Fredsfelder Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Fredsfelder is known for its golden fields and welcoming towns. Once primarily inhabited by nomadic clans, their numbers have fallen as more people settle into the stable and secure lives offered by villages and farmsteads. Five large clans remain across the country: The River clan, the Stronghorse clan, the Old Hill clan, the Bloodhawk clan, and the Redlion clan. Clan territories are complicated; teasing out just who is expected and allowed to be where season to season and year to year is difficult at best for a travelling outsider. Staying on the main roads between cities will help avoid confusion and conflict.   To know before your travels:  
  • Winters in Fredsfelder bring heavy snow and bitterly cold winds, though the Southeastern coastal region rarely sees itself snowed in. Summers are warm and pleasant, and the Fall harvest adds to the wonderful feasting festivals in the region.

  • Much of the coastline of Fredsfelder is rocky or treacherous, with the area along the Northeastern port city of Surri Meri being an exception. Travel and trade by large ships are limited to this port.

  • The ore-rich Ornzar Mountains contain two main cities: The Dwarven royal city of Kupferkette, and the Gnomish capitol of Zaklopat. A number of smaller Dwarven and Gnomish villages dot this mountain range, though they are harder to find for non-locals.

  • Along the South-central border Fredsfelder lies the Forgotten Mans Fen. Locals warn against travel due to the deadly creatures that inhabit its boggy depths, and rumors each year of foolhardy souls who entered but never returned.
  The Cities & Towns of Fredsfelder:  
Known World map of Yeshilan
Springtime Fields of Fredsfelder
A Lone Farmstead
The plains are home to much wildlife
Short Faced Bear by Daniel Eskridge
Related Reports (Secondary)