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Kingdom of the Phoenix

A nation build in fire, made to endure hardships with iron discipline - that's how they see themselves. The Kingdom of the Phoenix rised from the ashes of the Hegemony of Fire and boldly lays claim to all territories that were conqured by its predecessor.

People in the Kingdom are used to a frugal life and sacrificing their comfront to advance the common good. A common good that is defined by the ever reborn king's goals. They are well trained and eductated to perform the tasks that will advance the kingdom.


Kingdom ruled by the immortal Zandrok.

Underneath the king there are magistrates who deal with the enforcement of the rulers will.

Priests have a high standing and take care of lecturing the common people.

There is no nobility as the kingdom is based on a meritocracy.


The harsh land doesn't give much for confortable living and even if the Kingom has access to the sea, it stays away from it threatend by pirates. At the same time the king demands disciplin and a military order. Everyone has to sever from his or her 16 names day until their 19th in the army and even afterward keep at least a functional spear in the household for every man over the age of 16. Women don't usually serve as soldiers, but in social roles taking care of the people in need or as nurses.

The dwarfs are no longer seen as slaves, but there is still a divide between the humans and dwarfs.

Arcane magic is forbidden as its is viewed as elven and thus not worthy to be learned. Elven culture is surpressed, but not elves themselves. Only exception for arcane magic are sorcerers of a draconic bloodline as dragons are still venerated for freeing humans of their masters and foes.

Overall the society is a meritocracy, but with a lot of respect for priest and an demanded utter devotion to the Phoenix King. The druidic Wildfire circle are not an integral part of the society, but live in the wild on the fringes. They are both respected and feared and they have the Phoenix King's ear.

The relationship with other nations are strained at best. The kingdom sees itself as the decendents of the mighty Hegemony of Fire - humans who defeated the Elven Empire and even other members of the Dragon Alliance. On top of that they are very disciplined and somber, used to work hard and not celebrate much.

Public Agenda

Goal of the kinggom is to rebuild a new Hegemony of Fire as its the kingdom's right being the true decendents of the Alliance of the Dragon's most powerful nation.


Several mines, including an adamantine.


Established 328 b.U. by selfproclaimed king Zandrok Firesoul. It consisted of the core provinces of Drurandobaal's Hegemony of Fire.

In the inital years they expand conquering significant parts of the Heartlands and Zandrok claims immortality. Even when he falls in battle he returns to the battlefield a short time later. Still he never manages to bring his kingdom to the size of the Hegemony.

After Nanamir unifies a significant part of the human dominated lands he starts a war against the Kingdom of the Phoenix and defeats the Phoenix King in several encounters foricng him back and reclaiming most of the Heartlands.

Since then the immortal King couldn't build up enough strength to wage a significant war against the Realm of the Middle and an uneasy peace was established, while Zandrok is just waiting for his chance to fall upon the quarreling regions of the Realm.

Demography and Population

85% humans, 5% dwarfs, 5% halfelves, rest mixed


Krym, Kyvan, Bylvan, Szmayov, Conqueror's Hold, Dhor Adamant.


Every one growing up in the kingdom has to serve his country. While women do social work helping the priests, men serve in the military for at least 3 years. This results in a very well trained militia force to supplement an already well founded and equpied professional army.

The Phoenixking has 2.000 men serving as his elite guard, the Fire Guard. They protect the capital and other important locations. 200 of them are in the inner circle that protects the king himself as well as the throneroom. Hundred of them stationed at the palace and while the others are always around him.

3.000 sworddancers are another elite infantry unity that serves as guard and enforcers for the clergy.

The bulk of the army are 10.000 infrantry men. Professional soldiers with good training, though their best usually get recruited to the elite units.

Roughly 2.000 men are always serving in the militia as part of their public duty. In case of need roughly a total 10.000 militia men can be called to arms to supplyment the ranks.

1.000 light cavalry serve as scouts for the army.


Religion is probably the only thing that has a higher standing than the military in everyday life. Priests run a lot of the burocracy to keep the kingdom functioning. They also tend to the basic education of the children and take care of the health issues.

The main religion is Iiudash, God of Light. Every settlement has at least one church dedicated to him and its priest take care of the education. Besides the God of Light, the Maiden is worshipped as the one maintaining order and her priests take care oft the judical work.

The Druidic Circle of Wildfire on the other hand stays away from the settlements and takes no part in the goverment besides acting as advisors to the Phoenixking. They perform their own religious duties in the nature, making sure the eternal fire burns in the Lands of Fire. While being disconnected from the public and widely mistrusted, they at the same time hold the biggest influence on the king himself.

Foreign Relations

Realm of the Middle - They are seen as weak, lazy and corrupt.

Dwarfen City States - They respect their craft and fortitude. In many ways they feel related to them.

Clans of the Griffon Mountains
- There is a mutal respect for their prowess, but they are underdeveloped barbarians.

Alliance of the Fathomless - Just a bunch of pirates, worst of the worst. A blight on the world that needs to be eradicated.

Hiyndurill Forest - Crazy and dangerous feys and elves that need to be either burned down or kept distance. Nothing good can come from dealing with them.

Duchy of Merryldin - Elves are not to be trusted, especially these two-faced, but you can trade with them in summer.

Tribes of the Stone Desert - They are meaningless barbarians.

Agriculture & Industry

The Kingdom doesn't have much fertile land or interesting trading goods besides their metals, armor and weapons. Back in the days of the Hegemony of Fire these lands were taken from the dwarfs with many dwarfs ending up as slaves. The traditon of working metals and mining have been then past on through generations and the Kingdom of the Phoenix can now claim to have as good smiths as the dwarfs.

Also several mines being in the territoy of the kingdom including even an adamantine one ensures enough raw materials to provide the forges with plenty.

Trade & Transport

The kingdom doesn't have have a lot of horses bread for military purposes, mostly just for scouting needs.

The majority of horses are regular beasts of burden to keep the economy running. Oxen are also frequently used.


Education is done through priests who teach children basic math, literacy and history. Promising students get chances go learn at the military or priest schools additional knowledge needed for their roles.
Everybody gets a basic military education.


All major cities and military forts are connected through a maintained street system. In the east going through former Elven Empire territory you can even find major highways.

There are only few and small harbours along the coast that play a minor role due to pirates.

Overall the infrastrucutre is reasonable well maintained to ensure the efficiency of the kingdom is not affected.

Rebirth from Fire!

Allignment: Lawful Neutral

Founding Date
328 b.U.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Major Exports
Weapon and armor - from basic to high quality ones as the skill level is very high due to the dwarfen traditions they copied.

Major Imports
Mostly food - simple grain and meat.

Luxury good are seldom needed as people are used to very simple lifes focused on their duty. Only higher ranking public officials and priest really can afford these types of good.

Legislative Body

Expert magistrates are prepare the laws and discussion the details with the Phoenix King, but its completely up to him.

Some minor regulations can be decided by the magistrates within their limits.

Judicial Body
The law disputes are mostly decided by priests of the Maiden. The Phoenix King can overrule any of their decisions if he feels its necessary.

Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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