
Notable Places:
The Copper Shield: A shabby adventurer's inn, built around a hewn stone impaled by a sword.
The Archer and Mug: A shabby adventurer's tavern, kept by an elven woman named Ayabal.

Notable NPCs:
  • Edras: Male Elven Adept, Good. Edras has a round face, with golden hair and narrow brown eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a club. Edras has an animal companion, a tawny rat named Oror.
  • Edhroror: Male Elf Craftsman, Good. Edhroror has straight red hair and sharp green eyes, and prominent ears. He wears plain clothing and carries an oak staff. Edhroror is impossibly lucky.

Armorer's District

Notable Places: -
A few NPCs:
  • Skrike: Male Dwarf Scholar, Good. Skrike has curly white hair and narrow green eyes. He wears fine clothing and a sling of vials and potions. Skrike has an animal companion, a hawk named Bardi.
  • Siga: Female Human rogue, Evil. Siga has matted black hair and bright blue eyes, and an unusual mark on her face. She wears leather armor and wields a poisoned long sword. Siga seeks to free herself from an ancient curse.
  • Giles: Male Human Fighter, Good. Giles is fey in appearance, with long grey hair and grey eyes. He wears banded mail and wields a spear. Giles has an animal companion, a brown bear named Ealded.
  • Alamron: Male Elf Fighter, Evil. Alamron has a long face, with auburn hair and dark brown eyes. He wears banded mail and wields a spear. Alamron has an animal companion, a black wolf named Riti.
  • Flaune: Male Elf Aristocrat, Evil. Flaune has cropped black hair and soft grey eyes. He wears fine raiment and jewelry. Flaune is absent-minded, and always searching for a missing item.

Armorer's Farthing

Notable Places:
  • Aiccadh's Armor and Shields: A large armorer's workshop, built around a shrine of Sieliah, A famous female soldier.
  • The Sage's Purse: A heroic commoner's inn, known for the fire elemental which dwells in its hearth.
A few NPCs:
  • Serie: Female Elf rogue, Neutral. Serie is common in appearance, with grey hair and large blue eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a poisoned club and darts. Serie seeks revenge against the sister who betrayed her.
  • Fricta: Female Human Craftsman, Neutral. Fricta is heavyset, with matted white hair and grey eyes. She wears plain clothing and carries an elder staff. Fricta is adaptable and covetous.
  • Ecin Barne: Female Human Scholar, Good. Ecin has curly red hair and sharp blue eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears well-made clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal. Ecin is impartial and quiet.
  • Galadir: Male Elf Mercenary, Neutral. Galadir is common in appearance, with thick red hair and amber eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a flail. Galadir has an animal companion, a black cat named Finda.

Crown Farthing

Notable Places:
  • The Harlequin and Chalice: A modest dwarven inn, which serves only rum.
A few NPCs:
  • Lene: Female Elf Craftsman, Neutral. Lene has messy brown hair and amber eyes, and an unusual scar on her leg. She wears modest garments and a wide-brimmed hat. Lene is zealous and lewd.
  • Mablodir: Male Elf Scofflaw, Neutral. Mablodir has matted silver hair and brown eyes, and a thick moustache. He wears modest garments and carries an oak staff. Mablodir has an animal companion, a sable ferret named Deocha.
  • Balda: Male Human rogue, Neutral. Balda has a round face, with curly golden hair and grey eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a poisoned long sword and dagger. Balda has an animal companion, a raven named Suse.
  • Alrith: Male Human Servant, Evil. Alrith has black hair and light blue eyes, and a thin nose. He wears modest garments and riding boots. Alrith is cursed with chronic pain, and is searching for the secret which will break the curse.
  • Aunnchudr: Male Elf hunter, Neutral. Aunnchudr is fey in appearance, with straight red hair and amber eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a spear. Aunnchudr holds a grudge against elves.

