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Violet Perry

Guardian of Apollo

Violet Esmerelda Perry (a.k.a. Vi)

Violet Esmerelda Perry, known as Vi, is a 19-year-old with a determined spirit fixated on getting revenge on the murderer of her friend, Beatrice Grant. Vi has navigated a tumultuous past that includes a stint in a mental institution to manage her superhuman abilities. Despite being raised in affluence, Vi's parents were emotionally distant, leaving her to be raised by a succession of nannies. Antisocial, a know-it-all, and coping with schizophrenia, Vi's journey is marked by her commitment to uncovering the truth behind Beatrice's tragic fate.

Divine Domains

Vi, being an atheist, does not align herself with any specific divine domain. Her beliefs lie in the tangible realities of the mortal world rather than the influence of higher powers.

Holy Books & Codes

As an atheist, Vi does not adhere to any holy books or codes. Her moral compass is shaped by personal experiences and a commitment to uncovering the truth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Vi rejects the use of divine symbols and sigils, viewing them as symbolic constructs without inherent power. Her journey is guided by evidence and rationality rather than mystical symbols.

Tenets of Faith

Vi's tenets revolve around justice, truth, and the pursuit of solving mysteries. Her faith lies in the tangible outcomes of her actions rather than abstract principles.


Vi does not celebrate any divine holidays. Her focus on solving the murder and navigating the complexities of the mortal world leaves little room for religious observances.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vi is in pretty good shape, physically fit and exhibiting remarkable strength.

Body Features

Standing at a height of 5'4", Vi's short stature complements her powerful presence. Her fair skin provides a canvas for her facial features to stand out.

Facial Features

Vi's facial features contribute to her unique appearance. Her short, dark brown hair frames her face, and her dark blue eyes convey depth and intensity, reflecting the emotions and experiences she has encountered.

Identifying Characteristics

Vi's short stature, fair skin, and captivating dark blue eyes are key identifying features that make her stand out in a crowd.

Physical quirks

Vi is obsessed with coloring.

Special abilities

Vi's most notable attribute is her extreme strength, a superhuman ability that sets her apart. The incident where she threw a concrete table across the courtyard showcases the extent of her physical prowess

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Violet Perry, known as Vi, has been consumed by the unresolved murder of her friend Beatrice Grant, strangled in 2050 by a fellow inmate who was inexplicably acquitted. This traumatic event has defined Vi's life, driving her quest for justice.


Vi defines herself as pansexual, embracing a broad spectrum of attraction.


Vi's education is marked by her arrest at the age of 12 for defending a classmate from her brother's assault.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vi's strength is noteworthy, demonstrated by an incident where she threw a concrete table across the courtyard of her mental institution.

Failures & Embarrassments

The failure to bring Beatrice's killer to justice is a constant source of pain for Vi.

Mental Trauma

Vi grapples with schizophrenia, contributing to her antisocial tendencies and know-it-all demeanor.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite her antisocial nature, Vi possesses exrreme intellectual strength.

Morality & Philosophy

Vi's moral compass is steered by her quest for justice.

Personality Characteristics


Vi's unwavering motivation to avenge Beatrice's murder stems from a deep sense of loyalty and justice. Beatrice's death haunts her, pushing her to seek answers even when others might have given up.

Personality Quirks

Tapping her fingers when deep in thought is a physical manifestation of Vi's intense focus. It reflects her concentration and immersion in the complexities of her investigations. Vi's obsession with coloring serves as both a coping mechanism and a symbol of her need for order amidst the chaos. It provides her with a sense of control and comfort.


Vi's meticulous approach to personal hygiene acts as a stark contrast to her disheveled mental state. Regular showers and a preference for soothing scents contribute to her routine.


Contacts & Relations

Vi's roommate and closest friend, Poloma Deboule, is a steadfast companion in her quest for justice. Their bond transcends mere friendship, serving as a pillar of support amidst the challenges Vi faces. While Vi also enjoys spending time with Angelica Parin watching YouTube videos, a lingering sense of distrust colors their relationship. Vi remains cautious, unsure of Angelica's true intentions.

Family Ties

Vi's family ties are strained, marked by neglect from her wealthy parents. The absence of familial support has driven Vi to forge her own path, finding solace in chosen relationships rather than blood ties.

Religious Views

Vi identifies as an atheist, finding comfort in the tangible pursuit of justice rather than relying on divine intervention.

Social Aptitude

Vi's social aptitude is challenged by her antisocial tendencies and the complexities introduced by schizophrenia. While she excels in investigative pursuits, forming and maintaining social connections remains a continuous struggle.

Hobbies & Pets

Vi's companion, Drode, provides a source of comfort and companionship. The feline presence offers a respite from Vi's often solitary endeavors. Vi's obsession with coloring serves as both a hobby and a coping mechanism, providing a creative outlet amidst the chaos of her investigative pursuits.


Vi's speech is characterized by a direct and assertive tone. She communicates with clarity and purpose, minimizing unnecessary words. Her words mirror her determination and dedication to uncovering the truth.

Wealth & Financial state

Vi's upper-class upbringing provided a financial safety net, but her personal investments lie in the currency of truth rather than material riches.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
Divine Classification
Guardian of Apollo
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
16th June
Year of Birth
2035 CE 19 Years old
Bellingham, WA
Dark Blue
Short and Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Justice isn't a favor; it's a debt owed."
"Coloring outside the lines is where the truth hides."

Catchphrase: "Unravel the truth, paint over the lies."


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