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Dwarven Paladins

To properly understand the events that lead to the various paladin orders found below, read the Dwarven Foundings, More specifically the fifth, or doomed founding.  

Dwarven Martyrs

  Though some may believe that dwarves use the word too loosely, this is mostly out of a misunderstanding of dwarven culture. To be remembered, and venerated by their clan or family is the height of achievement for a dwarf. To make it into the most hallowed halls, and reach the heights of honor the likes of which echo through eternity is the dream of all dwarves. That is unless you become a paladin, as no matter the order, they all require that the individual give up all familial connection as it is a distraction from their true calling. Though some may go back on this solemn pledge they can never mend the ties they severed, forever excluding themselves from becoming a paragon of their family or clan.  

Dwarven Paladins and Statues

  Dwarven Paladins make their oaths in a public place, usually before a large statue related in some way to the oath they are making. In addition, an oath must have a start, and end to it. A goal that is accomplishable, even if it is extremely difficult. An example would be the reclaiming of an ancient dwarven city or the death of a dragon or other foe that had troubled the dwarf in the past. Upon completion of the oath, a paladin may renew their oath by choosing a new target or abandoning the path entirely by choosing a new one either that or forsaking their status as a paladin entirely. Given dwarves' mostly atheistic nature, their powers are not usually god-given but are instead granted by an oath father/mother/patron. These ancient spirits are greatly empowered by their glory and worship, allowing them the ability to give power to those who follow their path. Though rare, they may also be empowered by the fierceness of their devotion, becoming empowered not by some outside entity, but rather by the very abstract concept of glory, redemption, etc.   These statues are one of the few pieces that are exempt from opulency laws, leading to them being covered in gems, plated in gold, or receiving other such treatments. Other public-facing displays can occasionally receive similar exemptions, resulting in the popular misconception that dwarves are an exceptionally wealthy people.  

Paladin: Oath of Conquest/Martyr Of Conquest

  Martyr of Conquest, Fangril Redbrand. The last prince of the dwarves was a charismatic drinker who cared nothing for the crown in his younger days. When his elder sibling died unexpectedly, and he was placed next in line, he briefly fled the city only to return a fortnight later. Fleeing his responsibilities had changed him as for once he was no longer insulated against the struggles of the common folk. When he did return he was quiet, grim, and sported a scar across his cheek which he never told anyone about. After that, he took up the mantle of leadership with pride and became an admirable prince and a far more admirable leader of men. Finding his calling as a general, Fangril excelled, gaining accolades steadily until it was time for his own founding. Not above using dirty tactics, or whatever was required to win, he molded the officer corp into a lean fighting machine unconcerned for the honor of their foes. When he died his teachings persisted, with most new officers choosing to take their oaths beneath the gaze of Fangril’s statue.  

Paladin: Oath of the Crown/Martyr of the Crown

  Martyr of the Crown Galum Stonemantle blood brother of Fangril Redbrand. Raised as a ‘ceremonial twin’, Galum Stonemantle was born from a low-ranking clan known for their intense loyalty. When the patriarch of the clan had a child right after Fangril was born, the clan leader of Stonemantle offered it to the crown to be raised as a protector. Touched, the former prince accepted, and together they were brought up inside the palace as brothers. Though equal in most regards, Galum had no true authority and was charged with Fangril’s safety above all things. Before Fangril escaped, Galum had been bitter, and resentful, annoyed that he had been saddled with a responsibility he had no say in accepting. He alone was sent to find and return Fangril after he fled the city, and though successful Galum had been changed by the experience. Where before he was critical of Fangril, now he was kind, patient, and intensely protective. In the end, he would give his life for the man who had earned his respect and loyalty, earning himself the status of a martyr, and spawning an entire paladin tradition as his legacy.  

Paladin: Oath of Glory/Martyr Of Glory

  Martyr Of Glory Thorgrina Grayfinger was the finest general in Fangril’s company, and some may argue, in dwarven history. Though she was born to a nameless family and given up by her original parents, she would rise to become a clan of one, but not before a lifetime of fighting. From a young age, she exhibited a bad temper, and an overeagerness to indulge in violence. Eventually, she would wind up accidentally killing a minor noble during a bar fight and would be sentenced to becoming a runebound. She only just barely escaped this sentence due to a technicality and after a brief stint in democratic limbo, her labor contract was put up for auction and was purchased by Clan Deephold. After that day she returned to their ancestral home to be trained in their ways. Though the teachings didn't stick, the grim outlook and intense will did and she left a changed individual. Where before she was directionless now she sought only one thing, glory in battle. She immediately joined the military after her contract was up and after decades of struggle rose up through the ranks. Along the way, she ended up saving Fangril’s life and endearing her to the newly crowned prince.  

