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Hiyndurill Forest

During the Age of Heroes the Elven Empire finally made an effort to colonize the wild forest in the north west. Main danger were green dragons that spread through out the huge forest. The hunt had one effect the elves didn't forsee - the places the green dragons died were affected by there magic leading to booming plantgrowth and weakening the veil between the material plane and the Feywild.

While elves settled down in the forest more and more feys came to the materialplane affecting the whole forest. There were peaceful feys that lived in harmony with the settlers, but also those that turn the region into a dangerous place.

By the time the Elven Empire fell enclaves developed that differed a lot from the rest of the empire. Gnomes that had villiages in the area had joined the fey altered elves. At this point the Hiyndurill elves already didn't consider themselves part of the Empire and just embraced its downfall as natural development. There was no interest in politics outside the forest itself so they just secluded themselves from the rest of the conflict.

Since then humans tried several times to settle down in the fringe regions of the woods underestimating the dangers. From owlbears and dryads to Hiyndurill elven rangers and druids there are a lot of dangers waiting to turn settlers into pray. Sometimes  fey just play tricks on them, but more often than not those end in violence and death. These days the forest is regarded as one of the most danergous and unpredictable areas of Yarklash.

There is no trade with the Elves and their settlements. They themselves are self sufficient and not looking for anything others have to offer. They are more likely to raid caravan's along their borders than initiate relationships with their neighbours.

Human settlers on the other hand are interested in the ancient trees and wildlife, which increases in value due to the dangers connected with obtaining it. Even though outposts and villages mostly get slaughtered within a couple of months, once the fey get bored, many enterpreneurs still are willing to invest in such endevours in hope of profit sending out ignorant or desperate people to establish new outposts.

Haflings and some of the gnome settlements are usually the only ones willing to trade with outsiders.

The Hiyndurill forest has its one rules and ways of living heavily affected by the fey. Elves here are living in symbiosis with the creatures from the other planes or at least know where to stay away from. Their culture has deviated a lot from the arcane dominated back in the Empire, now being much more in harmony with the fey touched nature.

Gnomes lived here before the dragons were hunted down and suffered from their terror. The elven hunts were therefore welcomed and a friendship build up over the centuries. They also welcomed the fey even though themselves are more into inventions and technical development than nature their appreciation for jest and good hearted trickery endeared them to the fey.

Haflings also lived in this aera before the elves came. They fled their Sahuagin masters and tried to settle down here, before they realised the danger the dragons posed. Since they didn't fight the elves contrary to the humans they were accepted to stay within the elven territory. Halfing villiages are the safest places for travelers in the region. They will defend themselves, but they are more open to outsiders than the other races.
Rulers: The Lords of the Fey

Aligment: Chaotic Neutral

Religion: fey, nature/trickery domain

Races: 60% elves, 25% halflings, 10% gnomes, rest mixed
Geopolitical, Country
Their views of other Factions:
Realm of the Middle - Clueless farmers and barely more than simple pray. Their transgrations into the forest will not be tolerated.

Dwarfen City States - Monotone, but sturdy.

Alliance of the Fathomless - They are in league with something dark and dangerous for life. But at least they understand the value of freedom.

Kingdom of the Phoenix - They are the worst. They don't live in harmony with nature, have a stick up their ass and don't value individual freedom.

Duchy of Merryldin - Strange believes, but the chaotic nature and serving a element of nature is appreciated.

Tribes of the Stone Desert - They are meaningless barbarians.

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