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The Aglim

The Aglim, or the Shining Company is a very small and specialized fighting force that operates out of Saint Tharum Monastery in the town of Kythmorn.   The company has a very close relationship with Clan Morndin, many of the clan are members of the company.   The Aglim gain their battle prowess by fighting an ongoing war with the duregar that live in the Underdark below them. The large opening that leads into the Underdark beneath the city of Kythmorn is their area of operation. At any time the majority of the Aglim are on duty patrolling that area of the underground.   The current leader of the order is Abbot Karrack, he is a master of the special fighting style they teach, a cleric of Kord, and the oldest of the living Gamil.

Mythology & Lore

Saint Tharum came after the founding of the dwarven race, he was a believer in Kord who saw him durning the battle at Kordsmark. He brought the word of Kord and his strength to the dwarven people, and he brought it directly where they needed it most, Kythmorn was controlled by the Duregar, all of the dwarves there were the slaves of the dark and murderous dwarves. Tharum came to the dwarves living in servitude and willingly allowed himself to be enslaved so that he could teach the dwarves how to fight back without needing weapons. After living in slavery for years he eventually led a revolt against the duregar and the dwarves were able to defeat the duregar and drive them back into the underdark. Unfortunately Tharum was wounded terribly during the battle, wounds that should have been fatal, but the reports were that he fought on and a strange golden glow seemed to burn from his wounds. His leadership and refusal to die gave his followers the strength they needed to win the fight. After the battle ended it was said that Tharum turned to his followers smiled and died, a glowing golden spirit leaving his body. And so the temple of Tharum was founded and those saved by Tharum passed down his teachings and developed them further and further.

Divine Origins

Many years after Saint Tharum drove the duregar out of Kythmorn, Clan Morndin, a small clan looking for a new place to call their own made an agreement with the abbot of the monastery, they would live and work together, using the magical prowess of the Clan and the raw fighting talent of the monks to create fighters who, though there would never be many of them, could defend the people of the town against vast numbers of the evils that seeped out of the underdark.


Within the Aglim there are several different groups that fight in different ways depending upon what kind of enchantment they have been granted.   The Und Aglim are the most common, they are trained fighters with the special compound longbows, long and slender metal staves, as well as hand to hand. The mark of a full Und Aglim is the enchanted tattoo they have over their heart which is a glowing fist of Kord.   The Thrond are an even further specialization that some of the Und can become. There are only 10 Thrond in existence at the moment as the process of enchantment and the training they go through is dangerous and takes many years. They are marked by a single glowing enchanted purple eye and have a habit of wearing eyepatches. These fighters are the expert scouts and marksmen with the specialized longbows, some of their number have additional enchanted tattoos on their hands and feet that allow them to serve their function as the scouts and snipers who go on missions deep into the Underdark.   Going in the opposite direction some of the Und can choose to specialize in the hand to hand fighting that they learn. if they do so they can become one of the Gamil. These fighters undergo an incredibly dangerous and painful process of turning their hands and arms into incredibly powerful and dangerous weapons. A Gamil has the bones in their hands and wrists replaced with mithril, and have the knuckles turned into sockets which they can put different enchanted attachments into. Which turns their hands into devastatingly effective, and permanent knuckle dusters.
Religious, Monastic Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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