Paladin: Oath of Redemption/Martyr Of Redemption

  Martyr of Redemption Dwonograd Chaosshaper was a minor noble who spent the majority of her formative years forgotten by her parents, and extended family. Born with a curious spirit she tried many things, and frequently escaped clanhome grounds in order to get out into the city without her bodyguards. There she would learn many things her family had forbade her from, exploring and meeting many people her family disapproved of. During this time she would become friends with Nuraban, and by extension Thravat Ingothammer, though she harbored an intense distaste for Thravat even back then. Eventually, she would end up joining the military at the behest of Nuraban and Thravat, the pair intending to use her as a scapegoat should they need it. Listless, Dwonograd turned out to be the perfect puppet, though neither of her puppeteers could have expected how she would change. Becoming a leader of a company of Iron Claws, she found the brotherhood she had been searching for her whole life. However she only truly shed her accidental servitude during the flight from Moldath Obokudib. She would go on to serve in the army for centuries, taking on the worst missions and jobs in history.  

Paladin: Oath of Vengeance/Martyr Of Vengeance

  Martyr of Vengeance Thorborast Warchest Warchest was a civics leader born to a very minor family in an oft-ignored part of the capital. Forced to steal at a young age, he joined an infamous undercity gang and began working his way up the ranks when he ran into Fangril Redbrand. The fool prince as he was then known, Fangril had been in search of illicit substances when he accidentally made Thorborast’s acquaintance. Little is known about what happened next, but there was a scuffle of some kind, several gang members turned up dead, and Thorborast made a friend as well as turned his life around. Becoming a supply commander, he leaped at the chance to serve his old friend when Fangril finally took up the mantle of leadership. Together they would only grow closer over the ensuing years, with Thorborast becoming renowned for his ability to get anything his prince required. During the final stand of Crown’s Company, he stabbed a greater demon to death with his pen, the supply commander having gouged out the beast’s eye and jamming his arm elbow-deep into the thing’s head in order to rip out its brain. After that he escaped, only to disappear with the intent to hunt down the two traitors. He succeeded in killing one, but not the true architect of the betrayal, Nuraban.  

Paladin: Oathbreaker/Oathstained

  Oathstained, (Oathbreaker) Thravat Ingothammer began life as a highborn scion of one of the most important clans of the time. Brilliant with a hammer both in and out of combat, he bested every challenge his domineering mother put before him. Distant, and uncharismatic, he was an expert in a dozen different disciplines before he even saw the outside of his clanhome. Though lacking in social skills, he was a keen manipulator in need of someone with who he could collaborate with to further his ambitions. That is where Nuraban came in, the lowborn dwarf was as masterful a manipulator as the third prince himself, Thravat. Serving as Thravat’s mouthpiece and right hand, the pair worked from the shadows to further their own goals. Some say the assassination of the first prince was Thravat’s doing, but officially it was ruled an accident. Though initially he was okay with assassinating Fangril from a distance, he grew to know the second prince and ultimately respect him. Intent on besting the man in a duel, he knew that they would never allow such a conflict to occur. So it was that he colluded with Drow to secure temporary asylum with them after the fourth founding was destroyed. Unfortunately, the The Massacre of Emberhearth Keep did not work as well as he hoped, though he did indeed wound Fangril fatally, thus earning his place amongst the drow. Trapped in drow society Thravat stewed in bitter contempt at his betrayal being made public. In the end, he died having decided to turn himself in to the dwarven authorities, though he was slain before he could do so.  

Paladin: Oath of Treachery/Quaseling

  Betrayer (Trickery) Nuraban of the Stoneforger Family was either a deep set drow plant or a simple thief and murderer who wandered his way into the grand stage out of sheer luck. Regardless of his origins, he was at one point born to a small but important family of masons. Not exactly eager to take up the family trade, he did so only due to the promise of wealth after witnessing a mason taking bribes on the side. From there he would become tangled in local protection rackets, and organized crime culminating in his capture. Judged by Thravat Ingothammer himself who was secretly seeking a lieutenant, Nuraban was cleared of all charges on the promise of serving under Thravat himself. Seeing the opportunity for greater wealth and power, Nuraban accepted. From there they engineered The Massacre of Emberhearth Keep and ended up as minor nobles in the service of the drow. Though his companion became withdrawn and conflicted after being denied the crown he so sought after, Nuraban thrived. Where Thravat was a joke at best, and a trophy at worst, Nuraban schemed with drow thrice his age with ease. Some even claimed that he was a drow who had been cursed to become a dwarf. Eventually, he discovered that he was being hunted and that Thravat had come to regret his actions. Seeing two birds, Nuraban lined things up such that they were both eliminated in a way that he was not implicated in either death. Today he remains with the drow, having found his people.  