Falls District

Notable Places:
  • The ruins of Imbon Keep.
  • The ruins of Carvi Tower.
A few NPCs:
  • Nelaser: Female Elf Servant, Neutral. Nelaser has black hair and grey eyes. She wears modest garments and riding boots. Nelaser seeks only fame and glory.
  • Hera Dane: Female Human Adept, Neutral. Hera has curly golden hair and amber eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a club. Hera is searching for her lost brother.
  • Geoffry: Male Human Servant, Good. Geoffry is rugged in appearance, with blonde hair and large amber eyes. He wears modest garments and riding boots. Geoffry is timid and foolish.
  • Joane: Female Human Fighter, Good. Joane is tall and thin, with golden hair and dark blue eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a warhammer and heavy crossbow. Joane is hunting the sorceress who stole her husband.
  • Catha: Male Elf Soldier, Evil. Catha is pleasant in appearance, with cropped red hair and hazel eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a military fork. Catha seeks to fulfill an ancient prophecy of evil.

Hart's Village

Notable Places:
  • The War Merchant: The cluttered shop of a female elf weapon merchant named Dealbha, known for her collection of strange and exotic blades. It is rumored that the weapons are those of fallen warriors, stolen from distant battlefields by dark magic.
A few NPCs:
  • Eaxleuen: Female Human Peasant, Evil. Eaxleuen has braided golden hair and blue eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and carries a birch staff. Eaxleuen is fanatical but heroic.
  • Betha: Female Elf Entertainer, Evil. Betha is beastly in appearance, with white hair and grey eyes. She wears well-made clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal. Betha has an animal companion, a hawk named Minare.
  • Meda: Female Elf Soldier, Good. Meda is short, with straight silver hair and bright brown eyes. She wears scale mail and wields a mace and light crossbow. Meda is trustworthy but antagonistic.

Lower Lake Borough

Notable Places:
  • Ethor's Arsenal: The workshop of a male elf weaponsmith named Ethor, known for his blades, which shine with a cold light when orcs are near.
  • The Half-full Cask: A shabby elven inn, kept by a gold dragon named Inocri.
  • The Warrens: Beneath the town streets, a ravine was filled with arched vaults and covered over long ago. It has become populated by the forgotten poor and the dispossessed, and those who seek to remain hidden.
A few NPCs:
  • Ligo: Male Elf Adept, Neutral. Ligo has braided white hair and brown eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a mace. Ligo is thoughtful and zealous.
  • Nimlothien: Female Elf Mercenary, Evil. Nimlothien has straight blonde hair and dark amber eyes, and a pattern of unusual marks on her face. She wears studded leather and wields a military fork. Nimlothien is haunted by the ghost of someone she killed.
  • Urul: Female Dwarf Wizard, Neutral. Urul is willowy, with brown hair and large grey eyes. She wears simple clothing and wields a quarterstaff and dagger. Urul has an arcane familiar, a clockwork snake named Roinarv.


Notable NPCs:
  • Enerdas: Female Elf Poulter, Evil. Enerdas is haughty in bearing, with black hair and dark hazel eyes. She wears modest garments and carries a hawthorn staff. Its hard to picture Enerdas as an adventurer, but every time she leaves town, she returns with a coffer of coins.
  • Enebor: Male Elf Peddler, Evil. Enebor has thin black hair and dark grey eyes, and a cropped beard. He wears travel-stained clothing and an iron amulet. Enebor specializes in tarot decks and crystal balls.
  • Mairio: Male Elf Butcher, Evil. Mairio has tangled blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears worn clothing and carries a long knife. Mairio is rumored to have arranged the murder of the previous tax collector.
  • Nimlye: Female Elf Chandler, Good. Nimlye is rough in appearance, with curly copper hair and large green eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and riding boots. Nimlye also deals in forged documents and seals.
  • Alior: Male Elf Guard, Neutral. Alior has golden hair and green eyes, and numerous distinctive scars. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword and long bow. Its hard to picture Alior as an adventurer, but he's rumored to know more than a few spells.

Moor Village

Notable Places:
  • Findelye's Pewter: A cluttered pewtersmith's workshop, built within what was once the feast hall of a long-ruined castle.
A few NPCs:
  • Magloy: Male Elf Entertainer, Good. Magloy is youthful in appearance, with matted auburn hair and blue eyes. He wears modest garments and a sable fur cape. Magloy seeks to prove himself to his peers.
  • Golebel: Male Elf Illusionist, Neutral. Golebel is short and overweight, with grey hair and light green eyes. He wears tailored clothing and wields a dagger and sling. Golebel is stoic and devout.
  • Breina: Female Elf Wizard, Good. Breina is slender, with short silver hair and soft green eyes. She wears simple clothing and wields a quarterstaff and darts. Breina has an animal companion, a green lizard named Gwionasaer.
  • Lenwenye: Female Elf Aristocrat, Neutral. Lenwenye has tangled silver hair and large grey eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears fine raiment and jewelry. Lenwenye refers to herself in the third person.

