per population is higher then any other in the human lands due to it's job as a trade and resource hub near the geographic center of the human lands.