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Realm of the Middle

After the fall of the Hegemony of Fire a brutal time of unrest swept over the lands now dominated by humans. From city states to small baronies who where part of the more and more loose Hegemony all were ingulfed in fights for power. The quickest to raise to power was the Kingdom of the Phoenix, but to most it felt like a new opressor, very much like Nandral and the dragons before. Still as no unity among its foes could be achieved, most opposing the new kingdom perished.   Finally at the age of only 16 Nanamir took over the leadership of his clan and leads an rebellion against the Kingdom of the Phoenix. While the beginnings of this rebellion were not taken serious by most, the sudden series of victories by the younglin kept flooding his army with new volunteers. After barely over a decade most of the human lands in the perviously Elven Empire territories were unified under his rulership and the Kingdom of the Phoenix beat back into the Lands of Fire.   Still the new realm was very different from anything that has been before. Over time the regions developed in very different directions with different views and traditions and Nanamir's decendents couldn't maintain their influence over the largest realm of the continent. Nowadays the Grand Council holds most of the power while the royal family is barely a symbol of a time long gone by. The Realm is constantly on the brink of internal conflicts that could turn into wars of indepence if someone would give them just a shove.    
The Realm has currently four major cities that excert control over the Grand Council:
- Eversted - the capital and seat of power of all the Realm's political offices,including the Grand Council, it also has the Arcane University, the Ladies Grand Cathedral as well as several of the main temples. Eversted has control of the heavily elven influenced Heartlands. - Omarim - the city represents the breadbasket of the Realm, the Twin River Lands and all of its settlements. - Hundswacht - once a simple fortress to protect Hundsted, but with its position on the Laangen delta turned it into a major city, that has been representing wild the Far Lands - Rafalqour - the never conquered Jewel of the Desert is the richest per capita city on the contient, taking advantage of rich gem mines in the Sandsea.

Demography and Population

50% humans, 15% halfelves, 15% halflings, 5% halforcs, 5% dwarfs, 5% gnomes, rest mixed


Heartlands, Twin River Lands, Sandsea, Far Lands, Dark Marsh, Damned Forest, North's Touch.


The Realm's army is the biggest in numbers of the whole continent, but it suffers from being split up among the influence of the noble lords who raise the troops for the Realm. Besides these private armies all cities have local professional guards and a significant number of mercenary bands can be found onthe Realm's territory.

The military of the realm suffers from the Elkani's cultural approach to things - either you are exceptional or not worth mentioning. Thus you might see excellently trained and skilled knights, honored paladins or powerful mages, but the vast majority of troops are badly trained, lacking disciplin and proper equpiment, with few exceptions of reknowned units.

Eversted is protected by the 'Sons of the City', a large force of professional soldiers that serve as cities police and peace keepers. Their loyalty is to the Grand Council and not individual lords thus ensuring a 'neutral' force within the city.

Rafalquor's city guard stands out among those of the Realm as it uses mainly half-orcs and half-elves to fill its ranks. The orcish guards carry heavy falchions and are an imposing sight due to their physique, while the half-elves dexterity and magical attunement makes them dangerous crossbowmen and battlemages.

Hundswacht relies on its many hunters and dog trainers to bolster the ranks of their guard.

Omarim's guard, while not as well equiped as Eversted's or Rafalquor's, is the most proud one, build on traditions of defending their own homes. Farmers are willing to pick up pikes and stand as infrantrymen next to their noble knights.

Knights tend to be the real force of the armies. Noblemen and their bannermen ride well trained war horses using heavy armors with shields and lances. The knights constantly practise their craft to the point that their charges are the most feared.

Besides these militias, cityguards and nobles, a significant part of the Realm's defense comes from priests and paladin orders that are willing to join the battle when needed. Especially the Dawnfather's and Duskmother's orders are frequently leading and supporting the Realm's military efforts.

The only thing more feared on a battlefield than the Realm's knights' charge are their mages. Besides the elven nations there is no other faction that has numerous highly trained mages at their disposal. Few of them are actually trained for war, but thanks to the University of High Arts they can easily get access to potent offensive or defensive spells.


The Lady is the most revered for her role in the emancipation of the human race and that is visible in the huge cathredal in Eversted. Still each region has its own favorit gods. Omarim follows mainly Iiudash for the life he brings, Hundswacht has a large Caldis worshiper group and Gynebra and the Maiden are the main gods of Rafalqour.

Foreign Relations

Dwarfen City States - The alliance between Dwarfen City states and the Realm were forged by Nanamir the Great during his war again the Kingdom of the Phoenix.

  Kingdom of the Phoenix - As long as the Phoenix King lives there is no hope for lasting peace, but at the same time most parts of the Realm are too far away to care.

  Alliance of the Fathomless - The Alliance has no direct borders with the Realm, but parts of the Realm are interested in maintaining good relationships with captains for when they need trade to go smoothly or to pressure the Kingdom of the Phoenix.

