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Dwarven Foundings

The First Founding/The founding of Khor Ridge.

Founding of one of the deepest and most ancient cities Norn Badir currently still under dwarven control near the Gorge Malam's Depths as well as the founding of Khor Ridge, a famous dwarven settlement known for its incredible gold veins.  

Second Founding/The desolation of Mylenor.

The Dark Ones empowered Deep Mind was able to rest control of several dwarven and drow cities alike, mind-controlling their citizens. A combined assault from either side by the two factions eventually brought down the deep mind. In the end, both armies were spent, and though tensions were high, departed without bloodshed. The ensuing three months saw unusual cooperation between the two as they returned citizens to one another and rebuilt in relative peace. That peace would be broken only three short years later, though to this day The Arkhan Crescent is known for being unusually resilient to the prospect of war, and some even claim that drow infiltrators have bought out the various governors and are working to undermine the empire in its entirety.  

Third Founding/The Refounding of Idrastkor.

Led by The Third Founding General, one of the greatest dwarven military commanders in history, the third founding saw them rise through the ranks, and eventually retake the powerful mining city Idrastkor from the dark ones.  

Fourth Founding/The Refounding of Irolsazad.

Only fifteen short years after the previous founding, the shortest time between any founding, the same general that had refounded Idrastkor retook its closest neighbor, Irolsazad. Though successful, the general had grown arrogant and employed effective, but costly tactics that saw morale fall to abysmal levels. In the end, though victorious many lay dead, and the general saw themselves quietly put into retirement.  

Fifth Founding/The Doomed Fifth Founding.

  With each push the dwarves made, a series of outposts, and cities were constructed, with each one of these pushes earning a different name, even the unsuccessful ones, though not for the fifth. The fifth was to be known as the founding of Lokum Adilimush, but now it is forever unnamed. The founding was supposed to retake the city of Moldath Obokudib, a dwarven city conquered by the dark elves decades earlier. It would then be rebuilt, renamed, and purged of drow influence, securing the border its capture left open.   To this end crown prince Fangril Redbrand and his generals marched on the city, sweeping aside all that opposed them. Between himself, his company of heroes, and his well-trained army, no foe could stand, in fact the drow seemed to retreat faster than they could push. Sensing a trap, they moved slowly, and deliberately, until finally they had taken the city after barely having to fight at all. It was only when their army moved in, and the engineers began their work did they understand the true scope of the trap. The entire city was a cage, the exits being blasted shut before hidden portals all over the city opened.   Forced to fight a horde of demons, undead, and other horrors, the prince and his company took losses but stabilized. Fighting was brutal, but they had established a fortified point and were pushing back when the second dagger struck. @Thravat Ingothammer Dwonograd Chaosshaper and Nuraban  of the Stoneforger Family betrayed their prince and split their forces, escaping while the rest of their company was out assaulting the demons. When they returned the army found that they had no supplies to speak of, and their one hold out had been overrun by drow forces.   It was then that Dwonograd Chaosshaper understood that they were not in fact, flanking the enemy in aid of their prince and were instead defecting. A struggle ensued, and what loyalist forces remained with her escaped back to the castle just as the battle had begun. It was the timely aid of these forces that turned the fight from a slaughter, into a true battle. During the conflict, Fangril’s blood brother, Galum Stonemantle andd his finest general, Thorgrina Grayfinger perished. Leaving only Fangril himself, Dwonograd, and Thorborast Warchest, their civics leader.   With the barest shreds of their army still alive, they escaped what would be known as The Massacre of Emberhearth Keep, and flee back to dwarven territory. Fangril however, had been gravely wounded and he did not live long enough to see his home one final time. After this the surviving members of his company, Dwonograd, and Throborast swore oaths of vengeance, though both had different intentions. Dwonograd returned home, and spent the rest of her days fighting the drow, selflessly sacrificing everything she had to protect the homes of her kin. In the end, she had only one eye, and one arm left, yet still she crawled atop a fallen soldier, protecting him from the drow who had been about to strike him down. Thorborast however, vanished after the funeral, disappearing alongside only a few of his most loyal bodyguards. In time the news would eventually reach the dwarven capital that after several years of hunting, Thorborad had slain Nuraban, and evenged his prince. Though a great achievement, he was struck down before he could slay Thravat as well.   Several great statues were erected along Hero’s Fall, a cliff at the edge of the capital city. One for each of the fallen, as well as ones for the two betrayers. Each year on the day of Fnagril’s death a procession passes them by, with trophies, and kind words given to the martyrs while the betrayers are defaced and eventually, at the last hour of the day, toppled and pushed off the cliff. It is there that paladins make their oath, and it is there they return upon success or completion, to renew or renounce their vow, or announce their failure, and to join the betrayers in the pit below.  

