Too Cuddly To Kill

CW: Mentions of animal torture in "A Genetic Abomination"
Fluffbear by Mochi

TCTK, or Too Cuddly To Kill, is a prolific military unit of the oanie. As their name suggests, these animals specialise in being too adorable for people to harm, but there is a far more mysterious backstory behind the history and formation of this organisation.

The fat, pink, fluffbears are not found anywhere in the Yonderverse. It doesn't take a genius to realise these are an entirely fabricated species. The last technology on Karkhala has enabled scientists to manufacture entirely new animal species, by writing genetic code from scratch, or by splicing together thousands of existing organisms.

Horrible History

Fluffbears are a recent concoction, first seen guarding the now-abandoned mining facilities of Gilde XG. This golden asteroid suffered unusual goldquakes, forcing workers off the asteroid. The fluffbears were left there, presumed dead.

TCTK have been placed on asteroid and moon outposts around the Milky Way, defending workers from potential attacks. Fluffbears were present when the Galanti League raided a warehouse, which subsequently caused the Galanti-Karkhala War.

Vicious Bite

Fluffbear Snarling by Mochi
My goodness, that thing's got teeth.
Natani Melle, encountering a fluffbear for the first time

While these animals may look cuddly, they carry the aggression levels of a trode bear - literally. Their anger is suppressed, only coming out when these bears feel threatened. So, on the outside, fluffbears are calm and cuddly, but when provoked, they can wipe out fleets of soldiers in seconds.

They don't possess the largest amount of attacking mechanisms, but they pack a powerful bite. Capable of clamping down over 60,000 psi, they can snap a person in two.

A Genetic Abomination

The exact number of species, who's DNA makes up fluffbears, is unknown. Common estimations are in the thousands. An official document exists on Utopia, listing confirmed and speculated species.

While the use of a handful of species seems obvious, such as trode bears and bapycaras (aggressiveness and colour, respectively), the presence of most species is perplexing, leaving many with questions. It is theorised that fluffbears were simply an experiment to see how far genetic fusing could be taken.

Confirmed/Unconfirmed Species
Gold Gobbler
Mag Mite
Sun Ray
Titanic Tortonid
Trode Bear
This list will be expanded in the future!

Many believe fluffbears experience an eternal pain from simply existing. The fusing of countless different species, designed to survive in such diverse and opposing climates, have forced fluffbears into a world of inescapable pain.

Look in its eyes. It looks... in pain.
Related Locations
Gilde XG

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Species | Apr 11, 2024

An intelligent species from Karkhala. They have displaced trillions of people from their home planets, and so have alienated themselves from the entire Yonderverse.

Geographic Location | Apr 11, 2024

A planet in the Kurhira System. Karkhala is the home planet of the oanie, opportunistic predators of space that like to take control of uninhabited planets for their own nefarious reasons.

Gilde XG
Building / Landmark | Jan 26, 2024

A mostly golden asteroid from the Karkhas System. Despite its volcanic activity, it is still actively excavated by the oanie.


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Jul 10, 2024 21:47 by Darren McHaffie

The cuddly ones always die first in my world, lol.

Jul 12, 2024 17:04 by Mochi

That's horrible :O

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Jul 10, 2024 21:50 by Simo

Now I'm sad for the murderfluffs... :(

Jul 12, 2024 17:04 by Mochi

Me too :(

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Jul 10, 2024 22:03 by CoolG

Aww, poor fluffballs ;_;

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Jul 12, 2024 17:06 by Mochi

They don't deserve it D:

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Jul 10, 2024 23:02 by Keon Croucher

60 thousand PSI bite force? Bite a person in half, it could rip the turret off most tanks, that's crazy, I bet they crazy dangerous if they got that kind of bite force that's wild!   I too am sad for the murderfloofs tho, constant pain and agony? Poor floofs......:(

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Aug 20, 2024 19:57 by Mochi

Heheeeee, I love making the occasional completely overpowered creature, I don't do it often! Their bite force is completely unimaginable for humans tbh xD but yeah, I feel bad for them :(

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Jul 11, 2024 01:29 by Aster Blackwell

Dang. That's messed up. Poor things.

Aug 20, 2024 19:58 by Mochi

They deserve better </3

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Jul 11, 2024 03:12 by jyliet of the house

Killer concept! Bears are terrifying, and tortured bioengineered genetic abomination bears even more so.

Aug 20, 2024 19:58 by Mochi

Thank you so much! :D

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Jul 11, 2024 16:03

This is such a cool way to tackle the military formation prompt!

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Aug 20, 2024 20:00 by Mochi

Thank you very much! I don't normally write military formations, had to find something I'd enjoy xD

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Jul 11, 2024 20:56 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well this terrifying and horrifying. Great job, Mochi

Aug 20, 2024 20:00 by Mochi

Thank youuu! <33

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Aug 11, 2024 13:53 by Han

Fucked up, but cute! CAN you cuddle them safely?

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Aug 20, 2024 20:00 by Mochi

You can indeed! Just don't give them a reason to be threatened xD

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Aug 20, 2024 00:46 by Marjorie Ariel

So, not only are the oanie engaging in what should probably be illegal genetic manipulation (considering the pain the fluffbears are in), but they are employing very dangerous creatures as guards. I mean... what if one of their own accidentally makes a fluffbear feel threatened? A lot of unneccessary carnage. Nope, I do not like this, Sam I Am.

Aug 20, 2024 20:03 by Mochi

This is 1000% illegal, but it's not like the oanie care xD if you remember the Galanti-Karkhala War, the oanie will do whatever they want, and nothing will stop them D:   and if an oanie threaten one of these bears, well then, whoops...

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Aug 21, 2024 03:19 by Marjorie Ariel

Well, I'm glad to know it's illegeal, though it doesn't surprise me that they do it anyway. All the more reason I don't like them.

Aug 21, 2024 16:51 by Rin Garnett

Hearing that the fluffbears are genetic experiments and likely live in perpetual pain makes killing them seem more merciful than violent :(

Aug 23, 2024 17:52 by Mochi

I never thought about it like that! D:

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