Paladin: Oath of the Watchers/The Order Of Cheornailia

  The modern order of Chaeonaila was founded from the shattered remnants of two separate organizations that had already been on long, storied declines before their eventual dissolution and ultimate merger. The first of which was the gloom wardens, which began life as a full regiment of soldiers tasked with the destruction of a fey sorcerer that had been sowing chaos and obducting the elderly and frail for unknown reasons. These unfortunate souls would trade their wills away for youth anew, unaware that an eternity of slavery in service to their new master was their ultimate fate. Though successful, the regiment had suffered unprecedented casualties after their bungled invasion of the sorcerer's kingdom. Officially hailed as heroes, many secretly hated the newly christened wardens for what they saw as a wasteful expenditure of life for so little gain. The other organization was much smaller in size, at its largest only numbering just shy of one hundred individuals. Unlike the soldiers of the gloom wardens, the fire walkers were mostly mercenaries contracted for their skill and experience in fighting demons. Headed by a small elite group of oath-sworn paladins determined to get revenge for their former lord, they hunted down and slew the archdemon in its lair but not without losses. By chance, these two groups would come to spend one of their final nights as a unit at a small out-of-the-way tavern that had coincidently been a favorite of their current leaders. Drawn together by a chance encounter, they began to bond over shared grievances only for a remnant of the arch demon's forces to attack the tavern, ultimately burning it to the ground. Though they had destroyed the famed watering hole, they were not able to destroy the fire walkers, at least not in the way they had planned. For despite the group disbanding, its members joined with the gloom watcher remnants to form a new order. One that would see both fey intruder and demonic invader slain. Their shared experience would come in handy, and in time this new organization named for the tavern that had been the sight of their rebirth would rise to prominence, spreading across the dwarven empire.  

Paladin: Oath of the Ancients/Treeminder/Scions Of Hyperion

Within the Underdark, there are great roots, most commonly referred to as glowroot, that are so large and burrow so deep that they have pierced even the darkest depths of the world. Here they grow and populate, creating new trees that light up the immediate area, and spawning prickly fruit with the texture of meat and the size of one's head. Prized not only for their fruit and bioluminescence but these trees were also desired for their sap which will glow for days or even months if treated with the proper oils after extraction. The appearance of several large adult glow root trees was usually warrant enough for the building of a new settlement with which to harvest and maintain these rare plants. in time these trees would be carefully cultivated and guarded by small select groups of dwarves with a skill in the craft. These groups would eventually become insular, and strangely religious, creating various rituals around the trees. The odd reverence with which the reminders went about their task was ignored by the larger dwarven populace. This status quo continued for centuries until a major dwarven city was about to fall, one renowned for its ability to get the difficult-to-manage root to spawn more trees with gentle sometimes decades-long coaxing. Just as the last of its defenders were about to fall, the glow root trees cut themselves off from the larger root network that connected them all and marched in the dwarves' defense, coming to their aid at the last moment. Though many were surprised, the tree minders were not, as they had long since deduced their charge's true intelligence. Seen as myths, rituals, and simple superstitions by the larger populace, they were in fact communing with the intelligent network of intertwined trees. In the months after the great pruning, the tree minders would morph into a neo-religious movement that venerated those ents who had sacrificed so much for them. For after cutting themselves off from the greater whole, they could never return to the concord that they had once been a part of. Naming themselves the Scions of Hyperion, the largest of the ents who marched in their aid, they spread across the empire, absorbing or converting the rest of the tree minders until only a sparse few of their original number were left.  

Paladin: Oath of Devotion/Crimson Seraphs

  The Red Angel, Boreal saw the struggle of the dwarves, specifically the desperate struggle of a small out-of-the-way series of settlements too far from the dwarven heart to receive support. This loosely connected series of Clanholmes, trade outposts, and minor settlements were divided into many lines. Clan affiliated, ideology, etc, and thus were slow to come together even after Drow raids had become common and the death toll started to rise. Into these scene flew the red angel, who gathered the desperate groups under a single banner through displays of martial prowess, intimidation, and an inspiring tale of hope. Once unified they met the enemy as one, but despite their unity, the battle was feirce and drawn out, lasting many long and grueling months. By the end of the conflict both sides were exhausted, and seeking a definitive victory, the remaining drow command launched a desperate assassination attempt on Boreal herself in hope of breaking the dwarven spirit. Though successful, her martyrdom drove them not to break ranks, but come together, crushing the last of the drow forces and retreating to one of the last of their hold outs which still stood. It was here that an artifact called The Vermillion Light was stashed away. Burying the angel in a tomb alongside their greatest treasure, the light, the survivors went into a peroid of intense, deep mourning. Fourteen weeks passed before suddenly the tomb doors were pushed open from the inside. Emerging once more, the red angel was reborn, though the vermillion light was now gone. The angel, which had once been tall, with almost elven like features and two sets of wings had gained a more dwarven appearance. Since that day fourteen soldiers stand guard over her empty tomb, while a similiar number of bodyguards acompany the angel at any one time. This holy number permeates much of their scripture, which has since then spread far and wide, as has the crimson seraphs themselves. Spawning new orders of paladins primarily on the borderlands, the Seraphs are determined to live up to their founder and leader's ideals of right and wrong, giving any who ask a second chance, but no more then that.  


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