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Elia Salah (ell-ee-YA sah-LAH)

Elia Safiya Salah

Elia Salah, a 19-year-old Egyptian Muslim with a passion for solving the unsolved murder of her half-sister, Oakley Taylor, embodies a complex blend of personal and divine elements. 

Gifted with stones, she channels the magickal properties of crystals and gems to navigate life's challenges. Now a diligent business studies student, Elia carries the weight of her past arrests, including one for stalking and another for crystal theft, leading to her confinement at Crete Ranch: For Juvenile Delinquents until the age of 18.

Divine Domains

The divine domain of the Muslim faith encompasses a belief in the oneness of Allah, emphasizing monotheism as the central tenet. This domain revolves around a spiritual connection with Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, focusing on guidance for a righteous and just way of life.


While seeking justice for her half-sister's murder, Elia is tasked with finding and curing Books of Wisdom. This artifact, infused with ancient wisdom, serves as a mystical key in her quest for resolution, connecting her earthly endeavors with a deeper, divine purpose.

Holy Books & Codes

As a devout Muslim, Elia follows the teachings of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The Quran serves as her spiritual guide, shaping her moral compass and influencing her decisions on her quest for justice.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Islamic crescent moon and star are widely recognized symbols, representing guidance and light in the darkness. However, Islam generally avoids using visual representations or symbols of Allah

Tenets of Faith

The Five Pillars of Islam are foundational tenets that include the declaration of faith (Shahada), prayer (Salah), almsgiving (Zakat), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), and pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). These pillars shape the moral and spiritual foundation of a Muslim's life.


Key holidays in the Muslim faith include Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha, commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son. These celebrations involve communal prayers, feasts, and acts of charity, fostering a sense of unity among Muslims worldwide.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Muslims aspire to live in accordance with the teachings of the Quran, striving for personal growth and contributing to the well-being of the community.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elia maintains a commendable physical condition, exemplified by her good health and fitness. Her tall stature and well-toned physique contribute to her overall robustness, reflecting a lifestyle that prioritizes physical well-being.

Body Features

Elia possesses striking features that harmonize with her Egyptian heritage. Her very dark brown skin, long and full black curly hair, and expressive green eyes collectively create a visually captivating appearance, enhancing her distinct and memorable presence.

Facial Features

Elia's facial features radiate a blend of elegance and strength. Her well-defined features, including a prominent jawline and high cheekbones, contribute to the captivating allure that defines her overall appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Distinctive features like Elia's dark brown skin, long curly black hair, and captivating green eyes serve as identifying markers.

Physical quirks

While Elia maintains an outwardly composed demeanor, her physical quirks become apparent when she's engaged in her Lithomancy practices.

Special abilities

Endowed with the ability of Lithomancy, Elia possesses a unique and supernatural skill set. Her proficiency in using crystals and gems enables her to tap into their magickal properties, offering a diverse range of applications, from divination to energy manipulation.

Apparel & Accessories

Elia's fashion choices reflect her individuality. She often opts for comfortable yet stylish attire, blending t-shirts with meaningful prints, fitted jeans, and sneakers. Additionally, she adorns herself with symbolic accessories, such as necklaces and earrings, expressing elements of her personal beliefs and identity.

Specialized Equipment

Elia's specialized equipment includes the crystals and gems essential for her Lithomancy abilities. These mystical tools serve as conduits for her magical practices, allowing her to tap into their unique energies for various purposes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elia's life has been overshadowed by the unresolved tragedy of her half-sister, Oakley Taylor, whose murder in 2047 remains unsolved. This haunting event has shaped Elia's journey, propelling her into a relentless pursuit of justice. At the age of 19, Elia has confronted challenges and adversity that have fueled her determination to uncover the truth surrounding her sister's death.

Gender Identity

Identifying as a female, Elia embraces her feminine identity with confidence and grace.


Elia defines herself as gay, embracing her sexual orientation with authenticity.


Currently a business studies student at college, Elia is engaged in academic pursuits that extend beyond her personal quest for justice.


Elia's employment history includes a connection to crystals, as evidenced by her arrest for stealing them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Elia's primary accomplishment is yet to unfold – solving the mystery of her sister's murder – her academic pursuits and dedication to her relationship with Coral Anita Turner are noteworthy aspects of her life.

Failures & Embarrassments

Elia's arrest for stalking, driven by her grief and desire for justice, stands as a poignant failure in her past.

Mental Trauma

The unresolved murder of Oakley Taylor serves as a constant source of mental trauma for Elia. The weight of this unresolved loss fuels her determination but also inflicts emotional wounds that shape her interactions and choices.

Intellectual Characteristics

Elia's pursuit of justice demonstrates her analytical and investigative intellect.

Morality & Philosophy

Rooted in her Muslim faith, Elia adheres to a moral compass guided by Islamic principles. This spiritual foundation influences her decisions and actions, providing a framework for ethical considerations in her quest for justice.


The theft of crystals and the subsequent arrest constitute a taboo in Elia's personal history. This incident represents a deviation from societal norms and legal boundaries.

Personality Characteristics


Elia's central motivation revolves around solving the unresolved murder of her half-sister, Oakley Taylor. Driven by a deep sense of justice and a personal quest for closure, she dedicates herself to unveiling the truth behind Oakley's tragic fate.

Vices & Personality flaws

Elia's intense focus on solving Oakley's murder sometimes leads to tunnel vision, causing her to overlook other aspects of her life. This single-minded pursuit can be emotionally taxing, impacting her well-being.

Personality Quirks

During moments of contemplation or when utilizing her Lithomancy skills, Elia often twirls a strand of her long, curly hair.


Elia maintains meticulous hygiene practices, reflective of her disciplined nature. Her self-care routine involves carefully tending to her long, curly hair and incorporating skincare rituals that complement her golden-brown complexion.


Contacts & Relations

Elia's closest ally is Felix Smyth, her inseparable friend and fellow business studies student. She also shares companionship with Violet Perry, a former Crete Ranch: For Juvenile Delinquents resident, and Alana Campbell, her YouTube-watching companion. In addition, she is romantically involved with Coral Anita Turner, a junior doctor.

Family Ties

Raised without the presence of her parents, Elia's family ties are shadowed by the unresolved loss of her half-sister, Oakley Taylor, whose murder propels Elia's life mission.

Religious Views

As an Egyptian Muslim, Elia's religious views shape her moral compass and guide her actions. The Islamic Mosque serves as a focal point for her spiritual beliefs.

Social Aptitude

While her focus on justice may at times overshadow social nuances, her genuine connections with friends and her romantic partner showcase her interpersonal skills.


Elia's mannerisms reflect a combination of determination and empathy.

Hobbies & Pets

Elia, driven by her demanding life, doesn't have pets. Her hobbies include the mystical practice of Lithomancy, unraveling business concepts, and spending quality time with friends, engaging in activities like watching YouTube videos together.


Elia's speech patterns resonate with clarity and conviction. She communicates with a purposeful tone, emphasizing her commitment to justice and her dedication to academic pursuits.

Wealth & Financial state

While not born into wealth, Elia's pursuit of a business studies degree lays the foundation for potential prosperity. Her focus on justice often overshadows material wealth, emphasizing the richness of her relationships and pursuits.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
Divine Classification
Euterpe - Muse of Music
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Unspoken title of "Seeker of Justice," an identity she carved for herself through her relentless pursuit of her sister's murder.
Date of Birth
2nd Feb, 2035
long black, full & curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
golden brown
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the melody of life, every note carries a story. I aim to compose justice for Oakley's unsung tale."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elia is proficient in Arabic and other languages associated with her Muslim heritage.


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