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Commander Vadatalin Dareksen Valstone (a.k.a. Vada)

Vadatalin was born and raised in the town of Grimval by her father Lingren Dareksen, and mother Krida Dareksen.
She joined the Grimshields at the age of 35, the youngest age at which they would accept her. She was a perfect fit for the battalion, her stubborn refusal to quit and her desire to live up to her fathers reputation were instrumental in elevating her in the eyes of her companions. After ten years of service she was raised to the rank of sergeant and put in charge of a squad. Nine years later after that she was a well respected senior NCO in 8th company under the command of Captain Rodel, the same captain who her father had served under. And she was given the opportunity to join an adventuring party on a mission to scout a long forgotten mine to the north of Grimval. This was the beginning of Vada's transformation from a well known town guard to a hero for her people.

  Since then Vada has earned magical items like a powerful shadow spear taken from the body of a dreaming dark assassin that had been pursuing Aurora and the other members of OATH through the Underdark.
  She got the helm of the dwarven hero Sigrid from the ruins of Clan Valstone's ancestral home after she and OATH reclaimed it for the clan from the dragon which had been living there.
  Tox and OATH helped to purchase her a Shield of the Bulwark from the vault of Clan Morndin.
  And recently the Grimshields paid for the materials to have an enchanted set of mithril full plate made for her as a gift that was given to her during a graduation ceremony for a new class of Grimshield recruits.

Mental characteristics




Vada was educated in the way most dwarven children are, by many different elder members of the clan who teach the young, writing, reading, history, math, and craftsmanship. Vada was also taught woodworking and first aid by her mother.
During her time as a Grimshield her education continued under the tutelage of the more senior soldiers, she learned tactics, military history, survival skills, and how to fight with every weapon known to dwarfkind, she also was trained in the fighting style of the Grimshields, fighting in a phalanx and the more specialized tactic of the hammer teams, where she earned a position as a striker, the most dangerous and most prestigious role in the whole team.

Mental Trauma

The burning undead meteor that struck Grimval and the resulting mass death and destruction took a toll on Vada, she is not a stranger to seeing her companions die in battle, but having to kill the reanimated bodies of her brothers and sisters in arms who just died in the shield wall next to her was an incredibly traumatic experience for her that still gives her nightmares.
Was killed in battle with mind flayers in the underdark, her brain was devoured by an intellect devourer. Tox and OATH managed to recover her body and bring her to the healer Ari who with the assistance of Tox and friends managed to rebuild Vada's brain and the mind that goes with it.

Morality & Philosophy

Vada has a somewhat simplistic way of looking at the world, working as a member of the Grimshields who are the policing force for Clan Valstone and the town of Grimval she has gotten the somewhat jaded view of the world, she believes that most people have the capacity for good and bad, and when someone chooses to do something they know is bad they deserve to be punished for it, and more often than not she is willing to be the one to make sure that offenders are dealt their punishment.

Personality Characteristics


To be a shield for the people of Grimval and Clan Valstone
Protect the people she loves
Live up to the reputation of her father and past Grimshields


Contacts & Relations

Through her travels with OATH, Vada has met a number of influential and important individuals all across the continent of Yonder as well as some from other planes of existence. Some of the more influential individuals include:
Iseliel Daughter of the Moon
The Horned King
Tivreot Diodred Herald of the Hunt
Archmage Thallan Headmaster of the Virkis of Kordsmark
Duchess and Duke of Morgan's Landing
Archmage Noushin
And many more

Vada has never been in a very long term serious relationship, for many years she dated infrequently, her partners being dwarves in Grimval, none of whom were Grimshields.
Recently however she has gotten into a relationship with Tox from the adventuring party OATH.

Family Ties

Father - Lingren Dareksen served as a Master Sergeant in the Grimshield Battalion. He died in the line of duty fighting against hill giants, he was awarded a medal for his service posthumously. In the year 3450, at the age of 197. His shield was passed on to his daughter when she joined the Grimshields 10 years later.
Mother - Krida Dareksen worked as a carpenter, and was a devout follower of Moradin. She also worked as an emergency medic when needed by the clan or the Grimshields. She passed on her knowledge of first aid and craftsmanship to her daughter. She died 5 years after Lingren at the age of 208. Presumably from natural causes but others believed that she had lost the will to live after Lingren died.
Vada's extended family includes:
Aunt - Elnae Vaermsen - the younger sister of Krida
Uncle - Graem Vaermson - married Elnae, he is a successful glass blower and member of the glassworks guild in Barak Mor.
Niece - Harika Graemsen - elder child of Elnae and Graem she served as a member of the Grimshields for 9 years. She died at the age of 49 in the line of duty during the Burning Undead siege of Grimval.
Niece - Fikir Graemsen - 20 years old, lives in Barak Mor with her parents.

Wealth & Financial state

Was granted ownership of a large parcel of Clan Valstone land upon being made an official member of the clan, as well as a manor home within the city of Grimval at the same time. The home having been Elric Valstone's before his death, and with him having no heir it became the property of the clan's before being given to Vada.   Additionally the Commander of the Grimshield Battalion has a large amount of wealth set aside for their own personal use within the vaults held by Clan Valstone.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Member of Clan Valstone
Commander of the Grimshield Battalion
Date of Birth
18th of Mirtul
Year of Birth
3425 54 Years old
Current Residence
Long, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 11"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am a LEGEND"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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