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Within the kingdom of Lang Karag, and subject to the High clan Moordun. Controlled by Clan Valstone Population - 2800   Demographic Breakdown Dominant - Dwarves Minorities - Humans, Half Elves, Halflings Enclave - Half Orcs, Gnomes, Elves Groups - Goliaths Individuals - Dragonborn, Tiefling, Aasimar Singular - Kenku, Furbolg   Grimval has always been a stark and somewhat cheerless place, the nature of being in the shadow of two massive mountains for 90% of the time makes it hard to be sunny. The location of the town is purely strategic, as there is little in the way of farmland, or resources worth extracting. It exists as a point of trade between all three kingdoms and marks the northern most point of the massive underground mountain pass that the dwarves carved under the entire length of the Lang Karag mountains.   Additionally it is an important military outpost, being a pivotal point to control in the wars of the past. The town controls all traffic that passes through the only easy route across the mountain range for easily a hundred miles.   During the first origin war, the town was raised by the elves and an attempt was made by the elven forces to follow the dwarven soldiers who retreated back into the mountain pass, this was a grave mistake by the elves as the dwarves lured their entire force into the tunnel before closing it off and ambushing the elves from all directions. It was a complete and total loss for the elves. Only a small number of whom were captured once they had surrendered.   During the second origin war the city remained neutral, not allowing either side to pass through the mountain range, they refused to shelter either sides forces and were attacked by both the humans and the elves for it. However when Grimval was rebuilt after the first origin war the dwarves had planned for future attacks and devised a powerful and incredibly simple way of defeating attacking armies. They simply dropped massive boulders from the mountains on either side, crushing the attacking forces and completely blocking off the only route through the mountains. After that the pass remained blocked and impassable for the duration of the war.
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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