
The Blackfields is a large beach region in the northmost reaches of the Sian Lowlands. The region is notable thanks to the black sargassum, a species of floating kelp, that grow along the coastline.

As the gigantic sheets of sargassum continue to grow, so does the Blackfields. More than 60% of this region's territory consists of the seaweed blankets, rather than the beach itself.

Geography, Location, & Climate

The Blackfields is located just north of the Sian Lowlands and the Sandaris Mountains. This isolated stretch of flat, low-lying beach can only be accessed through a small strip of land to the south. It wraps around the Sandaris Mountains, approaching the Sian Highlands where it meets giant cliff-faces.

This region is easy to traverse and considered one of the safest regions on Norrab. The atmosphere is quite muggy, with strong wind currents that run parallel to the coastlines. The lack of diversity in altitude means high tides can completely cover the Blackfields, inviting creatures into tide pools during low tides.

Click on the "Geographic Landmarks" marker group to see the Blackfields
Norrab is best known for its swirling sandy seas, treacherous mountain ranges, trenches that cut all through the oceans, and an assortment of other dramatic, dangerous landscapes. Despite this, people have learned to thrive here and find beauty in what life manages to win the fight against the unforgiving environment.


Goliath Blackfield Mussels by Mochi

A plethora of organisms are exclusive to the Blackfields. Many small fish live around the rocky reefs just off the coastline, in the pearly silver ocean.

Goliath blackfield mussels are a supermassive mollusc that bury themselves in the sands of the Blackfields, feeding on dead plankton and cleansing the air.

Black sargassum grow in giant masses in the sea, forming the majority of this region. Some areas are so thick that a norrabian can comfortably stand on it.

Coast / Shore
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Related Tradition (Primary)
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Cover image: by Mochi


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