Vacrux Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The Western side of Schaffenheem, Vacrux mirrors it's neighboring Hillsfollow in climate and natural resources, but that is where the similarities end. The land has long been overrun by Hobgoblins, who aggressively defend their territory from outsiders and frequently launch raids across the border.   To know before your travels:  
  • It is unwise for any who are not of goblinoid blood to attempt travel through Vacrux, as violent conflict is almost assured. Knowledge of survival tactics, skill in speed and stealth, and the ability to speak goblin language are an absolute must.

  • There are numerous Hobgoblin villages throughout the country, typically smaller farming communities working in service to regional warlords. These farms produce food for the warlord's encampments, but also Sodgrim - a highly addictive plant - for trade. The nomadic nature of these encampments mixed with constant battles for supremacy make mapping 'unclaimed' or safe areas nearly impossible. Those travelers unwise enough to avoid encounters with local troops may find themselves captured and sold into bondage- slaves being the second largest trade hobgoblins partake in with outsiders.

  • Besides the hobgoblins, there are said to be monstrous beasts that roam the landscape- their numbers left unchecked by design to ward off unwelcome visitors.
Known World map of Yeshilan
A Hobgoblin village
Abandoned borderland home