Sixth Founding/The Breaking of Clan Cawthorn

The failed crusade against the drow city of Farnghar, leading to the establishment of the outpost of Octandril. Lead Primarily by Clan Cawthorn, a mercantile clan that rose to prominance in the previous three centuries, they took on an overly cautious approach, with many of the higher ranking generals being little more then incredibly successful merchants devoid of military experience. Though the Cawthorn's still live, they have been demoted to a family and have not been able to regain it, though they have not actively tried, content to simply return to their mercantile roots out of humility. Though initially called the broken founding, earning it a 'cursed' title, the outpost of Octandril has become an incredibly important resource hub and thus over time it has earned a title not quite cursed, though not nearly as great as the others.  

Seventh Founding/The Cursed Founding

The cursed founding saw three armies of the dwarves destroyed, leading to the survivors founding the villages of Varn Doruhl, and Lowrock. This was due to the grandoise proclamation made by the founding's leader, who gave up all claims, lands, and possessions before setting out. This promise was echoed by almost all of the soldiers under their command, each one of which was made before a faceless statue of The Third Founding General. The statue crumbled upon the completion of the last soldier's oath and though initially seen as a good omen, in retrospect, it was seen as the third general cursing them for daring to emulate their success without paying the proper respects.  

Eighth founding/The Purging of Cavern Catial Iddrata

The successful founding saw the complete annihilation of the drow fortress city of Belanore Tirion and the successful settlement of The King's Trident, three settlements that defend The Underpass, one of the main supply arteries of the area and one of the few truly geologically settled areas.  

Ninth Founding/The Crusade of The Houseless

After a debilitating act of sabatoge by drow sappers, a major dwarven city lost its ability to make enough food for its citizens. Trade was impossible, due to the sheer number of brigands, and drow spies operating in the area. In desperation they pushed the cities poor out beyond the walls, and locked the door behind them but not before leaving them enough food and supplies for three days. Some elements within the military took pity on the houseless, and snuck them arms and armor, enough to create a medium sized rag tag army. Motivated by a group of adventurers in their ranks, they decided to take the fight to the drow, and despite certain death waiting for them, they assaulted a small outpost. Having caught the garison by surprise, the houseless wiped out the garison, liberated the prisoners there, and stole the shipments of food and weapons that were being stored there.   With newfound vigor they continued their march, destroying and or absorbing several minor bandit groups in the process. Eventually, they would assault the drow city of Gon Doral. Once more the houseless caught the drow defenders off guard, though this time the fighting was much more brutal. The city was besieged, and eventually the drow surrendered and were allowed to leave provided they promised not to march on the city. This promise was honored, though it is unknown as to why this was the case. Regardless, it lead to the establishment of Gon Doral as it is known today. Ruled by a worker's council modeled after the adventuring group that had lead them from the walls of the city that had tossed them out to the inside of a city to call their own. Independant from other dwarven cities, they have remained on good terms with their kin, though none forget how they were once treated.  

Tenth Founding/The Lost Founding

Assembled from dozens of mercenary companies at the behest of an ailing former general that was nearing the end of his life, the lost founding was not viewed of fondly even during its very inception. Seen as the vanity project of one aging soldier, there was still high hopes that they would at least be able to accomplish their first goal of destroying the Spires Of Orinitar. The crusade forces did not even reach the second city on their resupply route, which is where they were going to pick up the settlers they intended to use to start a fortress of their own in the spires. They were never heard from or seen again, and no one is quite certain what happened to the lost founding.  

Eleventh Founding/The Founding of The Magnian Three.

A founding not of conflict or strife, but rather one of engineering, the eleventh founding is often called the bloodless founding. It was not without its own issues however, as its entire reason for being was due to a sudden upwelling of lava at the center of a particularly important merchantile hub of the area. The eleventh founding sought to build an artificial cap that would contain the vast quantities of lava, and intense heat it would generate. The plan was a success, and the three monitoring stations established to ensure it would not become a problem would eventually grow to become small cities in their own right. Called the Magnian Three.  

Twelfth Founding/The Raising Of The First Temple

The faith of Ronlin and Dulgun began in earnest, with its first priests converging to put to paper all the tenants.   

Thirteenth Founding/The Infernal Founding

Gripped by an intense paranoia of ultimate defeat after the loss of an important series of forts and citadels, they tried to create dark legions and armies using everything from necromancy to demonic infusions. The sheer amount of money and leniency given to the mad scientists who claimed they would get results caused significant chaos and the lack of oversight meant there were few true successes. Though several advancements came of this, the majority of the gold invested was squandered, or stolen, and the creatures created were little more then abominations. Since the unmitigated disaster that was the infernal founding, none have been attempted, though some claim there are rumblings of a fourteenth founding.


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