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Clan Kuldir

Very rich and powerful clan, their main city being Thum Kuldir. Thum in dwarvish means lake, Kuldir is just the family name. The city is a large one, it is in the center of a massive underground chamber, that once was a massive lake of lava, now more than half of the massive chamber is filled with an enormous reservoir. Year round they have access to fishing and faming in this chamber. An ancient ancestor of theirs had created a massive construction at the height of the chamber, it is only accessible through magic, or the portal set in the keep of the clan. The portal brings whoever goes through it up to the chamber. This chamber has a large topaz gemstone set into the floor which is a massive artifact, each day at dawn it regains its charge, the charge is a daylight spell that lasts for 10 hours. The construction of the massive topaz and the strategic location of different prisms located all over the ceiling of the massive chamber reflects the daylight to illuminate the entire massive chamber as if the sun were at its apex for the entire 10 hours.   This construct and the fact that there are natural geo thermal vents in the chamber which keep the temperature above freezing year round means that the city is able to farm the area around the city year round. This has led the clan to be the second wealthiest clan just behind High Clan Moordun.   Helral Kuldir - Clan Leader Gilson Kuldir - husband of the clan leader, commander of the Knurl Hefthyn (Stone Guard) Valder Kuldir - only son of the clan leader, captain within the Stone Guard   Clan Kuldir has been given the command by Clan Moordun to secure the northern limits of the kingdom. The kingdom know that the Grimshields are no longer able to secure the city and protect the entrance to the Mountain Passage. High Clan Leader Thulgrin Moordun sent a decree to Helral which designated her the commander of the northern defense. With that order Helral is well within her rights to make all military decisions for all of the northern cities. This gives her command to the extent of martial law over all of the north. She is free to order and command all military forces. All Clan leaders within the area are obligated to obey and support Clan Kuldir in their command.   Clan Kuldir, while not being super spiteful or evil necessarily are somewhat soft and more interested in using this commission to get the most profit out of it that they can. They don’t fully appreciate how dire the situation is and have the ultimate goal of getting enough money and power to challenge Clan Moordun for the high clan spot once Thulgrin dies.   This command was rescinded after the defeat of the Kuldir forces at the battle with the hobgoblin forces, the fight having been an avoidable catastrophe that was caused by Valder Kuldir the commander of the Kuldir forces, and son of the clan leader.
Geopolitical, Clan
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Controlled Territories

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