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Crimson Tears


And then there are the least sane, the stone mask-wearing members of the . The original mask was donned by a grieving mother who had lost all eight of her children during a . Lost to rage and grief, the woman lost all semblance of sanity and sealed herself off from the world. When she emerged she had forged a stone death mask of her last living child, and had sharpened a cleaver to a deadly point. She would then massacre numerous before eventually falling in battle. Though she would perish in the defence of the city, she would inspire the other berserkers she had fought alongside, prompting them to mark their helms with red tears. This tradition continues to this day, though only those truly lost to their rage feel a close enough kinship to the grieving mother to mark their masks in such a way. Crimson TearsDark TideThe Dark Ones  


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