Rogue's Village

Notable Places:
  • Lanlia's Anvil: A neglected blacksmith's workshop, built within the walls of an old iron tower.
  • Finde's Masonry: A large stonemason's workshop, built within a ring of ancient stone monoliths.
A few NPCs:
  • Niserie: Female Elf Aristocrat, Evil. Niserie has blonde hair and green eyes, and a pattern of distinctive marks on her leg. She wears fine raiment and a feathered hat. Niserie is impossibly lucky.
  • Finare: Male Elf Priest, Neutral. Finare has tangled black hair and sharp grey eyes. He wears modest garments and a silver holy symbol. Finare is searching for his lost brother.
  • Aehild: Female Human Illusionist, Evil. Aehild has an angular face, with straight grey hair and sharp hazel eyes. She wears well-made clothing and wields a dagger and darts. Aehild seeks to become a vampire.
  • Mili: Female Dwarf Entertainer, Evil. Mili has an angular face, with matted copper hair and light blue eyes. She wears expensive clothing and a feathered hat. Mili has an animal companion, a red fox named Thrainarv.

Rogue's Ward

Notable Places:
  • The ruins of Erelros Tower.
  • The Inn of a Thousand Names: A fanciful adventurer's inn, which is said to have a thousand doors in a thousand towns, each under a different sign and name. Anyone who enters through a particular door can only leave through that same door, unless they know the innkeeper's secret.
  • The ruins of Care Tower.
A few NPCs:
  • Altew: Male Human Fighter, Evil. Altew is slender, with auburn hair and green eyes. He wears plate mail and wields a fauchard-fork. Altew is aggressive and corrupt.
  • Ealodel: Female Elf Fighter, Neutral. Ealodel has golden hair and hazel eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a long sword and short bow. Ealodel is erratic but brave.
  • Celote: Female Elf Scholar, Good. Celote is tall, with braided blonde hair and amber eyes. She wears modest garments and a lynx fur cape. Celote has an animal companion, a red fox named Cirdire.
  • Kathon: Female Human Hunter, Good. Kathon has matted golden hair and hazel eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a battle axe. Kathon has a hawk named Wine.
  • Carda: Female Elf Soldier, Evil. Carda has cropped auburn hair and amber eyes, and small ears. She wears scale mail and wields a long sword. Carda compulsively flirts with others.
  • Joane: Female Human Fighter, Evil. Joane has a round face, with thin copper hair and amber eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a bastard sword. Joane seeks to fulfill an ancient prophecy of evil.

Unicorn's Borough

Notable Places:
  • The Courthouse: A grand stone-walled building, filled with busy magistrates and advocates.
  • The Pool of Enwebrias: A large stone basin filled with clear water. It is said that the pool sometimes reveals visions of the future to those who gaze into it long enough.
  • Brawstia's Woodwork: The workshop of a female elf woodcarver named Brawstia, who also brews potions and elixirs.
A few NPCs:
  • Thorva Garidotr: Female Dwarf Priest, Good. Thorva has thin black hair and sharp blue eyes, and pointed ears. She wears modest garments and a feathered hat. Thorva has an animal companion, a hawk named Undin.
  • Wene: Female Human Aristocrat, Evil. Wene has a long face, with uneven black hair and narrow amber eyes. She wears fine raiment and a feathered hat. Wene is slothful but trustworthy.
  • Macho: Male Elf Professional, Good. Macho has blonde hair and hazel eyes, and large ears. He wears tailored clothing and a silver holy symbol. Macho seeks to free himself from an ancient curse.
  • Atiellan: Female Elf Professional, Neutral. Atiellan has auburn hair and large green eyes. She wears modest garments and an amulet of luminous crystal. Atiellan secretly serves Gatu, an ancient goddess of darkness.
  • Kane: Male Elf Priest, Neutral. Kane has cropped brown hair and narrow amber eyes. He wears expensive clothing and numerous rings. Kane has an animal companion, a tawny rat named Coli.

