Hobgoblin Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


"Hobgoblins are strategic thinkers, with traditions in teaching all members of society to weild and maintain weapons and armor. They start training as soldiers the minute they can start walking, with seemingly little space for leisure in their lives- joy comes from conquest and proving one's strength, honor, and glory. The Hobgoblin fears cowardice more than dying. The appearance of the Elvan colonizers in Northern Schaffenheem have lead to ongoing battles and a general hatred for Elves and the Halflings that ally with them. Hobgoblin Warlords are known to keep slaves, with Goblins being the most common victims of this practice."   Traditional Homeland: Vacrux   Physical Description: Hobgoblins resemble large, muscled humans, their bodies covered in coarse fur with red-brown or gray skin and red or orange faces. Males may have beards. Hobgoblin eyes are dark brown or yellowish. Their muscles are designed more for agility than brute strength, and they have been described as having almost feline dexterity.   Lifespan: Hobgoblins live approximately 70 years   Size: Hobgoblins are lean and tall, averaging six and a half feet in height and weighing around 200lbs.
All Hobgoblins are expected to train as warriors
Those who achieve the status of Warlord are highly respected by other Hobgoblins