Graham Montague Character in xxHarry Potter: The Alternative Universe | World Anvil
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Graham Montague

Graham Montague is the oldest child in his family. He has a six-year-younger sister, a nine-year-younger brother, and a thirteen-year-younger brother. He plays as Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Graham is particularly skilled in charms. He can hold his own in dueling, though he's not much of a fighter. But that has never hurt his competative spirit, which flies rampid during Quidditch games. He is a half-blood. His father works for the ministry and his mum works at a muggle hospital.   Graham grew up as the main babysitter for his family whenever he wasn't in school. His parents often joked that his siblings had three parents, and he believed it sometimes too. But they always looked out for him and made sure that he had time to spend with his friends and on his hobbies. His dad bought him his first broom for his ninth birthday and after that Graham fell in love with flying and quittich. Graham, has been an all in kind of person since he was little, and decided that he would train for the Quittich team whenever he could. In his second year at Hogwarts, him and his best friend, Adrian Pucey, made the team.   In his third year, Adrian suggested that they coach two Slytherin's girls that were in their third year that looked like they would be potentially good beaters. Out of the two Graham paired with Audrey Cerridwen, who he very quickly began to fancy, but she's perfect so it wasn't his fault. Though her lack of concern for rules or safety concerned him, Graham found her to be a very caring person who prioritized the people in her life. On New Years of 1983, Graham invited Audrey over to his house to watch fireworks, being from a wizard family. He kissed her for the first time that night and their relationship started, though he found out on Valentine's day that year that in his excitement he had forgotten the step of officially asking her out. In May of that year, he told her that he loved her and she, thankfully, loved him too. She also told him she is half-vampire.   She had told Graham a lot about half vampires, so he was not worried or scared. He still loved her and honestly, he'd been making jokes about it for a couple of months. Honestly, he was just happy that she trusted him and loved him enough to tell him that. It had to be hard for her, and scary, Graham could see how some people might turn her away because she's half vampire.   The summer between his third and fourth year was honestly terrible. His mum, and the rest of his family including him, found out that his dad had been cheating on her. Turns out all of his "business trips" were someting else entrirly. It left Graham really upset. How could anyone do that to another person? Especially someone like his mum.


Graham Montague

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Audrey Cerridwen



Audrey Cerridwen

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Graham Montague



Biographical Information

Birthday: 23 December 1978

Age: 13

Blood Status: Half-blood

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: English

Education: Hogwarts - Slytherin


Wand Information

Core: Dragon Heartstring





Family Information


Makenna Montague

Braxton Montague

Dakota Montague


Romantic Relationships


Audrey Cerridwen

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