Gnoll Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


"Many other races find the Gnoll to be feral and aggressive, and their behavioral tendencies certainly give this impression. Though Gnolls are not necessarily born evil, they are indoctrinated into the Cult of Yeenoghu at a very early age. This ritual instills a madness within the Gnoll's mind, awakening a craving for the hunt and a primal bloodlust that will not be quenched. Gnolls start fighting among one another as juveniles, with many sneaking away from the eyes of adults where they can engage in vicious, sometimes lethal, battles in a demonstration of strength. Although Gnolls as a whole have a strong affinity for their pack, this is not extended to Gnolls outside their pack, or members of their own pack who have become weak; Wars between packs are common."   Traditional Homeland: Fredsfelder   Physical Description: Gnolls appear as tall humanoid hyenas, with males and females looking similar.   Lifespan: A Gnoll can live as long as 80 years, though their violent and unforgiving lifestyle typically cuts this short.   Size: Gnolls are typically between 7 and 7.5 feet tall, and weigh between 250 and 350 lbs.
Gnolls are dangerous as individuals, and deadly as raiding packs
It is easy to dismiss the intellect of a Gnoll due to its savagery- this is a mistake