Evelynn Phillips Character in xxHarry Potter: The Alternative Universe | World Anvil
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Evelynn Phillips

Evelynn Phillips

Evelynn Martha Phillips (a.k.a. Evie, Eve, or Ev)



Evelynn Phillips was born in a muggle family. She lived the first seven years of her life with her mother, father, and little brother, Charlie.


Once she started grade school, Evelynn found herself in trouble for incidents that weren't even her fault. The most recent of which had been when she was sitting in class. She was sitting through a rather boring class, trying to balance a pencil on its eraser end, an impossible task that could keep her entertained for a while. Evelynn didn’t mean too, but all of a sudden, the pencil shot at the teacher with impressive speed. No one was hurt, but she still got in trouble.


Evelynn was delighted to hear that she got to spend the part of the summer holiday with her uncle, Liam, in England. He had always been her favorite uncle plus, the last time he had come to visit, he'd brought along her cousin, Ethan, who was living with him now and he was great.


Biographical Information

Birthday: November 1, 1979

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: American

Education: Hogwarts - Slytherin




Wand Information

Core: Horned Serpent Horn

Wood: Sycamore




Family Infomation

Parents (Adopting)


Margaret Phillips

Marcus Belby


Physicical Appearance

Species: Human

Gender: Nonbionary (Pronouns: she/her/they/them)

Hair colour: Blonde

Eye colour: Turquoise

Skin colour: Light

Notable Features:

  • Werewolf claw mark on her left should (always keeps hidden)
  • Moving tattoo on the back of her left shoulder (always keeps hidden)

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