Unicorn's Farthing

Notable Places:
  • Derga's Pottery: The workshop of a female elf potter named Derga, who is rumored to craft special tankards for the Assassin's Guild.
A few NPCs:
  • Cecie: Female Human Peasant, Neutral. Cecie has a square face, with copper hair and blue eyes. She wears simple clothing and several small tools hang from her belt. Cecie compulsively whispers nonsense.
  • Brota: Female Elf Assassin, Neutral. Brota has golden hair and hazel eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a long sword and dagger. Brota is easily distracted by arcana.
  • Ecthenel: Male Elf Alchemist, Neutral. Ecthenel is fey in appearance, with curly copper hair and narrow amber eyes. He wears expensive clothing and a sling of vials and potions.
    Ecthenel is cursed with hallucinations, and is searching for a divine relic which can break the curse.

    Upper Dragon's Borough

    Notable Places:
    • The Athenaeum of Sorcerous Study: A venerable school of witches and wizards, said to be haunted by the ghost of a silver dragon.
    • Mulgia's Masonry: The workshop of a male elf stonemason named Mulgia, who is rumored to be quarrying stone from a cursed ruins.
    • The Eye of Horus: An ancient bronze statue of a male human warrior with the head of a falcon. It is said that anyone who sacrifices one of their own eyes before the statue can see and speak with Death until the next dawn.
    A few NPCs:
    • Gleguili: Male Elf Soldier, Good. Gleguili has matted red hair and sharp green eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a flail and dagger. Gleguili is searching for the lost realm of Thellonde.
    • Ellyn: Female Human Fighter, Neutral. Ellyn is pleasant in appearance, with silver hair and narrow green eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a spear. Ellyn compulsively plays with a gold coin.

    Viridianfair Ward

    Notable Places:
    • Medua's Carvings: A cluttered woodcarver's workshop, said to be protected by fey creatures.
    • The Heavenly House: A large timber and brick theatre, which has one door here and another in the Seven Cities of Karnargion.
    A few NPCs:
    • Ebrianis: Female Elf Craftsman, Good. Ebrianis has thin auburn hair and hazel eyes, and prominent ears. She wears plain clothing and carries a willow staff. Ebrianis has an animal companion, a sable ferret named Saena.
    • Saega: Female Human Merchant, Neutral. Saega has a narrow face, with tangled brown hair and dark blue eyes. She wears worn clothing and carries a long knife. Saega lost her left eye to an injury.
    • Auciel: Female Human Professional, Good. Auciel is tall and willowy, with uneven golden hair and large grey eyes. She wears tailored clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal. Auciel is immoral and impartial.
    • Scillia: Female Elf Priest, Good. Scillia is slender, with silver hair and soft hazel eyes. She wears expensive clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal. Scillia is bold and humble.
    • Enen: Female Human Professional, Evil. Enen is short, with golden hair and large hazel eyes. She wears fine clothing and silk gloves. Enen is fascinated by astronomy.

    Wood Ward

    Notable Places:
    • The Warrens: Beneath the town streets, a ravine was filled with arched vaults and covered over long ago. It has become populated by the forgotten poor and the dispossessed, and those who seek to remain hidden.
    • The Golem's Pottery: A cluttered potter's workshop, served by a single clay golem. The golem will accept commands from anyone, but only follows commands to craft goblets, bowls, and other simple thrown wares.
    A few NPCs:
    • Arielwis: Female Elf Soldier, Evil. Arielwis is fey in appearance, with blonde hair and brown eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a warhammer and shield. Arielwis is searching for her missing son.
    • Dwoinarv: Male Dwarf Fighter, Evil. Dwoinarv has silver hair and narrow grey eyes, and a flat nose. He wears plate mail and wields a bastard sword. Dwoinarv is hunting the vampire who slew his mentor.
    • Cuilla: Female Elf Craftsman, Neutral. Cuilla has red hair and brown eyes. She wears well-made clothing and riding boots. Cuilla is analytical and stoic.
    • Imloten: Female Elf Mercenary, Evil. Imloten has red hair and narrow grey eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears leather armor and wields a long sword and shield. Imloten has an animal companion, a black cat named Dina.


    Soviet Democracy


    Market District

    Hunter's Haunt
    Large city
    Approximately 21,000; mostly elven with some half-elves.
    Location under


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