Margaret Phillips Character in xxHarry Potter: The Alternative Universe | World Anvil
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Margaret Phillips

Margret Phillips grew up as an only child since age six. Her brother, Ethan Phillips, ran away from home to live with her estranged uncle, Damocles Phillips, because Ethan had been turned into a werewolf by the scariest man Margret had ever seen. No one really thought she remembered seeing him because she was so young, but she wasn't able to forget his face after seeing it. Still, Ethan could have stayed, she never understood why he ran away and left her alone. Then, almost a half a year later, Ethan came around with a new sister, Evelynn Phillips. Margret barely had to spend any time with her to figure out she was a pretentious brat. Ethan stopped coming around after that. But whatever, she liked being an only child. She was happy and her family was happy, and everything was fine.   Besides, it wasn't like she was alone. She had her cousin, Marcus Belby, who came over all the time because he was also an only child. She also had her friend, Q Archer Travers, whom she had a crush on since they were seven and she fell and skinned her knee at his house while his parents were away. She gets queezy at just the sight of blood so he helped to clean up her knee and made a bandage out of an old shirt until his parents got back and could heal her with magic. He even kissed it better when she kept crying because it hurt.   But Archer and Margret grew apart as they grew older and in their first year at Hogwarts, Archer befriended Evelynn. And just like normal, Evelynn turned Archer against Margret and he stopped speaking to her. But in second year, he and Evelynn got into multiple huge fights and Archer finally saw Evelynn for what she was instead of the innocent little girl everyone believes. In the second half of that year, he started talking to Margret again. And a few months later, they were dating. Margret was estatic, honestly, she still is. It was everything she'd wanted since she was seven. He stomach still does summersalts just thinking about it. But lately he's been growing closer to Evelynn again and Margret's worried she's going to turn him against her. On top of that, Archer practically signed up for death or a fate like Ethan's by fighting Voldemort at the end of their second year. He has a need to be a hero of the school which Margret doesn't quite understand and which always gets him into trouble.


Marcus Belby


Towards Margaret Phillips


Margaret Phillips


Towards Marcus Belby


Damocles Phillips


Towards Margaret Phillips


Margaret Phillips


Towards Damocles Phillips


Biographical Information

Birthday: 21 December, 1979

Age: 13

Blood Status: Pureblood

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: English

Education: Hogwarts - Ravenclaw


Wand Information

Core: Unicorn





Family Information



Marcus Belby

Ethan Phillips

Evelynn Phillips (Fake Cousin)


Romantic Relationships


Q Archer Travers

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