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A small subterranean dwarven town in the north of the Lang Karag Mountains. The city is the seat of power for Clan Morndin and the location of the Saint Tharum Monastery.   It is a small and sparsely populated town. Smaller than Grimval. Only having a population of around 1000 at most. The largest faction within the city are the followers of Kord and the acolytes and clerics that live at the monastery. The city is an entirely underground cavern, much smaller and shorter than the citadel but of a similar style of construction. The chamber is a large dome that is around 100 feet tall and a quarter mile in diameter. Within that space there is a scattering of homes and businesses, the majority being mundane and nothing out of the ordinary for a dwarven town. The entrance from the north leaves a large fortress and a twin fortress mirrors the northern fort on the southern side of the city. To the east is the Saint Tharum Monastery. And Directly in the middle of the city at the highest point in the cavern is a large tower that nearly reaches the ceiling of the dome.   Manor Morndin
A large tower that has a circular wall 15 feet high that protects the towers base. The tower stands 85 feet high and has a flat crenelated top. There are many narrow windows that circle the tower, many could be used like arrow slits but are also a bit wider than a normal arrow slit to give a slightly better view at the sacrifice of some cover.   Within the tower there are 6 floors. The first floor is the largest and is not circular like the rest of the tower, it is roughly rectangular and much wider than the rest of the tower. The top two floors of the tower are Olara’s chambers and work rooms. She spends most of her time there and usually alone. The entire tower is heavily enchanted and protected.   There are stables, and a smithy within the walls of the manor, along with a small area set aside for chickens and geese. There are many small outbuildings that circle the tall and well patrolled walls of the manor. Spread around the wall are a number of guard towers as well, 8 in total all spread evenly around the points of the wall and all well within sight and arrow range of each other.   Saint Tharum Monastery
To the side of the large chamber, built half in the wall of the chamber and half exposed is a sprawling monastery, it has large stone walls that enclose the grounds, the walls are patrolled by a small number of acolytes in training to become Und Aglim.   The main gate of the wall is normally kept open but guarded by two of the Und Aglim.   The grounds themselves are a series gardens and pools with winding pathways. The gardens range from moss to small stunted trees to pleasing rock gardens. Within the pools there are a large number of colorful fish swimming. A mix of blue, yellow and silver scales cover these strange subterranean fish that also have no visible eyes. They are called Gana Cave Fish.   The grounds of the Monastery are lit by very strange lights. There are 4 large pedestals that stand evenly spread out over the grounds. The stone pedestals have large watermelon sized but perfectly rounded purple glowing orbs that shed bright light evenly across the entire grounds. If looked at with detect magic it will reveal powerful divination and abjuration magic.   When passing into the purple light of the orbs, any illusions or magics that would disguise or hide an individual or aid them in the pursuit of deception are suppressed or dispelled. Additionally all magical items give off a resonating purple glow.   past the grounds when passing into the main complex of buildings there will be a series of steps that go up to a porch like area bordered by large smooth pillars that stand 20 feet high. There will be a number of doors off this area. The main doors in the middle are a double set that lead into a large temple hall. There are no pews within the chamber, instead small woven mats where monks kneel while praying or meditating.   There is no altar in the room the only decoration aside from the simple yet elegant stone work is a large golden symbol of Kord built into the wall.   The largest feature of the room is a large circular sand pit in the middle of the room that is meticulously raked and maintained by the many monks and acolytes that are moving about. The large majority of the monks are dwarves but here and there other types can be seen, humans, being the second most populous, a few half elves, the occasional halfling, two goliaths, one half orc.   Businesses in Kythmorn
The Worn Boot
Small and somewhat shabby inn with a very old and very battered boot hanging over the front door, much better known for its tavern, much shadier than the other inn in town. Not owned by Nox Tempus, but where the few members of the organization congregate for drinks. Run by a middle aged dwarven woman named Kalla. She is a formidably wide and stout lady, she makes an excellent roast. Has her two sons as bouncers for the bar. Sons names - Don and Dain Has rooms for rent, but will attempt to overcharge an obviously wealthy group   Thrond’s Rest
Has a picture of a hooded archer with a glowing purple eye hanging over the door, it is the southern tavern. Largest Inn in town. Run by a very old dwarven man, formerly a miner, has awful scarring all over his arms and ankles. The scars on his wrists if examined closely by someone with knowledge of such things will know they are similar to the kind of markings made by metal manacles being worn for a very long time by someone treated very poorly. The old miner is named Fultak, he is a dwarf with a purely white beard, balding with scars and liver spots on his scalp. He owns the inn. But spends most of his time sitting by the fire in an armchair. His daughter runs the place along with her partner a half elven woman who is the cook. His daughter is named Dirla, The half elf cook is named Tsarra. Fultak when he was much younger was captured by a duregar raiding party, plenty of his fellow miners were also captured or killed, he was brought below and forced to work in a smeltery, chained to a bellows and rarely fed, beaten and never allowed to leave. A scouting party of two Thrond following the trail of the captured miners found where they were being kept. And at great risk to themselves proceeded to free every last one of the captured dwarves, eventually the duregar realized what had happened and gave chase. The two thrond didn’t hesitate for a second when they found out they were being overtaken by a large force of Duregar, the one in the rear of their group simply made a hand gesture at the other and turned around to face the entire army of duregar chasing them and set himself up to fight them all. The other thrond led them on and the group heard the battle begin behind them, the screams of dying duregar echoing down the tunnels. The sounds faded as the group got further and further away. They never saw that Thrond again but they were also free of pursuit for the rest of their journey back to Kythmorn. The two Thrond were, Risma Morndin, Tegret’s Mother. And Vair Morndin. Tegret’s Father.   Fultak had managed to scrounge some valuables from the duregar camp when they were escaping, taking a few bars of mithril, and some raw arcstone gems. He used his wealth after getting back to buy this tavern and changed its name to Thrond’s Rest, and it is the policy of the bar to give free drinks, food and rooms to any Thrond who wishes to stay.     Zagmal and Sons General Goods
Small storefront with a large warehouse in the rear, has every kind of mundane equipment and supply an adventuring party could need. Or supplies for building a house, carts, horses Run by an older dwarven man named Tor Zagmal and his one son Reldo.     Bonnie’s Forge
Bonhild or Bonnie as she likes to be called, runs the smithy by herself. Is a very capable smith and has on many occasion created the weaponry that was to be enchanted by Olara. Bonnie is a younger dwarven woman with absolutely jacked arms, very short even for a dwarf, very short cropped blonde hair, very stocky build.
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