  Clans of the Griffon Mountains - The Heartlands fear an united clans army more than any other force of the continent for they know their fighting prowess. At the same time they value them as peacekeapers along the western trade routes, but they know the clans don't respect the Realm.

Cities of the Free Men's Coast - Previously the Realm tried to expand to the Free Cities of the coast, but both the Valley of Life as well as the Stone Deser proved to be too dangerous for settlements, so only naval trade through the Griffon Mountains remains.

Hiyndurill Forest - Every now and then exploration and settlers are financed by noble houses in hope of finally establishing a foothold in the forest, but every attempt proved costly in lifes and resources. There is no diplomacy, just deadly encounters that the realm has a hard time to full comprehand.

Moon Isles - The direct contact with high elves was lost after the fall of the Elven Empire and subsequent mysterious events in the Valley of Life. There is the typical interest in elven cutlure, but at the same time a mistrust of elven nations.

Duchy of Merryldin - All contact happens through merchants and the interest for the elven wares remains strong within the Realm based on their fascination of high elven culture, but the elves show no interest in serious diplomatic relationships.

Rykthaven - the independence of the city state is a thorn in many noble houses sides. Many would prefer to add it to the Realm for financial gains, but at the same time they fear the influence of new noble houses added to the Grand Council.

Reaver Islands - Most of the Realm only knows legends of plundering raids that happen along the northern coast, but the ferocity previously reached all the way up to Eversted as the Reavers sailed up the Mothers Grace. They are regarded as crazied wildlings siding with demons and that's the reason for Reaperwacht having been build on the rivers delta.

Kingdom of Gnibili - There is little contact with the Kingdom of the Short Ones, but sometimes the Realm approaches it for trading and technologies, but most of the contact happens through Rykthaven.

The Stone Desert Tribes - The interest of the Realm in that region stopped early as all attempts to colonise the desert to reach the Free Cities were met by resistance by the tribes. All conflicts were short and bloody for the Realm.

Goblinoids of Rofingurldaal's Reach - Hobgoblins, goblins and even orcs tend to raid the Far Lands and the Twin River Lands. Campaigning into the reach doesn't pay off, so the Realm spends money on inciting internal conflicts among the tribes.

Agriculture & Industry

The Twin River lands are the most fertile lands of the contient and the Realm's breadbasket, though the Heartlands also are known for their fields and meadows.

Towards the north cattle starts to be more common especially around Ryndhdorvs.

Horses are bread in many places as they are the main mean of transportation with Ryttenhavs being the most estemed place to get warhorses.

Rafalquor is known for its gem mines in the Sandsea.

Overall there is little notworthy industry beyond some shipbuilding for rivers and masonary. Guilds controll the trade and art is mostly coming from Eversted. While the Realm produces most of the goods it needs it lacks signficant production of high quality pieces beyond individual masters that are more focused on creating individual masterpieces than producing for larger markets.

Trade & Transport

Most of the transport is done by cart and horses are wide spread, yet the most important lifelines are the large rivers Mother's Grace and Laangen which have boats sailing them and transporting goods.


The common man/woman gets barely any education. Sometime priest teach basic reading and writing. Children from wealther families can afford to send children to schools and nobles have theirs trained even in martial skills and arts looking for talents that they can then support to make them special.


Most of the Realm's infrastructure are maintained Elven Empire constructions like the elven roads and sewers. Less elaborate roads have been added to expand the network, but they lack the quality of the elven constructions.

Mother's Grace and Laangen have ports that were build to improve the connections between Eversted and the rest of the realm.

Through Unity We Triumph

Founding Date
Year of Unity
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Overall there is little that gets interest from the Realm's neighbours, mostly its grain and wheat from the Twin River Lands and Heartlands. Also the Sandsea's gems might be exported.

Major Imports
In a neverending quest to find something exceptional to trump their friends many seek ware from far lands. Merchants often accuire all kinds of art trinkets or other exotic gods to sell them within the realm. Especially elven craftship or even more so magic items fetch high prices.

Legislative Body
The Grand Council is an assembly of wealthy people who decide the laws of the Realm as well as it appoints all important positons for the realm.

In theory the Council consists of 50 members from different noble houses. Each seat though doesn't just require a noble heritage, but also a substancial financial contribution to the Realm that has to be paid each year. Nowadays only the most influencial and rich families can bring up the money to pay for a seat by themselves, most of the other noble houses are sponsored these to increase their influence when it comes to voting.

For regional matters each of the four major cities has own version of a council to create local laws that can't go against the Realm's law, but there might be regional exceptions like Rafalqour's legal slavery.

Judicial Body
The judges are independent, but appointed by the ruling houses in each region. The Realm's supreme court gets appointed by the Grand Council.

Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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