Schaffenheem Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Schaffenheem is a land of rolling green hills, high sea-side cliffs, and a central river system that connects the far ends of the continent, allowing for a swift interior trade route. Large lakes team with fish, and shepherds tend to flocks in the lush meadows. Along the Northeastern cliffs, orchards and vineyards grow fruits for fine wines. In the Southern riverbogs, some of the finest tea in Yeshilan is grown.   The coastal communities of Hillsfollow that participate in sea-trade build intricate sea level docks with dizzying arrays of stairs, lifts, and bridges along and into the cliffs to reach the main cities above. While this complicates trade, these communities are better protected from pirate raids due to the difficulty in accessing the towns.   To know before your travels:  
  • A cruise upon the Long River can take you from the Northern port city of Falas Tar all the way to the Southern-most town, aptly named Riversend. Travel with a credible boat tour is safe, comfortable, and quite quick. If attempting the journey alone, be aware of which side of the river set up camp; the Hobgoblins of Vacrux patrol and ferociously defend their borders.

  • At the heart of Schaffenheem lies Scrying Lake. Known for being perfectly calm and crystal-clear, visitors are able to see nearly the entire lake bed despite it's depth. The exception being The Darkwell, a drop-off area near the lake's center rumored to be bottomless.

  • The capitol city of Greenhaven was the birthplace of renowned halfling bard Guldi Greenweaver. A statue in her honor stands in the city center.
  The Nations of Schaffenheem:  

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